
  • 网络equity capital;Private Equity;equitycapital
  1. 考虑到这一数目几乎是过去半年美国股权资本融资总额(据dealogic的数据)的3倍,找到这些资金将困难重重。

    Finding that kind of money will be tricky considering the sum is almost three times total US equity capital raisings during the last half a year , according to Dealogic data .

  2. 这样使公司的管理层以EVA值的最大化为目标,考虑公司股权资本成本,进而能够有效地使用资本,为股东创造价值。

    Managers aim to maximizing the value of the company , taking account to the equity capital effectively to create the value for shareholders .

  3. 行业间公司绩效EPA(单位资产实现EVA)与股权资本成本率以及地区间EPA特异性显著;

    The difference of the cost ratio of industry equity capital and performance ( EPA ) in industry & region is very remarkable ;

  4. 从明天开始,预计华尔街投资银行将纷纷公布强劲的第二季度业绩,原因是股权资本市场、咨询和资产管理带来的收入,抵消了抵押担保证券(mortgage-backedSecurities)发行减少的影响。

    Wall Street investment banks are expected to report strong second-quarter earnings starting tomorrow , as equity capital markets , advisory and asset management revenues offset a decline in mortgage-backed securities issuance .

  5. 许多投资者正在处于追赶模式,追逐风险的一个非常简单的方法就是参与IPO,瑞银(UBS)的股权资本市场联合体主管AC•摩根(ACMorgan)说。

    A lot of investors are in chase mode and a very easy way to get risk-on is via an IPO , says AC Morgan , head of equity capital markets syndicate at UBS .

  6. 许多公司制定上市时间时有意避免与阿里巴巴同期定价,美银美林(BankOfAmericaMerrillLynch)的美国股权资本市场主管JD•莫里亚蒂(JDMoriarty)说。

    Many companies deliberately timed their deals to avoid pricing alongside Alibaba , says JD Moriarty , head of Americas equity capital markets at Bank of America Merrill Lynch .

  7. 城市房地产开发可持续发展理论与评价本文在西方估价模型的基础上,通过在我国市场中的实证研究,初步建立了股权资本成本估算模型和IPO定价模型。

    STUDY ON THEORY AND VALUATION METHOD OF URBAN REAL ESTATE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The new valuation method on capital cost and the multivariant P / E-risk adjustment method for IPO are innovation of this thesis .

  8. 市场正在喘气,所以IPO市场也要喘口气,瑞信(CreditSuisse)股权资本市场的全球负责人戴维·赫尔默(DavidHermer)说。

    The market is taking a breath , and therefore the I.P.O. market will also take a breath , said David Hermer , global head of equity capital markets at Credit Suisse .

  9. 这让人们相信IPO市场整体上是活跃和健康的,还是一个适合投资的地方,德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)全球股权资本市场主管马克•汉索(MarkHantho)说。

    It will give people confidence that the IPO market broadly is alive and well and still a place to invest , says Mark Hantho , global head of equity capital markets at Deutsche Bank .

  10. 巴克莱(Barclays)全球股权资本市场联席主管山姆迪安(SamDean)表示:随着市场表现良好和波动性显著下降,IPO环境在较短时间内便已得到大幅改善。

    With markets performing strongly and volatility sharply lower , the environment for initial public offerings has improved dramatically in a relatively short period of time , says Sam Dean , global co-head of equity capital markets at Barclays .

  11. EVA最为简单的定义是公司净经营利润扣除债务和股权资本成本的利润余额,相对传统的会计利润,EVA最大的优点在于其考虑了所有生产要素的成本。

    The simplest definition of EVA is the surplus profit after deducting the cost of the liabilities and the shareholders ' equity from net operating profits . The most prominent advantage of EVA lies in that it takes the cost of all production elements into consideration .

  12. 企业股权资本成本的计量与核算探析

    Measuring and Accounting of the Cost of Equity Capital in Enterprises

  13. 新疆引入私募股权资本融资问题研究

    The Study of Introducing Private Equity Capital Financing in Xinjiang

  14. 但是,铝也会有助于支撑银行的股权资本市场业务吗?

    Can it also help prop up banks ' equity capital market desks ?

  15. 1章,私募股权资本的经济学分析。

    Chapter 1 is related to the economics analysis on private equity capital .

  16. 私募股权资本退出与公司治理因素关系的实证研究

    Empirical Research on the Relationship between PE Capital Exit and Corporate Governance Factors

  17. 我国钢铁上市公司股权资本系统风险的测量

    Measurement of the systematic risk of equity capital of listed steel companies in China

  18. 为给这笔交易筹集资金,阿里巴巴将举债和发行股权资本。

    To finance the deal Alibaba will raise a mix of debt and equity capital .

  19. (二)参与机构或企业的股权资本投资;

    ( ii ) by investment of funds in the equity capital of an institution or enterprise ;

  20. (十一)银行应设法保持其股权资本投资的多样化。

    11 . The Bank shall seek to maintain reasonable diversification in its investments in equity capital .

  21. 这似乎表明,该集团正利用股权资本(而不是保费)为收购提供资金。

    That suggests the group is using equity capital , rather than premiums , to finance purchases .

  22. 股权资本市场等领域的业务量已经回落到5年前的水平。

    Business lines such as equity capital markets are back to levels last seen five years ago .

  23. 企业负债承受能力的大小受企业经营收益、资产流动性和股权资本状况制约。

    The limitation of enterprises ' liability is affected by operational income , asset liquidity and equity capital .

  24. 即使不包括股权资本市场,在收入最高的10大新兴市场投资银行中,中国也占有4席。

    Even excluding ECM , China accounts for four of the top 10 emerging market investment banks by revenues .

  25. 资本结构(又称融资结构)是企业酬资决策的核心问题,其主要是指债务资本和股权资本的比例关系。

    The capital structure ( named as financial structure too ) is the core content of the enterprise financing decision-making .

  26. 股权资本成本估算是现代财务理论发展中的重点难点问题。

    The cost of equity capital estimation is the key and difficult problem in the development of modern financial theory .

  27. 股权资本成本合理界域是股权资本成本估算研究发展的最新内容之一。

    The reasonable boundaries of cost of equity capital are one of the newest developments of estimating the cost of equity capital .

  28. 无论从股权资本缺口还是从债务资金缺口看,我国中小企业的发展都面临着融资困难的问题,而金融租赁业在解决这一问题上具有优势。

    Small and medium-sized enterprises in China are faced with circulating funds difficulties in terms of shortage of equity capital and debt capital .

  29. 如果你在寻找一个在股权资本市场的职位,你应该关注重要的首次公开发行。

    If you are looking for a position in the equity capital market , you should look into a major initial public offering .

  30. 私募股权资本是资本要素和人力资本要素的结合体,人力资本要素是私募股权基金价值增值的源泉。

    Private equity capital is a combination of capital and human capital and the latter is the headspring of private equity value investment .