
jiāo biàn
  • alternation;alternate
交变 [jiāo biàn]
  • [alternation] 波形从零到极大值,再回到零值(或正或负)的变化,等于半个周期

交变[jiāo biàn]
  1. 基于脉间调制斜率交变的MTI对消方法研究

    A study on the MTI cancellation method based on pulse-to-pulse alternation of modulation slopes

  2. 而罐车交变载荷产生的主要原因是液体晃动。

    But the liquid swashing load is main reason of tank-car 's alternation load .

  3. 交变脉冲电场凝胶电泳与植物大分子DNA的制备

    Pulsed field gel electrophoresis ( pfge ) and isolation of macro molecular DNA of plant

  4. 基于模糊自适应PID控制的可控波形压力交变系统研究与设计

    The Research and Design of Wave Controllable Pressure Alternating System Based on Fuzzy Adaptive PID Control

  5. 磁热疗用Fe3O4在交变磁场中的热效应

    The Heat Effect of Magnetite for Hyperthermia under Alternating Magnetic Field

  6. 在大地电磁测深法(MT)中,天然交变电磁场是其研究的主要对象。

    For magnetotelluric ( MT ), its main research object is natural electromagnetic fields .

  7. 低频交变电磁场对(Al2O3+Al3Zr)p/Al复合材料凝固组织和干滑动磨损性能影响

    Effect of Interchanged Low-frequency Electromagnetic Field on Microstructure and Property of ( Al_2O_3 + Al_3Zr ) - p / Al Composites

  8. 单向交变拉伸应变及压应力对大鼠成骨细胞FOS蛋白表达及细胞定位的影响

    Influence of Stretch Strain and Pressure on Expression of Osteoblasts ' FOS Protein

  9. 交变磁场中Fe3O4磁流体对肿瘤组织加热作用的理论研究

    Theoretical study on heating effect of Fe_3O_4 magnetic fluid on tumor tissues in alternating magnetic field

  10. 卤化银乳剂层在交变电场中显示出介电色散现象(Maxwell-Wagner效应),即在交变电场的频率f不同时,卤化银乳剂层的介电损耗ε〃也不相同。

    Silver halide photographic emulsion shows a dielectric dispersion ( Maxwell-Wagner effect ) .

  11. 治疗炎性疾病,交变和脉动磁场组分别与脉冲磁场组比较,P<0.05,差异均有显著性,提示在临床上治疗炎性疾病时,以选用交变和脉动磁场为宜。

    The two groups compared with pluse group , there was significant difference ( P < 0.05 ) . It pointed out that using alternating and pulsating magnetic field is better to treat inflammatory disease .

  12. 一种Buck-Boost直-交变换器的新控制策略的研究

    Research of a new control strategy for a buck-boost DC-AC inverter

  13. 该方法基于交变方向隐式差分算法(ADI),并将其应用于Yee氏差分网格。

    This method base on the ADI and was used in Yee grids .

  14. 从傅氏级数及空间交变电磁场的角度对采用抖频技术如何来减小EMI进行了分析。

    How does jitter frequency reduce EMI from the viewpoint of fourier series theory and the transient electromagnetic field theory is investigated .

  15. 文中研究的3D地电介质时间域电磁场的有限差分计算方法,激发源为水平电偶极子,并且向地下供以交变电流。

    Finite difference method for electromagnetic field in time domain of 3 D geoelectric medium researched in this paper puts excited source as a horizontal dipole and transmits the alternating current down the surface .

  16. 在交变载荷最大值为破坏载荷的55%时,6h内其疲劳/蠕变曲线为两段式曲线。

    However , the curves had two stages when the maximum of alternating load was 55 % failure load .

  17. 实验结果表明,在实验所涉及的频率范围内,交变应力的频率对聚合物ABS的有限疲劳寿命的疲劳强度没有影响。

    It is show by experimental results that the fatigue Strength of finite life of polymer ABS is not affected by the frequency of the cyclic loading .

