
  • 网络eso;stock option;executive stock option
  1. 比较影响股票期权制效率的各种因素;

    Compare the factors affecting the efficiency of ESO ;

  2. 股票期权制:一种先进的激励与约束机制

    ESO : an Advanced Incentive and Constraint Mechanism

  3. 阐述了企业经理人员股票期权制(ESO)的含义、作用和形式。

    This essay deals with the contents , functions and forms of Executive Stock Option ( ESO ) .

  4. 经理股票期权制的基础和效用分析

    Analysis of the Effect and Basis of Executive Stock Option Program

  5. 我国上市公司经理股票期权制的适用性分析

    On the applicability of the mechanism of executive stock options in China

  6. 股票期权制与国有企业改革

    Executive Stock Option System and Reform of State-owned Enterprises

  7. 经理股票期权制借鉴·问题·对策

    Executive Stock Option : References , Problems and Countermeasures

  8. 股票期权制与国有企业经营者激励机制创新

    Stock Option System and Stimulating Mechanism Innovation of the Manager of State-Owned Enterprises

  9. 股票期权制的目标取向和制度保证

    Objective Direction and System Guarantee of Executive Stock Options

  10. 对人力资本与股票期权制的新思考

    A Thought on Human Capital and Stock Option

  11. 股票期权制是目前比较先进的一种激励与约束机制。

    Executive Stock Option is currently a kind of advanced incentive and constraint mechanism .

  12. 人力资本计量与股票期权制实施

    Human Capital Measuring and Stock Option Implementing

  13. 论国企改革中的股票期权制建设

    Stock Option System Manipulation in State-Owned Enterprises

  14. 谈股票期权制的缺陷

    Defects of Stock Term Holding System

  15. 依据模糊物元分析方法,论文评价了经理股票期权制的激励效率。

    By adopting fuzzy-matter element method , the executive stock option mechanism has been comprehensively assessed .

  16. 经营者激励与股票期权制

    Motivating the Managers with Stock Options

  17. 股票期权制的现实问题与对策

    Problems and Countermeasures in Stock Option

  18. 重点论述了经营者年薪制和经营者股票期权制。

    The main point discussed is the Year salary system and the Executive stock option system .

  19. 股票期权制中经理人的道德风险分析及应对策略研究

    Analysis on the Moral Risk of the Managers in Stock Options System and Study on Corresponding Strategies

  20. 从政府角度提出改进股票期权制效率的政策建议;

    Bring forward the policy advice to improve the efficiency of ESO from the standpoint of government ;

  21. 美国股票期权制的应用弊端、完善措施及对我国企业的启示

    The Drawbacks and Improvement Measures of American Stock Futures System in Application and the Enlightenment to China

  22. 我国上市公司实施股票期权制的困境及对策

    The Difficulties of the Share-stock Companies of China in Implementation of the Future Stock System and the Countermeasures

  23. 当然经理股票期权制也不是万能的良药,不一定有效的适应所有的企业,不一定能完全解决企业的激励约束问题。

    Executive Stock Option is not applicable to every company , which can 't solve the incentive problem .

  24. 这四类因素相互影响,共同作用于企业内部的股票期权制,产生制度的综合效应,最终决定了股票期权制的效率。

    Section 4 constructs an integrative effect mode of ESO , which contains correlative factors affecting institutional efficiency .

  25. 具体来说,是按照剩余索取权和剩余控制权相对应的原则,通过年薪制、股权制以及股票期权制这三种途径来实现。

    Three ways , which can realize it , are yearly salary system , stock right and stock option .

  26. 经理股票期权制对创业板上市公司的激励效应分析

    Analysis on Stimulating Effect of the Executive Stock Option System upon the Listed Corporations in the Second Board Market

  27. 股票期权制;

    Options system ;

  28. 现代公司治理结构中人力资本的产权安排有股票期权制、员工持股制、动态股权制。

    The property right arrangement of human capital has Executive Stock Options , Employee Stock Ownership Plans and Dynamic Sharing System .

  29. 股票期权制的实施范围是高新技术产业、竞争性国有企业和国有控股企业;

    The scope of the implementation of the stock options is high-tech industries , the competitive state-owned enterprises and state-owned proprietary enterprises .

  30. 激励性外在薪酬体系包括外在整体薪酬体系、股票期权制薪酬体系、宽带薪酬体系。

    Excitability external salary system including external overall salary system , stock time authority and legality salary system , wide band salary system .