- work done in the course of employment

This paper introduces mainly the international convention on duty works copyright system of the relevant provisions , such as the Berne convention ", " world copyright convention and the TRIPS agreement the provisions on duty works copyright .
The Definition of Post Works and Non-post Works
Research on China Work Duties Copyright Attribution
Therefore , the problems on Occupational Work in the copyright system to be solved urgently .
For the post creation , the ownership of the copyright differs according to the extent of their unit involved .
In our country , legal rules are unitary to work of employment and the study of it is not enough .
Based on different cultural traditions and historical origins , two law systems take different actions to protect work made for hire .
On Perfection of Copyright System of Service Works in China ; The Legalization of the Works Originality and Its Improvement in Copyright Law
In this way works are divided into natural person works , duty works , commissioned works , corporate works and the joint works .
The core of modern civil law is the system making use of objects , but the copyrights of work of employment is to be this important content .
Work made for hire is based on the regular payment of salaries arising from Labor-law relationships , and then a clear scope of works created within the work .
The origin that in fact , to use the copyright of work of employment is to be hit by right conflict depends on the priority of the Unit .
Therefore , beginning with relevant regulations of the two law systems , this thesis explores the root causes of above problems and redivide post works and corporate works .
Owning is a prerequisite for making use of the copyrights . Legal relation tends to be made complicated since our country has diffident rules with abroad legislation example on legislation .
Being influenced by administrative leadership in planned economy we invented corporate works outside of duty works so as to ensure the interests of the unit by way of double insurance .
There is always confusion in the application of Article 11th Section 3rd about Institutional works and Article 16 th Section 2nd about Duty works in the Copyright Law of China .
As following aspects : first , By perfecting the copyright law , solving the confliction between The Works Made For Hire and unit . ; Secondly , in the copyright ownership .
However , prior to the promulgation and implementation of the current copyright law of the PRC , the creation activity of works made for hire and works of legal entity are universal .
According to the present law and related legal principle : The works for hire classified into general works for hire and special works for hire , and its ownership of copyright is different .
A work created by a citizen in the fulfillment of tasks assigned to him by a legal person or entity without legal personality shall be deemed to be a work created in the course of employment .
Thirdly , there is a shortage objectively exist in law because there are contradictions between the stipulations of copyright and the judicial interpretations and administrative rules ( such as Regulations for the Protection of Computer Software , etc ) .
Because of the complexity and particularity of The Works Made For Hire , the authors in some of those works are not so easy to identify , they often ignored by people , and they are difficult to get legal protection .
Drawings of engineering designs and product designs and descriptions thereof ; computer software ; maps and other works created in the course of employment mainly with the material and technical resources of the legal person or entity without legal personality and under its responsibility ;
In accordance with Copyright Law pertaining to the regulation on the ownership of the copyright of the works , this paper particularly analyzes the common copyrights for college teaching materials as well as the special copyrights of the co-works , duties works , compilation works and custom-made works .