
  • 网络liver lobe
  1. 非肝硬化性肝叶萎缩的CT诊断及临床意义

    Clinical Significance and CT Diagnosis of Noncirrhotic Hepatic Lobar Atrophy

  2. 16层螺旋CT体积测量评估肝硬化肝叶大小的价值

    The Value of 16 slices Helical CT Volume Measurement in Assessing the Cirrhotic Liver Lobes

  3. B组部分大鼠肝脏边缘变钝,肝叶之间、肝脏与腹膜之间出现粘连。

    In group B , some liver 's border become blunt , there are conglutination between lobes or lobes and peritoneum .

  4. 感染和非感染肝叶组织内ATP含量与其线粒体呼吸活性同步降低。

    The content of ATP and mitochondrial respiratory activity decreased synchronously in both hepatic lobes .

  5. 结论16层螺旋CT能准确地测量肝脏及各肝叶的体积,肝硬化肝脏的大小与疾病的严重程度相关。

    Conclusion The 16 slices helical CT can measure the hepatic lobes accurately , the changes of the hepatic lobes volume are correlated with the severity of liver cirrhosis .

  6. 目的采用16层螺旋CT对肝叶进行体积测量,探讨肝硬化肝脏体积变化的规律及其与肝硬化严重程度之间的关系。

    Objective To measure the hepatic lobes with 16 slices helical CT , and discuss the relationship between the changes of the cirrhotic liver volume and the severity of the disease .

  7. Masson染色结果显示结扎肝叶中央静脉周围及汇管区出现广泛的胶原沉积,而未结扎叶肝脏则无明显胶原沉积。

    Masson staining showed that collagen deposited around the central veins and portal areas of the ligated lobes .

  8. 栓塞前、后用CT测量左侧肝叶的体积,并测量栓塞前后的门静脉压力,监测肝功能和凝血功能的变化。

    Left hepatic lobe volume was obtained by computerized tomography ( CT ) before and after PVE . Portal venous pressure , hepatic and thromboplastic functions were also detected before and after PVE .

  9. 蛋白质组学观察:去胆管肝叶白蛋白、载脂蛋白Al、磷酸丙糖异构酶表达无明显降低,Z蛋白和Y蛋白降低明显;去门脉肝叶表现正好相反。

    Proteomics study revealed that the expression of albumin , apolipoprotein A-I and triosephosphate isomerase in the BDD lobe had no obvious reduction and Z and Y protein decreased significantly .

  10. 目的研究分析肠外全营养混合液(TNA)对围手术期肝叶切除患者的疗效。

    Objective To analyse the TNA curative effect on the patients with hepatolobectomy in Perioperative period ?

  11. 方法对91例接受肝叶切除的肝癌患者,采用癌症患者QOL调查表进行调查,并对结果进行分析。

    Methods Interviewed 91 patients who had accepted the liver resection by liver cancer patient quality of life scale , and then analyzed the datum .

  12. 非感染肝叶线粒体RCR呈先升后降的双相改变。

    The hepatic mitochondrial RCR showed early ascending and then dropping in the non infective hepatic lobe .

  13. 超声吸引刀(CUSA)结合双极电凝在肝叶切除术中的应用研究

    The Application of the Cut-Ultrasound Aspiration ( CUSA ) combining bipolar coagulation in hepatectomy

  14. 再次手术方式以胆总管切开T形管引流术、肝叶切除术和肝胆管整形、肝胆管-空肠Roux-en-Y吻合术为主。

    The main method for reoperation included choledocholithotomy and T-tube drainage , lobectomy of liver , choledochoplasty and choledochojejunostomy Roux-en-Y , etc.

  15. Child-PughA、B、C级肝硬化各肝叶大小的变化表现为右叶和方叶逐级缩小,左外叶逐级增大,而尾叶变化不大,全肝体积缩小。

    The changes of the hepatic lobes volume in Child Pugh A 、 B 、 C cirrhotic liver were that the total liver volume and the right lobe , medial lobe reduced gradually , but the left lateral lobe enlarged , the caudate lobe enlarged slightly .

  16. 冷冻损伤部分肝叶Glisson管道二级分支后,相应肝组织保留价值的实验研究

    Experimental study of worth preserving after the corresponding Glisson 's duct system of liver tissue was damaged by deep low temperature

  17. I-R组,分离左中肝叶肝蒂中的胆管及肝动脉、门静脉分支。

    In ischemia-reperfusion group , hepatic reperfusion by interruption of the arterial and portal venous blood supply to the left lobes and middle lobes of liver .

  18. 结论:结果提示Se-SP对肝叶切除大鼠具有明显促肝细胞再生效应,这些硒酶活性上调可能在增强肝细胞再生增殖中起重要作用。

    CONCLUSION : Se-SP enhances hepatocyte proliferation in rat hepatectomy , up-regulation of selenoenzymes might be responsible for this effect .

  19. 结果:大鼠肝癌种植后7天,种植肝叶均可见类圆形、单发瘤灶影,大小约0.6~0.8cm,CT平扫为低密度,MRI扫描T1WI为低信号。

    Results : Imaging examination showed that single , round tumors were seen in the liver of all these rats seven days later . Low density lesions were seen in pre-contrast scan . Low signal lesions were seen in MRI T 1 WI .

  20. 目的研究硒螺旋藻(Se-SP)对大鼠肝叶切除术后肝细胞再生和抗氧化能力的影响,以印证其生物利用价值。

    Objective To explore the effects of selenium enriched Spirulina platensis ( Se-SP ) on ( antioxidation ) and regeneration of rat hepatocytes after partial hepatectomy .

  21. 肿瘤最大径3cm者14例,3&5cm22例,位于右肝叶22例,左肝叶14例。

    Diameter of the tumor nodule was less than 3 cm in 14 cases , 3-5 cm in 22 cases . Involvement of the right hepatic lobe was noted in 22 cases , left hepatic lobe in 14 cases .

  22. 中肝叶姑息性切除7例,行空肠间置胆肠吻合。

    Palliative excision of middle lobe of liver in 7 cases .

  23. 肝叶切除术后早期静脉无糖营养的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Early Venous Glucose - free Nutrition after Hepatolobectomy

  24. 肝叶、段切除术治疗复杂肝内胆管结石

    Treatment of Complex Intrahepatic Biliary Calculi with Hepatic Lobectomy or Segmentectomy

  25. 天普洛安在肝叶切除治疗肝内胆管结石围手术期的应用研究

    The application of ulinastatin during the operation to treat with hepatolith

  26. 中肝叶巨大肝肿瘤的手术切除

    Resection for huge liver neoplasms in the middle lobe of liver

  27. 肝叶切除术前常规凝血试验价值的评估

    The appraisal of value of preoperative coagulation tests before liver resection

  28. 乌司他丁对肝叶切除术患者围术期肝脏缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用

    Protective effect of ulinastatin on liver reperfusion injury in patients undergoing hepatectomy

  29. 肝叶(段)切除联合手术治疗肝胆管结石并狭窄

    Hepatic segmental resection with combined surgical treatment for hepatobiliary calculus and stricture

  30. 低中心静脉压对肝叶切除术病人的血液保护效应

    Blood-saving effect of low central venous pressure in patients undergoing hepatic lobectomy