
qún jū dònɡ wù
  • social animal
  1. 人首先是一种群居动物,然后才是一个理智的人。

    Man is first a social animal , then a rational one .

  2. 人是群居动物。

    Man is a social animal .

  3. 海豚也是群居动物。

    Dolphins are also social animals .

  4. 然而,来自美国阿肯色大学的一组古生物学家可能发现了有关这种可怕动物的一个新理论。霸王龙是群居动物的理论最早是在20年前提出的。

    The theory that tyrannosaurs were social animals was first suggested 20 years ago .

  5. 在大型猫科动物里,狮子很特别,他们是群居动物。

    Lions are unique among big cats in forming groups .

  6. 人是群居动物,天性喜欢结伴相聚。

    Human beings are social animals , gregarious by nature .

  7. 我不用加重语气来强调这点对于群居动物的重要性。

    I can 't over emphasize how important that is to a pack animal .

  8. 长颈鹿在没有受到惊吓时,是群居动物。

    Giraffes are sociable animals when not frightened .

  9. 多数女人是群居动物,特看重人际关系。

    Most women are communal creatures , and relationships are very important to them .

  10. 人类和狼都是群居动物。

    Humans and wolves both lived in groups .

  11. 狗儿是群居动物,陌生狗不是我们家庭群体的一员。

    Dogs are pack animals and strange dogs are not part of our family pack .

  12. 人是群居动物;度过了一个轻松的社交夜;不成熟的社交行为。

    Human beings are social animals ; spent a relaxed social evening ; immature social behavior .

  13. 在其他群居动物(如黑猩猩、狗和狼)身上,研究人员也看到了这种现象。

    The phenomenon has been seen in other social animals , such as chimps , dogs and wolves .

  14. 土拨鼠是一种家庭群居动物,只有家中掌权的雌性与雄性才能有繁殖的权力。

    Marmots live in family groups , with breeding restricted to a dominant male and a dominant female .

  15. 龙猫是群居动物,所以如果你只养了一只,那么你就是它唯一的家人了。

    Chinchillas are very social animals , so if you only have one , you will become its family .

  16. 根据这项研究,老鼠通常是群居动物,喜欢和其他老鼠在一起。

    Mice are usually social animals and prefer to be in the company of other mice , according to the study .

  17. 很多群居动物也用此技能来保持对身边任何有趣活动的关注。

    Many social animals are also believed to use the technique to keep track of any interesting activities going on around them .

  18. 和很多群居动物一样,它们可能和群体隔绝开了,后在饮水地附近死于压力和饥饿。

    Like many herding animals , they may have become isolated from the group and died of stress and hunger near their watering hole .

  19. 对猴子的研究中显示,独居的成年女性有着小群居动物两倍的患动脉硬化的可能性。

    Research with monkeys shows that adult females housed alone are twice as likely to develop atherosclerosis as animals that live in small groups .

  20. 而且我认为作为一种群居动物,我们会分享对作为一个个体,如何与所在的群体以及同辈之间发生联系的那种痴迷。

    And I think as social animals , we share this fascination about how we as individuals relate to our groups , to our peers .

  21. 欧洲民间故事中的狼是毁灭性的杀人者,而非我们所知的现实世界中的聪明的群居动物。

    Wolves in European folk tales are destructive human-killers , not the intelligent , social creatures that we know them to be in the real world .

  22. 瓶鼻海豚是一种群居动物,沿岸地区的海豚群有10头组成,外海地区活动的海豚群则有25头组成。

    Bottlenose dolphins is a Qunju animals , the coastal areas of the dolphins has10 components , in the sea off the dolphins are composed of25 .

  23. 皇帝企鹅是群居动物,它们居于南极的寒冷极地,成千上万地在结了冰的威尔德海上生活。

    Caption : : Emperor Penguins live in groups , they reside in the extreme environment of Antarctica , thousands of them are living on the frozen Weddell Sea .

  24. 其他会使用工具的哺乳类动物都是群居动物,也就是说个体偶然的发明很容易被群体里的其他成员模仿,从而形成原始的文化。

    Other tool-using mammals are social species . That means one individual 's chance invention is easily copied by others of its group , resulting in a primitive culture .

  25. 我们经常问他,什么时候能找个正规的工作。但他对自己很有自信,也有一群坚强的朋友,他就是个十足的群居动物。

    We regularly ask him when he is going to get a proper job , but he is confident in himself and has a strong set of friends and is a great social animal .

  26. 注射α-MT后隔离动物大脑皮质内去甲肾上腺素的含量降低了38.1%,而群居动物仅降低了20.1%。

    A decrease of 38 % in cerebral cortex ( including hippocampus ) con-tents of noradrenaline was observed in isolated rats after α - MT injection , and only a decrease of 20 % in gregarious rats .

  27. 如果你研究过群居动物的行为,你会发现等级纠纷总是通过隐密或被动的方式解决,但是无礼的行为总是被快速、果断的解决。

    If you study pack behavior , or even herd behavior , you will see that rank issues in the pack are often dealt with very subtly or passively but disrespect is dealt with very quickly and aggressively .

  28. 不同寻常的地方在于,那些前来徒步寻求孤独反思的人最后往往反倒融入了群体——因为我们是群居动物,而孤寂在有人分享时反倒显得有趣得多。

    It 's striking that hikers come to the trail for solitary reflection , yet often end up coalescing into groups - because we are social animals , and solitude is so much more fun when you have somebody to share it with .

  29. 善待动物组织PETA的英国发言人米米·贝克奇说:“猴子是非常聪明的群居性动物,如果他们与家人分开就会变得异常孤独和抑郁。”

    Mimi Bekhechi , associate director of animal welfare charity Peta , told the Mirror : ' Monkeys are extremely social and highly intelligent animals who suffer from debilitating loneliness and depression when they 're separated from their families .

  30. 北美和南美形似猪的夜间活动的群居野生动物。

    Nocturnal gregarious pig-like wild animals of North and South America .