
  • 网络femur length
  1. 胎儿股骨长度与双顶径比值的临床意义

    Clinical Evaluation of the Relationship between Fetal Femur Length and Biparietal Diameter

  2. 测量各组尿蛋白、血生化指标和右股骨长度;

    Urine protein , serum biochemical levels and the femur length were measured .

  3. 在饲喂到90d时,鸡肝组幼猫股骨长度极显著低于猫粮组(P<0.01)。

    The length of femur was decreased in chicken liver group on 90 days .

  4. 研究同时表明,水解产物具有促进模型小鼠钙表观吸收率、存留率的作用(P0.05),并显著提高股骨长度及重量(P0.05)。

    The results also showed that the hydrolysate could result in promotions of apparent calcium absorption rate and retention rate in mice , P 0.05 . It could also increase the length and weight of femur in mice significantly , P 0.05 .

  5. 髓内钉术前无创体表测量股骨长度的方法研究

    Non-invasive measurement of the length of the femur before intramedullary nailing

  6. 应用超声探测胎儿股骨长度估计妊娠周数

    Ultrasonic Measurement of the Femur Length for Estimation of Fetal Gestational Age

  7. 跑台运动组大鼠股骨长度明显高于自由恢复组,具有显著性差异。

    Femur length of treadmill exercise group is longer than free restoration group , with significant difference .

  8. 1厘米,这是老鼠的股骨长度,大象的长度,是它的整整100倍。

    The mouse has indeed only one centimeter length of the femur and the elephant is , indeed , hundred times longer .

  9. 质量与股骨长度的,三次方成正比,同时与股骨厚度的平方,成正比。

    The mass is proportional to the length of the femur to the power three and to the thickness of the femur to the power two .

  10. 结果表明:与对照组相比,大豆苷元实验组大鼠的骨重及股骨长度有增加的趋势;

    Results has showed that compare to the control group , the bone weight and the length of femur of rats administrated with daidzein had the tend of increasing ;

  11. 我们的分析结果包括股骨长度可能是预测成人糖尿病风险的主要高度因素,当然还要依赖其他未知危险因子。

    Our analysis concludes that femur length could be the key component in height contributing to the risk of diabetes in adults , independently of other known risk factors .

  12. 与其大小的,三次方相关,所以它必然与股骨长度的三次方,成正比,由于这个关系式。

    And so if it 's related to the third power of the size it must also be proportional to the third power of the length of the femur because of this relationship .

  13. 本文对232例胎儿的双顶径、腹径、股骨长度和股径进行了超声测定,将这些数据作统计分析后导出3个估计胎儿体重回归方程。

    The ultrasonic determination of the biparietal diameter , abdomen diameter , femur length and the thigh diameter were made in 232 fetus . Statistical analysis of the data were performed by computer and three equations for estimating fetal weight were derived .

  14. 前肢约占后肢长度的81%,手部约占前肢长度的46%,胫骨约占股骨长度的150%,坐骨约占股骨长度的31%。

    Forelimb accounts for about 81 % the length of hindlimb , manus accounts for about 46 % the length of forelimb , tibia accounts for about 150 % of femoral length and ischium accounts for about 31 % of the femoral length .

  15. 测定右侧股骨长度、重量、股骨骨密度及骨钙含量,左侧股骨最大载荷、最大挠度、弹性能量吸收、最大应力、弹性模量。

    The length , weight , bone mineral density , and calcium content of the right thigh-bone were measured . The maximum load , maximum deformation , elastic energy absorption , maximum stress , and elastic modulus of the left thigh - bone were also measured .

  16. 材料与方法对262例在分娩前5天内,用B型超声测定胎儿双顶径、腹围、肝脏长度、股骨长度,分别用各种方程式得出胎儿体重,并与新生儿实际出生体重进行比较。

    Materials and methods Fetal biparietal diameter ( BPD ), abdominal circumference ( AC ), liver length ( LL ), femur length ( FL ) were measured by ultrasonography with the equation for a circle within 5 days of delivery and analyzed with neonatal birth weight in 262 cases .

  17. 股骨的长度,必然与动物,大小成正比。

    I would argue that the length of the femur must be proportional to the size of the animal .

  18. 所以这就是股骨的长度,这是它的厚度,这是它的横截面积。

    So this will be the length of the femur d and this will be the thickness , d A and this will be the cross-sectional area A.

  19. 浣熊的有这么大,而马的几乎是它的四倍,因此马股骨的长度必然约等于,浣熊股骨,长度的四倍。

    A raccoon is this big a horse is about four times bigger so the length of the femur of a horse must be about four times the length of the raccoon .

  20. 方法1.山羊全髋关节假体的制作:测定10只山羊左股骨头直径,股骨颈长度,股骨髓腔宽度以及髋臼内径,设计和制作山羊人工髋关节假体。

    Manufacture of hip prostheses for goats : diameters of femoral heads , lengths of femoral necks , widths of medullary cavity and inside diameter of acetabular bone of 10 goats were measured and averaged , hip prostheses for goats was design and manufactured . 2 .

  21. 结论股骨骨髓腔长度、狭窄部形态及弧度等参数在交锁髓内钉的设计和应用中发挥着制约性作用。

    Conclusion The length of the femur medullary cavity , the form of narrow part and the arc were exerting the conditionality function for designing and applying the Chinese intramedullary nail fixation .

  22. 并分别于0,1,2,4,8,12周从各组取8只大鼠,测量大鼠体质量,股骨、胫骨长度和质量,测定股骨、胫骨和腰椎骨密度和胫骨中微量元素含量。

    Then , 8 rats were chosen from each group at times of 0,1,2,4,8,12 weeks to determine the parameters , such as body weight , the weight and length of left femur and left tibial , bone mass density and trace elements , respectively .

  23. 后半月板股骨韧带的平均长度、中点平均宽度均大于前半月板股骨韧带。

    The mean length and median width of posterior meniscofemoral ligament was more than that of anterior meniscofemoral ligament .

  24. 生命1号能明显提高单核细胞吞噬功能,显著增加小鼠血清溶血素的含量,促进T淋巴细胞的转化。除此之外,还能明显地增加阳虚大鼠股骨的重量、长度、直径及皮质厚度;

    Also it could obviously raise the monocyte phagocytosis , greatly increase the hemolysin content in serum and promote the T-lymphocyte blastogenesis of mice .

  25. 再利用边缘信息找出股骨的端点,计算出股骨长度。

    Combining with the edge information of images , the location of femoral endpoints is found , the femur length can be estimated .

  26. 方法:行维吾尔族人股骨横断面和全长的CT扫描,测量股骨长度、股骨头直径和位置、颈干角等参数。

    Methods : To scan the uighur femur by CT , the femoral length , head . diameter , position and femoral neck shaft angle were measured and obtained .

  27. 四周的跑台训练对模拟失重大鼠股骨和腰椎骨密度、生物力学指标以及股骨组织形态计量学指标的股骨长度都有明显的影响。

    Four weeks of treadmill training increased bone mineral density of femur and lumbar spine , bio-mechanics as well as the femur histomorphometry of the femur length indicators significantly . 5 .

  28. 通过股骨上部纵横断面观察和对股骨距的微观观察,测得股骨距的长度、位置、走行和毗邻关系,证明股骨距为三棱柱状密质骨板,自内侧骨皮质伸向髓腔。

    The length , location , direction and relationship with contiguous bones were measured by means of observation of vertical and horizontal sections and microstructures of the femur .