
  • 网络Hepatic cyst;liver cyst
  1. 超声引导下穿刺留置引流管治疗肝囊肿患者的研究

    Study on Placement of Drainage Tube under Ultrasonic Guiding to treat Liver Cyst

  2. 用Arrow管引流分次无水乙醇硬化治疗老年巨大肝囊肿

    Long effect observation of large liver cyst in aged patients treated by Arrow tube drainge plus multiple alcohol sclerosis

  3. CT引导下酒精硬化治疗单纯性肝囊肿91例临床分析

    Treatment of Simple Hepatic Cyst with Alcohol Sclerosing Agent Guided by CT

  4. 低场MR水成像诊断单纯性肝囊肿的价值

    Value of MR hydrography in diagnosing hepatic cysts

  5. 肝囊肿CT导向经皮穿刺注射无水酒精硬化治疗

    CT guided percutaneous aspiration and sclerotherapy of hepatic cysts

  6. 肝囊肿209例CT分析研究

    Hepatic Cysts 209 Cases Analysis And Study By CT

  7. CT引导下经皮穿刺肝囊肿硬化治疗

    CT-Guided Percutaneous Sclerosing Therapy of Hepatic Cyst

  8. 目的评价在CT导向下经皮穿刺硬化治疗肝囊肿的临床价值。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of CT guided percutaneous aspiration and sclerotherapy in treatment of hepatic cysts .

  9. CT引导下穿刺置管引流、硬化剂治疗肝囊肿(附10例报告)

    Transcatheter Drainage and Sclerosing Agent Injection to Treat Hepatic Cyst under CT Guided ( A Report of 10 Cases )

  10. 方法:对8例巨大肝囊肿患者进行10次CT引导下穿刺抽液、无水乙醇硬化治疗。

    Methods : Eight patients with huge hepatic cysts were treated by puncturing and injecting absolute alcohol for10 times with the aid of CT .

  11. 11例肝囊肿开窗引流术,平均术后5d出院;

    11 cases with hepatic cyst were performed windowing to drain , and discharged fifth day after operation .

  12. 经B超和CT诊断的55例肝囊肿,占住院人数的0.046%,占肝脏B超检查的0.25%,占腹部CT检查的6.57%。

    Fifty five cases of hepatic cyst diagnosed by β - ultrasound and CT , accounted for 0 . 046 % of in-patients , 0.250 % of β - ultrasound examined livers and 6.57 % of CT abdominal examined patients .

  13. 结论:巨大(≥4cm)、有临床症状的单纯性肝囊肿行经皮囊肿穿刺抽液术均复发;

    Conclusion : Large (≥ 4cm ) symptomatic simple cysts invariably recur after percutaneous aspiration .

  14. 方法回顾48例超声、CT诊断并经手术病理或1a以上随访证实为单纯性肝囊肿的低场MR水成像扫描的影像特点;

    [ Methods ] Retrospectively reviewed the MR hydrography features of 48 patients with the simple hepatic cysts diagnosed according to rigid ultrasound and CT criteria and confirmed by pathology or followed by ultrasound over one year .

  15. 开腹RFA中,5例因胆囊病变同时行胆囊切除术,1例行肝囊肿部分切除术,3例因胆总管结石行胆总管探查术。

    In the open RFA group , cholecystectomy was performed in 5 patients with gallbladder diseases , partial cystectomy was performed in one patient with a hepatic cyst , and choledochotomy was performed in 3 patients with common bile duct stones .

  16. 腹腔镜RFA中,15例因慢性结石性胆囊炎同时行胆囊切除术,2例因病灶累及胆囊床行胆囊切除术,3例行肝囊肿开窗引流术。

    In the laparoscopic RFA group , laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed simultaneously in 15 patients with chronic calculous cholecystitis and in another 2 patients because of tumors abutting the gallbladders , and laparoscopic fenestration with intraperitoneal drainage was performed in 3 patients with simple hepatic cysts .

  17. 非寄生虫性肝囊肿288例超声检查分析

    Ultrasonographic examination and analysis of 288 cases of nonparasitic liver cysts

  18. 应用腹腔镜治疗肝囊肿23例报告

    Reports of laparoscopic treatment in 23 patients with hepatic cyst

  19. 先天性肝囊肿196例治疗体会

    Experience of therapy for 196 patientes with symptomatic congenital cyst of liver

  20. 单纯性肝囊肿不同外科治疗方法的探讨

    Exploration of various surgical treatments for simple cyst of liver

  21. 肝囊肿表现多样,可为稍高信号、等信号或低信号。

    Signal of hepatic cysts varied from low intensity to slightly hyperintensity .

  22. 先天性肝囊肿(附30例报告)

    Congenital cystic disease of the liver ( report of 30 cases )

  23. 目的探讨肝囊肿腹腔镜开窗引流术后复发的原因。

    Objective To investigate causes of recurrence of hepatic cysts after laparoscopic fenestration .

  24. 超声引导穿刺治疗非寄生虫性肝囊肿

    Puncture Treatment under UItrasound Guidance for Non-parasitosis Liver Cyst

  25. 腹腔镜肝囊肿开窗引流术的临床体会

    Clinical study on laparoscopic fenestration drainage in hepatic cysts

  26. 非寄生虫性肝囊肿的诊断和治疗(附21例临床分析)

    Diagnosis and treatment of nonparasitic hepatic cyst ( clinical analysis of 21 cases )

  27. 组合硬化剂介入治疗肝囊肿实验与临床研究

    Experimental and clinical study on interventional therapy with sclerosing complex agents for hepatic cysts

  28. 开放式全囊壁剥离术治疗单纯性巨大肝囊肿

    Treatments of simple giant cysts of the liver with open total cystic wall decollement

  29. 腹腔镜肝囊肿开窗术10例分析

    Clinical Analysis of laparoscopic fenestration in hepatic cyst

  30. 目的探索老年人单纯性肝囊肿发生、发展变化规律。

    Objective To study the regularity of occurrence and development in simple hepatic cysts .