
  • 网络weakness
  1. 结果MMN的临床表现为慢性、非对称性远端肢体无力;

    Results The clinical features with MMN are chronic asymmetrical weakness of distant limbs .

  2. 多灶性运动神经病(MMN)是一种以缓慢进展的非对称性肢体无力为特征的免疫性疾病。

    Multifocal motor neuropathy ( MMN ) is an immune-mediated disorder characterized by slowly progressive asymmetrical limb weakness .

  3. MS首发及常见症状为感觉异常、肢体无力、视力减退及括约肌功能障碍,病变部位以脊髓受累最多见,部分患者存在精神情感障碍。

    The most common lesions were located in spinal cord . Most MS patients had sensory disturbance .

  4. 临床症状多为头晕、肢体无力、言语不清、复视、TIA发作。

    Clinical symptoms included dizziness , extremity adynamia , barylalia , diplopia , TIA et al .

  5. 结果刺激组(SG)毛发相对黯淡无光、卷曲,精神萎靡,惊恐,消瘦,肢体无力,摄食减少,饮水减少,手术伤口愈合迟缓,符合中医脑梗死后遗症征候。

    Results In electric stimulation group , the rats showed relatively dark and convoluted hair , depression , emotional panic , emaciation , somatasthenia , bad appetite , decreased drinking , delayed operative cut healing , which consisted with the signs of cerebral infarction sequela in Traditional Chinese medicine .

  6. 肢体无力4例(11.1%);

    Limbs weakness , 4 cases ( 11.1 % );

  7. 首发症状以肢体无力多见,占54%;

    Most of initial symptoms ( 54 % ) were weakness of limbs .

  8. 报告脑干肿瘤11例,临床症状以眼动障碍、吞咽困难、肢体无力和步态不稳为常见。

    11 cases of Brain stem tumour were reported .

  9. 首发症状以肢体无力最常见。

    The most common initial symptoms are limb weakness .

  10. 5例术前肢体无力患者肢恢复正常。

    No pain was found and 5 cases of limb asthenia were also recovered .

  11. 临床表现为肢体无力、活动障碍,大小便失禁等。

    Clinical situation were limbs powerless , activity obstacle , urinary and fecal incontinence , and so on .

  12. 除眼外肌麻痹外,3例闭目肌力减退、1例轻度吞咽困难、1例轻度肢体无力。

    Besides ophthalmoplegia , 3 had orbicularis weakness , 1 had mind dysphagia , 1 had mind limb weakness .

  13. 3岁男童,因脱发、皮疹6月,进行性肢体无力3个月就诊。

    The child was admitted with a 6 month history of alopecia and tetter and progressive lower limbs flaccidity for 3 months .

  14. Ⅱ-B型主要因素:出现肢体无力;次要因素:出现咀嚼无力吞咽困难、构音不清。

    ⅱ - B type primary factors : appearing general fatigue ; secondary factors : appearing weakness of chewing and swallowing , unclear articulation .

  15. 其临床特征是:(1)近端和远端肢体无力,腱反射减弱或消失;

    Clinical characteristics are : ( 1 ) weakness of the proximal a , well as distal limbs , diminution or loss of tendon reflexes ;

  16. 以肢体无力、无意识障碍伴认知功能损害为表现的3例巴洛病患者的临床与影像特征

    Three reports on clinical manifestation and radiological features of Balo 's concentric sclerosis : Limb asthenia , without conscious disturbance , and combined with cognitive functional lesion

  17. 除4例死亡外,有23例(39.0%)出现神经功能障碍,表现为肢体无力、偏身感觉障碍、偏盲、语言障碍、颅神经麻痹等。

    Except four deaths , 23 patients ( 39.0 % ) had long-term neurological deficits such as limbs weakness , hemidysesthesia , hemianopia , aphasia or cranial nerve palsy .

