
ěr jī
  • headset;headphone;earphone;receiver
耳机 [ěr jī]
  • [earphone] 任一种能将电能转换为声波并可戴在耳上或插入听道口的器件

耳机[ěr jī]
  1. 该系统采用USB总线实现主机与用户电话的连接,改变了以往PC机端耳机和麦克风模式的语音通话,方便了用户的使用。

    In this system , USB is conveniently used to connect PC and user telephone rather than earphone and microphone .

  2. 如果去掉3.5毫米耳机插孔,会惹怒很多人,他对《澳大利亚金融评论报》(AustralianFinancialReview)表示。

    If it 's missing the 3.5-millimeter earphone jack , that 's going to tick off a lot of people , he told the Australian Financial Review .

  3. 她把一副耳机戴在两边耳朵上。

    She clamped a pair of headphones over her ears .

  4. 我不愿戴耳机,因为它可能会使鼓膜穿孔。

    I refused to wear headphones because they can perforate your eardrums .

  5. 让受试者通过耳机听“白噪声”。

    ' White noise ' was played into the subject 's ears through headphones

  6. 一副耳机140英镑,你不是在开玩笑吧!

    One hundred and forty quid for a pair of headphones , you 've got to be joking !

  7. TVEars耳机太舒服了,以至于杰克都忘了自己戴着它们。

    TV Ears is so comfortable that Jack forgets he has them on !

  8. 客户强烈推荐的TVEars电视耳机!

    Customer Recommended TV Ears !

  9. 医生推荐的TVEars电视耳机!

    Doctor Recommended TV Ears !

  10. TVEars耳机的专利技术中有一项是革命性的降噪汽车提示,这项技术不用于任何其他商用耳机。

    TV Ears patented technology includes a revolutionary noise reduction car tip , not used in any other commercially available headset .

  11. 使用TVEars耳机,您可以设置自己的耳机音量,而其他电视听众则可以以他们觉得舒适的音量听电视的声音。

    With TV Ears wireless technology , you set your own headset volume , while other TV listeners hear the television at a volume level that 's comfortable for them .

  12. “作为一名退休的耳科医生,我衷心向听力正常和听力丧失的人推荐TVEars耳机。”加利福尼亚州医学博士罗伯特·福布斯说道。

    " As a retired ear doctor , I heartily recommend TV Ears to people with normal hearing as well as those with hearing loss . " Robert Forbes , M. D , CA

  13. TVEars耳机帮助成千上万、不同程度的失聪者在不提高音量的情况下清晰地听到电视,现在它比以往任何时候都更好用、更实惠了!

    TV Ears has helped thousands of people with various degrees of hearing loss hear the television clearly without turning up the volume and now it 's better and more affordable than ever !

  14. 在过去的两年里,我和妻子几乎每天都用电视机的耳机,发现它对我们享受电视的乐趣有很大帮助。

    My wife and I have used TV Ears almost daily for the past two years and find them a great help in our enjoyment of television .

  15. 如果你需要一个安静的环境,比如在宝宝睡觉时,你甚至可以戴上耳机收听,然后将电视设为静音。

    You can even listen through the headset only and put the TV on mute if the situation calls for a quiet environment — maybe the baby is sleeping .

  16. 此外,驾驶人使用任何类型的耳机都是违反规定的。

    Besides , it is against the rules for the motorists to use any kind of earphones .

  17. HeadphoneOCD(耳机强迫症)指用耳机时总想着要把L一边放到左耳里,R一边放到右耳里。

    Headphone OCD is a condition where you want the two earphones on a headset on the correct ears , that is , the left side is on left ear and right side is on right ear .

  18. 我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。

    I am looking for the headphone jack .

  19. 当一个人使用耳机等便携设备创造出私人环境时,“随身听效应”这种现象就产生了。

    The Walkman Effect is the phenomenon that occurs when an individual creates a seemingly personal environment through portable devices , usually accompanied by head / earphones .

  20. 比如学生戴着耳机走进教室、清洁工听着音乐打扫地板、在隔间工作的员工听着音乐上班。

    For example , a student walking to a class with headphones , a janitor1 vacuuming the floor while listening to music , or an employee working at a cubicle2 with music blasting in his ears .

  21. Blue-spoof指你用蓝牙耳机在打电话时,别人误以为你在跟他说话;或是别人用蓝牙打电话时,你误以为人家在跟你说话。我们称之为“蓝牙误会”。

    Blue-spoof means causing someone to believe you are speaking to them while actually using the hands-free device for your cell phone , or believing someone is talking to you , but they 're using their blue-tooth .

  22. 当耳机在关机状态下,按住多功能键三秒钟左右,直至LED显示灯恒亮。

    With the headset off , hold the Multifunction Button until the LED remains on ( about 3 seconds ) .

  23. ER-3A插入式耳机的基准等效阈声压级测试

    Reference Equivalent Threshold Sound Pressure Levels for ER 3A Insert Earphones

  24. 耳机导线也具有FM天线的功能。

    The headphone cord functions as the FM antenna .

  25. 设备ID将存储在手机内存中。耳机显示灯将快速闪烁显示耳机配对成功。

    Confirm to pair the Pairing is successful when headset with the phone . the headset indicator flashes rapidly .

  26. 目前,这家公司生产最新产品可以通过耳机和声音,把智能手机连接到Twitter上。

    The latest model lets you connect to Twitter on your smartphone , using your voice .

  27. 当无线耳机与手机配对后,如果5分钟都未被使用,蓝色闪烁LED显示灯关闭。

    When the wireless headset is paired to the phone and there is no activity for 5 minutes , the blue flashing LED turns off .

  28. 威布尔(Weibull)函数估计MQ-LLS-750语言学习系统耳机的参数及其可靠性评价

    Estimate Parameters Reliability of the Headphone of MQ LLS 750 Language Learning System by Weibull Probability Realized

  29. 在耳机可以开始与Linux设备通信以前,它必须被Linux设备上的Bluetooth链路层检测出来。

    Before the headset can start communicating with a Linux device , it must be discovered by the Bluetooth link layer on the Linux device .

  30. 个人音频设备制造商V-Moda公司的CEO瓦尔o康顿认为,苹果的这笔收购对于整个耳机市场是好事。

    Val Konton , CEO of personal audio maker V-Moda , called Apple 's acquisition a good thing for the headphone market in general .