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  • lungfish
  1. 非洲有四种不同的肺鱼。

    Four different species of lungfish are found in africa .

  2. 我该去赶上我的肺鱼了。

    I should go catch up to my lungfish .

  3. 我会来参加你的有关于肺鱼的课。

    I should go catch up to my lungfish . I mean , class .

  4. 肺鱼离水后以暂不活动的状态可存活3年。

    The lungfish can live out of water in a state of suspended animation for three years .

  5. 腔棘鱼是一种罕见的鱼,相较常见的辐鳍鱼,它们与肺鱼、爬行动物甚至哺乳动物才是近亲。

    A rare order of fish , coelacanths are more closely related to lungfish , reptiles and even mammals than to common ray-finned fish .

  6. “肺鱼:一种属于肺鱼亚纲的鱼类,包括肺鱼,它具有可通过更改肺使具呼吸大气空气特征.”

    " dipnoan : any of various fishes of the group Dipnoi , which includes the lungfishes , characterized by modified lungs that enable them to breathe atmospheric air . "

  7. 同样的问题也适用于宽足蝾螈(655亿对碱基),非洲肺鱼(1320亿)和衣笠草(又名重楼百合,1490亿)。

    Or why , for that matter , do the broad-footed salamander ( 65.5 billion bases ) , the African lungfish ( 132 billion ) and the Paris japonica flower ( 149 billion ) ?

  8. 西弗先生曾是一名厨师,他鼓励食客们避开熟悉的食物物种,去选择更具有可持续性且更有益健康的物种,如青鳕鱼、裸盖鱼、鲅鱼、黑线鳕以及农场养殖的澳洲肺鱼和虾等。

    Mr. Seaver , a former chef , encourages diners to stray from the familiar to more sustainable - and wholesome - species like pollock , sablefish , Spanish mackerel , haddock , and farm-raised barramundi and shrimp .