
  • 网络tube amplifier;hifi
  1. 这也是我第一印象,很高兴得到你的认同,凤凰结合了胆机与晶体管机中最好的部分。

    That was also one of the first impressions I gave Les , that it combines the best of tube and SS . I 'm glad you echo my feelings on that .

  2. 这导致主要产品是晶体管类扩音机,当然我们不排斥完全电池供电的胆机设备,虽然胆机电池供电重量和体积太大,对大多数人也不划算。

    This mainly led to solid state devices , while we did not refrain from fully battery driven tube equipment , although those may by too big in size , in weight and in budget for many .