
  • 网络Physical Disability;physical handicap;limbs disability
  1. 目的分析辅助器具适配在肢体残疾者中的情况。

    Objective To analyze the adaptations of assistive devices to persons with physical disability .

  2. 由于肢体残疾,谭美在爬楼梯时不太方便。

    Due to her physical disability , Tammy wa 't able to climb ste very well .

  3. 这些人虽然肢体残疾,但心智健全。

    These people are mentally sound , but physically handicapped .

  4. 肢体残疾成人社会生活状况和心理健康的关系

    Relationship between Social Support and Mental Health in the Physical Disabled Adults

  5. 我们的研究结果是关于肢体残疾的学生,而不是视力有障碍的学生。

    Our findings relate to physically rather than the visually handicapped pupils .

  6. 肢体残疾成年人生活状况和自我感受1:1配对分析

    Comparative Analysis on Living Status of Physically Disabled and Non - disabled Adults

  7. 2004年北京市0~6岁儿童肢体残疾抽样调查报告

    Sample investigation of the aged 0 ~ 6 years crippled children in Beijing

  8. 辅助技术在肢体残疾康复中的应用

    Application of Assistant Technology for Rehabilitation of Limb-deformity

  9. 智能型多功能肢体残疾康复治疗仪的研制

    The Development of Intelligent Multifunction Instrument of Treatment and Rehabilitation for Disablement of Limb

  10. 脑瘫是我国儿童肢体残疾最常见、最主要的疾病之一。

    Cerebral palsy is one of the major and common diseases among handicapped children of China .

  11. 结论家庭环境因素是影响肢体残疾大学生的成就动机的重要原因。

    Conclusion Family environment factors are important reasons that effect the achievement motivation of disabled college students .

  12. 社区康复治疗脑卒中后遗症肢体残疾的疗效观察

    Observation of Curative Effects on Treatment of Patients with Limb Disability Sequela after Stroke in Community Health Service

  13. 调查两组妇女不良妊娠结局及子女智力残疾、癫痫、肢体残疾等发育障碍。

    The unhealthy pregnancy of the two group women and the growth obstruction of their children were investigated .

  14. 肢体残疾成年人社会关系和社会支持状况配对研究

    A Matching Study on the Status of Social Relationship and Social Support of Physically Disabled Adults and Non-disabled Persons

  15. 这种多元化甚至开始扩展到另一个常被人们忽视的群体&肢体残疾者,尽管这种变化很微妙,但它的确正在发生。

    Subtly , but surely the dialogue is expanding to include another often-overlooked demographic & individuals with physical disabilities .

  16. 结果:确诊为肢体残疾者共27人,时点患病率为2.70‰。

    Results : 27 cases were defined as limb impairment . The prevalence of the limb impairment in Jiangsu was 2.7 ‰ .

  17. 残疾程度越重的肢体残疾者对辅助器具的需求越大(P<0.001)。

    The more severe persons with physical disability was , the greater the demand of assistive devices was ( P < 0.001 ) .

  18. 结论综合康复训练可降低脑卒中偏瘫病人恢复期肢体残疾程度,提高生活质量。

    Conclusion The comprehensive rehabilitation training could lower the disability level of stroke patients with hemiplegia at recovery stage and improve their quality of life .

  19. 本文从心理护理、肢体残疾障碍护理、肢体残疾功能恢复护理等几个方面说明对肢体残疾患者的护理要求与具体做法,以帮助患者早日康复。

    This paper discusses the requirements for nursing handicapped person with deformed limb from the aspects of psychological nursing , living nursing and rehabilitative nursing .

  20. 对140例肢体残疾成人进行社会生活状况和心理健康状况的配对调查研究。

    A 1 : 1 matched study of social living status and mental health status in 140 physical disabled adults and 140 non-disabled persons was made .

  21. 肢体残疾医科大学生个性及心理健康状况调查我们的研究结果是关于肢体残疾的学生,而不是视力有障碍的学生。

    Investigation on Personality and Mental Health Status in Medical College Students with Limb Disabled ; Our findings relate to physically rather than the visually handicapped pupils .

  22. 结果:①调查结果显示,当地农村社区的残疾以肢体残疾为主(占67.6%),主要是意外事故所致(占51.4%);

    RESULTS : ① The investigation showed that disabled people in the locality were mainly extremity disability ( 67.6 % ), which were caused by accidents ( 51.4 % ) .

  23. 残疾人包括视力残疾、听力残疾、言语残疾、肢体残疾、智力残疾、精神残疾、多重残疾和其他残疾的人。

    The term " disabled persons " refers to those with visual , hearing , speech or physical disabilities , mental retardation , mental isorder , multiple disabilities and / or other disabilities .

  24. 采用社会支持量表对140例20~60岁肢体残疾成年人和140例非残疾人进行了社会关系和社会支持状况的配对调查研究。

    A matching study on 140 cases of physically disabled adults at the ages of 20 to 60 and 140 cases of non-disabled persons was made in terms of their social relations and status of social support by using social support rating scale .

  25. 缺少肢体的残疾状态。三、谢绝怀抱婴儿、下肢残疾者乘坐。

    People carrying baby and the lower limb disabled are declined .

  26. 臂丛神经损伤是骨科临床常见疾病,它往往导致肢体的残疾,严重地影响了患者的生活质量。

    It usually results to limb disability and severely affects the life quality of patient .

  27. 发病后80d时麻痹已恢复的38例,遗留肢体软瘫残疾的16例(占29.63%)。

    16 cases remained acute flaccid paralysis , which accounted for 29.63 % .

  28. 结果:2002年末澳门地区全部HD患者共187人,符合纳入标准(神志清醒、肢体无明显残疾及透析时间≥3个月)的HD患者165人,从中回收问卷151份,问卷应答率91.5%。

    Results : There were totally 187 HD patients in Macau SAR in December 2002 . The questionnaire was completed by 151 of the 165 HD patients who met the surveyed standard ( reponse rate of 91.5 % ) .

  29. 目的了解深圳市0~7岁儿童视力、智力、听力、言语、精神、肢体等六类残疾流行现状。

    ObjectiveTo explore the prevalence of vi si on , mental , audibility , language , psychiatry , extremity , and influence factors in the0-7 year olds .

  30. 结论:江苏省儿童肢体残疚的患病率与1987年相似,影响肢体残疾的主要因素为家庭儿童数等。

    Conclusions : The prevalence of the limb impairment was similar with the1987 ' s.The main risk factors related are he amount of family children .