
  • 网络Professional ethics
  1. 医务人员的职业修养和医德品质塑造,与医务人员所承受的环境压力的善恶有着密切的关系。

    The moral character of pressures on medical staff has a significant influence on the construction of their professionalism .

  2. 高职院校图书馆的主要功能是对大学生进行信息素养教育,提供良好的知识和职业修养环境,协助做好教学与科研工作。

    The primary function of the libraries in advanced vocational colleges is to offer the students information literacy education , culture environment of knowledge and profession . They can assist teaching and researching work .

  3. 学校层面主要有:一是提升教师的教育观念,从提升教师的职业修养和为教师学习提供保障两方面做起。

    First , from the level of school , teachers ' concepts of education should be enhanced from two sides . One side is to improve teachers ' professional training and guarantee their learning .

  4. 8个核心胜任特征为良好的心理素质、个人影响力、专业知识与技能、课堂教学与表达能力、社会交际能力、职业修养与沟通能力、自我发展与创造性、组织管理与协调能力。

    They are : good psychological personality , personal influence , professional knowledge and skill , teaching and expressing ability in class , social communication ability , career morality and communication , self development and creativity , ability of organize manage and coordinate .

  5. 加强道德教育提高大学生职业道德修养

    Strengthen the moral education of university students to enhance professional ethic

  6. 大学体育教师职业道德修养

    On Cultivating Professional Morality of Physical Education Teachers in the Colleges

  7. 论医院图书馆工作人员职业道德修养的思想基础

    On Ideological Base of the Professional Morals of Hospital Libraries

  8. 教师职业伦理修养的专业性初探

    A Trial Inquiry Into Specialization of Teachers ' Profession Ethics

  9. 加强职业道德修养树立公道正派形象

    Enhancing vacational ethics accomplishment Establishing impartial and upright image

  10. 医学实践教学中教师的职业伦理修养

    Teacher 's professional ethical accomplishment in medical practical teaching

  11. 论医务人员职业道德修养的若干问题

    On the Professional Morality Accomplishment of Medical Staff

  12. 加强当代高校教师职业道德修养的途径和方法

    The Ways and Methods for Strengthening the Contemporary University Teachers ' Professional Ethics Training

  13. 谈谈教师职业道德修养中的道

    On Humanity of Vocational Moral Mastery for Teachers

  14. 浅论教师的职业道德修养

    Teachers ' Professional Moral and Culture

  15. 同时,还要加强职业道德修养,为教育事业做出应有的贡献。

    And you should strengthen professional ethics accomplishment and contribute your share to the educational Undertaking .

  16. 从职业道德修养、爱岗敬业精神、履行岗位职责的能力、开拓与创新意识等四个方面探讨了实验队伍所应具备的素质及如何进行这些方面的素质建设。

    This paper discussed the qualities of experiment staff and how to develop them from four aspects .

  17. 以实现个人价值为导向,强化职业道德修养;其次,有效路径。

    Oriented to achieve their personal values , and strengthen professional ethics ; Secondly , a valid path .

  18. 同时,大学教师自身也应该把握新时期高等教育的特征,积极转变教学思想观念,加强职业道德修养和提高业务素质,最终实现符合时代要求的大学教师角色形象。

    The faculty should change the idea of traditional teaching , strengthen professional moral accomplishment and improve professional skills .

  19. 从编辑人生的三个层次,基本可以窥见编辑职业道德修养的轨迹。

    The track of editor 's professional ethics could be realized from the three levels of editor 's life .

  20. 并对加强评估行业的诚信建设,提高评估职业道德修养做些探讨。

    The article also discusses the way of strengthening the credit construction and improving the professional ethics for appraisal industry .

  21. 随着社会变革与时代发展,要从政治理论修养、思想道德修养、职业道德修养等方面,塑造新时期党员的新形象。

    We should set up new commie image in new period from political theory and thought culture and so on .

  22. 其工作有一定的特点,进而要求在工作上提高自身能力和职业道德修养。

    Owing to its special traits , it is essential for the office staff to improve their abilities and work ethics .

  23. 谈《思想道德修养》课教学的加强和改进加强道德教育提高大学生职业道德修养

    Emphasis and Reform of the Course of Ideology and Ethics ; Strengthen the moral education of university students to enhance professional ethic

  24. 从业人员不仅要有扎实的专业知识和熟练的专业技能,还要有良好的职业道德修养。

    The employed person should have not only solid professional knowledge and skillful professional skill , but also good professional ethics cultivation .

  25. 养护条件对可控制渗透性模板使用效果的影响临床护士对职业审美修养具备条件的认知调查

    THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT CURING CONDITIONS ON CONTROLLED PERMEABILITY FORMWORK Investigation on Nurses ' Identification with Qualities Required for Professional Aesthetic Cultivation

  26. 新时期的高素质人才除了具备专业知识以外,还应该具有较高的职业道德修养。

    Talents of high quality in the new era should not only master certain professional skills and knowledge but also be highly accomplished in professional virtues .

  27. 继续教育的内容主要是裁判、现代教育理论、思想政治教育和职业道德修养、体育教学技能与训练、外语等儿种;

    Referee . modern education theory , idea and politics education , professional ethics accomplishment , P.E. teaching skill and training , foreign language are content of on-the-job training ;

  28. 职业道德修养高低体现整个行业发展的水平,职业道德的建设也是道德建设的重中之重。

    The level of the occupational moral culture , which is also the most crucial element of the moral culture , shows the level of the whole profession development .

  29. 农村中小学校可持续发展的关键在教师,教师发展的关键在教师职业道德修养。

    The key for the rural primary and middle schools to have continuous development lies in the teachers , and the key for the development of the teachers is the formation of occupational morality .

  30. 医疗纠纷发生的原因是复杂的,既有医疗体制不健全,医疗机构管理混乱的因素,也有医务人员自身缺乏职业道德修养的原因。

    The reasons of medical disputes are complex , not only the inadequate medical health care system , the confusion of medical institutions management , but the absence of humanistic quality of medical staffs .