  18. 用交变隐式差分方向的时域有限差分法(ADIFDTD)计算了掺Er3+玻璃平面光波导放大器中光场的分布。

    The optical field distribution of Erbium-doped glass planar waveguide is calculated first by the Finite-Differences Time-Domain based on Alternating-Direction Implicit Method ( ADI-FDTD ) .

  19. 当K根编码棒随控制棒在K个测量线圈中央轴向运动时,导致线圈的感抗发生变化,线圈输入的交变恒流信号在测量线圈上产生随感抗发生变化的电压信号。

    As the control rod is withdrawn , the coding bars move in the center of the coils respectively , while the constant alternating current passes the coils and makes them to create inductance alternating voltage signals .

  20. 阻挡层ZnO薄膜在经历温度交变试验过程以后,其方块电阻不变但透射系数有所增加,反射系数基本不变;

    After suffering the variational temperature by turns , the square resistance and reflect coefficient of the bar layer ZnO film have no obvious change and that the transmission coefficient has small increase .

  21. VUV与温度交变对聚酰亚胺吸光涂层的力学性能有明显影响。

    VUV combined with the alternative temperature had a remarkable effect on the mechanical properties of polyimide for absorbing light coatings .

  22. 交变磁场对Al-Mg2Si合金显微组织与性能的影响

    Influence of Alternating Magnetic-Field on Microstructures and Property of Al-Mg_2Si Alloy

  23. 机械特性聚醚醚酮PEEK具有刚性和柔性,特别是对交变应力下的抗疲劳性非常突出,可与合金材料相媲美。

    Mechanical properties PEEK PEEK has rigid and flexible , especially for alternating stress of fatigue resistance is very outstanding , but and alloy material comparable .

  24. 然后用浓度为2mg/mL的CoFe2O4纳米悬浮液在不同输出功率的交变磁场下测定温度随时间的改变。

    At the same time , measured 2 mg / mL CoFe_2O_4 nanoparticles suspension concentration temperature and time in differ alternating magnetic field .

  25. 结果:经过50Hz交变磁场作用的大鼠耐乏氧力增加,耐力增强,其体内SOD的活力明显增加,MDA的含量下降。

    Results In the rats which were exposed to low-frequency electromagnetic field , the SOD activity , anoxia-resistance and endurance were significantly increased and the MDA was decreased .

  26. 研究结果表明:(1)P、N层材料(μc-Si)在经历温度交变试验过程以后,在测量误差范围内其光、暗电导率无明显变化;

    The result shows that ( 1 ) the properties of P 、 N film materials (μ c-Si : H ) have no obvious change within the measure errors after suffering the variational temperature by turns ;

  27. 方法应用交变脉冲强磁场对接种Louis肺癌的60只昆明小鼠作肿瘤杀伤的对比实验研究。

    Methods Strong alternating impulse magnetic field ( IMF ) was used in the experimental study to observe the injuring effect on Louis lung cancer inoculated in 60 Kunming mice .

  28. MSG大鼠给予正负交变加速度旋转刺激2h/d,连续4d后与NCG大鼠一起处死;

    The motion sickness group rats were established by rotatory stimulation with alternative positive and negative acceleration 2 h / d for 4 days .

  29. 从Maxwell方程出发,推导并计算了连续交变磁场和调幅交变磁场作用下,圆柱形金属液中电磁力密度在半径方向上的分布及其随时间的变化情况。

    The distribution of electromagnetic force along with radius and time in cylinder shape liquid metal under continuous and amplitude modulated alternating magnetic field was deduced and calculated based on Maxwell equation .

  30. 建立了水梁的平面和三维实体模型,并利用ANSYS给出的有限元分析结果,确定了水梁产生裂纹的根本原因,即水梁的高度偏差和在高温交变载荷作用下的受力变形。

    The planar and 3-D FEM models of the water beam have been set up . The water beam height deviation and deformation under alternating load at high temperature are the basic causes according to the ANSYS finite element model .