
  • 网络Job Management;position management
  1. 职务管理系统:一个整合的概念性框架

    Job Management System : An Integrated Conceptual Framework

  2. 加强公务员职务管理是公务员制度的核心内容。

    The reinforcement on the post-management is the core of the civil service system .

  3. 关于实行企业职务管理、技术双梯制的探讨

    Discussion on Double - Track System in Enterprises

  4. 教师职务管理制度是高校人事制度改革的核心问题。

    Faculty employment system is the key issue of human affairs system reform in colleges and universities .

  5. 为了有效地进行公务员职务管理,必须首先建立和完善公务员管理机制。

    In order to effectively managing civil servant posts , it is needed to found and complete the civil servant management mechanism at first .

  6. 专业技术职务档案管理的缺陷及解决办法

    Defect of File Management for Professional and technical Positions and Solution

  7. 教育事业单位职称职务辅助管理系统

    Mangement Information System of the Professional Title and Post in Educational Institutions

  8. 专业技术职务评审管理系统的设计与实现

    Design of post evaluation management system for railway professional technical staff and its implementation

  9. 可配置的职务聘任管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Configurable Post Appointment System

  10. 中小学校长:从行政职务到管理职业

    Primary and Middle School Principal : From the Executive Post to the Managerial Profession

  11. 业者公平雇用妇女与少数民族(任用职务包含管理阶层),并禁止雇用童工。

    B.7.The company is equitable in hiring women and local minorities , including in management positions , while restraining child labor .

  12. 中职学校人力资源管理中的风险管理中小学校长:从行政职务到管理职业

    Risk Management in Human Resources Management in Secondary Professional Schools Primary and Middle School Principal : From the Executive Post to the Managerial Profession

  13. 中等职业学校住校生安全管理状况的调查研究中小学校长:从行政职务到管理职业

    The Study and Investigations of the Boarders in Secondary Vocational Schools Primary and Middle School Principal : From the Executive Post to the Managerial Profession

  14. 论职业中学校长经营能力在能力结构中的地位中小学校长:从行政职务到管理职业

    Study on the Status of Vocational School 's Principal 's Management Ability in Ability Structure Primary and Middle School Principal : From the Executive Post to the Managerial Profession

  15. 爱是引领中职校班主任专业化成长的原动力中小学校长:从行政职务到管理职业

    Love is the motive power to guide head-teachers being professional in middle vocational school ; Primary and Middle School Principal : From the Executive Post to the Managerial Profession

  16. 目的:采用重庆市3组不同职务卫生管理者对卫生问题评价的调查信息,探讨主成分法在优先解决卫生问题次序中的应用。

    Objective : To adopt the data of three kinds of health officials evaluating health problems in Chongqing , and to explore the application of principal component analysis in selecting priority of the health problems .

  17. 浅谈军队院校专业技术职务任后管理

    An Elementary Introduction to the Management of Specialized Technical Duty in Military School

  18. 中小学教师职务培训组织管理模式的研究与实践

    A Research and Practice of the Organizing & Managing Model of School Teachers In-Service Training

  19. 航海助理,也就是航海员,其职务是直接管理航海的日常事务以及协调全员的活动。

    Mates , also sometimes called deck officers , direct routine vessel operations and coordinate crew activities .

  20. 本文针对军队院校专业技术职务任后管理问题,结合我院专业技术干部考评的实际进行了探讨。

    The paper approaches the subject in the light of the investigation and check of the technical cadres in the actual condition .

  21. 第五章为结束语,对教师职务培训组织管理模式的发展进行展望。

    Chapter Five is a conclusion , which looks into the future of the organizing and managing model of teachers ' in-service training .

  22. 因此,探索适合本地区特点的教师职务培训组织管理模式显得非常重要。

    Therefore , how to establish an organizing and managing model of the teachers ' in-service training which suits the need of the local district is getting more and more important .

  23. 专业技术职务评聘管理工作是干部人事工作的重要内容,是加强专业技术队伍建设,发挥专业技术人员积极性,促进人才成长的重要措施。

    The evaluation and employment management of professional technology titles is the important content of cadre personnel working , is the main measure to stimulate the professional technicians ' enthusiasm and promote personnel to grow up .

  24. Employee包含姓名、编号、部门、职务、上司(管理该雇员的另一位雇员)和下属(该雇员管理的其他雇员)等属性。

    An Employee has attributes such as name , number , department , title , manager ( another employee who is the manager for that employee ), and employees ( other employees managed by that employee ) .

  25. 具备与担任职务相称的组织管理能力和业务能力;

    Having organizational management competence and business competence equivalent to the position to assume ;

  26. 会计部门的初级职务,最后能够管理财务。

    An entry-level position in an accounting environment , which ultimately leads to financial management 。

  27. 研究还发现,经理人员成就取向的结构特征还与个人的年龄、职务层次、从事管理工作年限以及所在企业的性质等因素有关。

    The manager 's achievement orientation was also related with the variables of age , tenure and position level .

  28. 后台管理部分分为信用社网点、用户职务维护、日志管理、当天日志、当天登录用户、数据规范等几个模块。

    Admin section is divided into credit cooperatives outlets , user maintenance duties , log manager , the day of the log , logged-on user on that day , the data specification of several modules .

  29. 一是健全职务犯罪侦查的管理机制,合理配置检察权;注重线索管理,建立科学的考评体制;二是建立对区域内线索信息的统一汇总和分级管理制度。

    First , improve the management mechanism of the Crimes Investigation ; science , clues efficient management and operation mechanism ; The second is to establish a unified summary of information on clues within the region and classification management system .

  30. 并建议采取新公务论的3+3模式,即为资格+职责权限+以职务名义从事国家管理、公共管理或社会管理等公务。

    And some suggestions of " new business " on the " 3 + 3 " mode , namely " qualified in the name of the duty in duties and powers of state management , public management and social management and other business " .