  18. 结果患者主要表现为反复发热,逐渐进展的智能低下、抽搐发作、头痛、视力下降、听力下降、肢体无力等,其中发热为8例患者的共同临床表现;

    Results The main manifestations of 8 cases were repeated fever , progressive mental impairment , seizures , headache , descent of eyesight and hearing , weakness of extremities .

  19. 临床上首发症状为癫痫的62例,以进行性一侧肢体无力15例,以头痛等颅内压增高症状为主要表现起病的10例。

    Initial symptoms showed seizures in 62 cases , presented unilateral limb weakness progressively in 15 cases , presented increased intracranial pressure symptoms such as headache in 10 cases .

  20. 临床表现为脑神经受损、头痛、肢体无力和共济失调,其中45例肿瘤最大径>4.5cm。

    The clinical manifestations of these cases were cranial nerve impairment , headache , weakness of extremities and ataxia , 45 cases of them with tumor diameter > 4.5 cm .

  21. 不少中风病人发病前在短时间内出现过一侧肢体无力或麻木症状,伴有突然说话不利或吐字不清。

    Many stroke patients in a short period of time prior to the onset of the side appeared physically unable or symptoms of numbness , accompanied by a sudden negative words or Enunciation unclear .

  22. 受凉和/或上呼吸道感染为最常见诱因(53.3%);常见临床症状依次为肢体无力(68.2%)、视力障碍(42.4%)和感觉障碍(42.4%);

    The most common inducement was catching a cold and / or infection of upper respiratory tract ( 53.3 % ), the common symptoms included weakness in limbs ( 68.2 % ), dysfunction of eyesight ( 42.4 % ) and abnormal in sense ( 42.4 % ) .

  23. 首发症状主要为受累肢体麻木无力和(或)感觉异常,随病程由上向下发展为其特征。

    The primary symptoms were mainly numbness , weakness and paresthesia of extremities with the characteristics of progressing from upwards to downwards .

  24. 大多数肿瘤的早期症状是颈肩部疼痛、肢体麻木、无力。

    Mostly the early symptom included pain along neck and shoulder , numbness and weakness .

  25. 结果脑干放射性损伤的临床表现为肢体麻木、无力或瘫痪及颅神经损伤症状。

    Results Clinical symptoms included number weakness or paralysis in the limbs and symptoms of damaged cranial nerves .

  26. 均有突发单肢或单侧肢体麻木、无力、言语不清、吞咽困难等局灶性神经功能缺失等表现。

    All patients manifested as limb or one-sided numbness , weakness , speech and swallowing difficulties or other manifestations of focal neurological deficits .

  27. 《祈祷》画中人物究竟站了多久我们无法得知,但那早已僵固的肢体显然已无力脱离此一状态。

    It is unclear as to how long the two figures in Pray may have been standing at such assiduous attention , but in their frozen state , they seem incapable to come undone .

  28. 其中11例患者有肢体近端无力,吞咽困难8例,复视5例,4例有偏头痛病史,3例有心脏传导阻滞,3例有视网膜色素变性,2例有听力下降。

    In all 22 cases , 11 cases had proximal weakenss , 8 had dysphagia , 5 had diplopia , 4 had migraine , 3 had conduction defect , 3 had retinitis pigmentosa and 2 had hearing defect .

  29. 结果(1)儿童时发病,早期关节挛缩和心脏受累,相继出现对称性肢体肌肉萎缩和无力是EDMD的临床特征;

    Results ( 1 ) Onset in early childhood , joint contractures and cardiac involvement , followed by symmetrical limb muscular wasting and weakness were clinical feature of EDMD .

  30. 起初最常见之症状为背痛及肢体麻木感,肿瘤常至肢体无力成大小便障碍出现时才被诊断出来。(截肢后依然感到肢体存在的)幻肢(感)

    The commonest intial symptoms were back pain and numbness over limbs , but later muscle weakness and sphincter disturbances came to predominate .