
ɡǔ fèn zhì ɡǎi zào
  • Shareholding reform;transformation (of state-owned firms) in line with stock system;remolding (of state-owned firms) with the stock system
  1. G公司是2000年由国有企业经股份制改造成的电子制造类企业。

    G company is the electronics manufacturing enterprise , which was transferred into joint-stock from the state-owned enterprise in the year 2000 .

  2. 作为正处于股份制改造关键时期的XX银行,更是深受其害。

    At the period of shareholding system reform , XX Bank is also suffered from letter of credit fraud .

  3. 我国商业银行的股份制改造与上市

    Transformation of the Commercial Banks Joint - stock System and Listing

  4. 股份制改造与银行稽核组织模式探析

    A Probe into Share Equity Transformation & Bank Auditing Organization Model

  5. 国家意愿·赎买·国有银行股份制改造

    State Intention . Redemption . Shareholding System Reform on State-owned Banks

  6. 四大国有商业银行股份制改造和上市研究

    Research on Shareholding Transformation Reform Ipo of Four State-Owned Commercial Banks

  7. 第二步:进行股份制改造;

    The second is the reform of share - holding system ;

  8. 合资铁路股份制改造的难点及其对策

    Difficulty and Countermeasure to Reforming Joint-Stock System for Jointly Invested Railways

  9. 试论高校校办企业的股份制改造问题

    On The Problems Of Reforming Joint_ Stock Scale In College_owned Enterprise

  10. 国有林业企业股份制改造探索

    Probe of the Reform from State-owned Forestry Enterprise to a Limited Company

  11. 目前城市商业银行的市场化改革和股份制改造正在如火如荼地进行。

    Currently the joint-stock market reform of city commercial banks is ongoing .

  12. 改革中求发展:农村信用合作社股份制改造个案研究&以常熟市农村信用合作社改制为例

    A Case Study of Shareholding Reform of Rural Credit Cooperatives

  13. 浅谈煤炭地勘单位的股份制改造

    Simply Review on Stock System Transform of Coal Geological Units

  14. 林业企业实行股份制改造的意义

    Significance of implementing stock share reconstruction system to forestry enterprises

  15. 政府对国有商业银行股份制改造管理职能的研究

    Government Function in the Joint-Stock Reform of State-Owned Commercial Banks

  16. 关于电信企业股份制改造的几点思考

    Thinkings on the Reform of Posts and Telecommunications Enterprises into Stock companies

  17. 国有企业股份制改造及发展研究

    The Study of State-owned Enterprise Share System Transformation and Development

  18. 股份制改造的误区分析及对策研究

    On the Wrong Aspects and Countermeasures of Stock System Transformation

  19. 五是办“教育集团”和“股份制改造”;

    Running " education group " and carrying out " share system ";

  20. 股份制改造后商业银行内部审计风险及防范探讨

    On the Auditing Risk and Precaution in Business Bank after Stock Reform

  21. 国有企业实行股份制改造应注意的问题

    Attention to the Problems Caused by Improving the Stock of State Enterprises

  22. 科技型企业实现股份制改造的探讨

    A Research into The Shareholding System Reform for Scientific and Technological Enterprises

  23. 股份制改造已成为国企体制改革的必然趋势,它已为国企经济体制改革做出了巨大贡献。

    Corporate system has made great contribution to our economic structural reforms .

  24. 科技中介机构股份制改造的模式研究

    Study on the Shareholding System Reformation of Technology Intermediary Organization

  25. 资产重组:对优质资产进行股份制改造。

    Asset re-structuring : to conduct shareholding reform for high quality assets .

  26. 在股份制改造中实现经营管理理念的转变

    Conversion of operation management concept is realized in the stock system reconstruction

  27. 西南车辆制造厂股份制改造方案设计研究

    Schemes of Stock System Reform in Southwestern Automobile Manufacturing Plant

  28. 文章认为,对医院集团进行股份制改造是解决问题的有效手段之一。

    The effective method is to reconstruct hospital groups according to joint-stock system .

  29. 中化供销集团股份制改造研究

    Research on the Shareholding System Transformation of China Chemical Supply & Sales Group

  30. 国有商业银行产权制度变迁的实现形式:股份制改造

    Reforming Model of State-owned Commercial Bank 's Ownership System : Joint Stock System