
  • beautify someone 's legs
  • pretty legs, charming legs
  1. 乍一看开叉裙,好像是穿错了衣服:步伐迈得过大,你的大腿就走光了。然而今年夏天,开叉裙却成了大热的时尚单品,柔软的古铜色美腿通过裙上那一个精致的开口绽放美丽。

    At first glance , the split skirt sounds like a wardrobe malfunction , bronzed legs can break out .

  2. 开叉裙能恰到好处地露出皮肤,漂亮又时尚。美腿在裙摆撩起的时候若隐若现,让你在这个夏天性感迷人。

    Split skirts are the best way to show just the right amount of skin . They are chic give a hint of sexiness for the summer .

  3. 胸部的深V设计成功地抬高了腰部位置,而于此同时裙摆的高开叉将一双美腿展现无遗。

    The deep V balanced out the volume at her waist nicely , while the slit showed off her gorgeous legs .

  4. 未知预测:这件黑色的花边AlexanderMcQueen(亚历山大·麦克奎恩)迷你礼服展示了威廉斯的美腿,与她的金色束发造型形成鲜明的对比。

    Wild Card : This black lace Alexander McQueen mini would show off Williams ' legs and contrast with her platinum blonde crop .

  5. 这两位女歌手都选择及大腿的裙子来露出她们的美腿,策略性地减去领口,并注重肩膀的细节设计,但碧昂丝选择穿消防车红色从中脱颖而出,而珍妮弗·洛佩兹选择了柔和的有缎子般光泽的褐土色。泰勒·斯威夫特vs.凯蒂·佩里

    Both divas went for thigh-high dresses to show off their gams4 , with strategically cut out neck and shoulder detail , but where Beyonc é opted to stand out in fire engine red , J. Lo went for soft and satiny earth tones .

  6. 秀出美腿的时候,自信才是最重要的。

    When it comes to baring your legs , confidence is key .

  7. 你是否拥有杰西卡·阿尔芭的美腿,金·卡戴珊的翘臀或是贾斯汀·比伯的手臂?

    Do you have Jessica Alba 's lithe legs , Kim Kardashian 's bottom or Justin Bieber 's arms ?

  8. 腰带修饰出纤细的腰围,紧致的上装设计烘托出完美胸型,而高开叉将美腿淋漓展现。

    The belt nipped in her waist , while the fitted top accentuated her bust line and the slit showed off those stunning gams .

  9. 在我为“低调平凡是一种职场战略”进行辩护前,请允许我勉强承认:我们都应该穷尽心思去追求拥有一双修长美腿、一对扑闪无辜的大眼睛,以及动人的美貌。

    Before I defend plainness as a career strategy , let me concede that we should all strive to bel eggy , doe-eyed , and beautiful .

  10. 如果你还没吃腻鱼,我建议找几个美腿模特,吃一整天寿司,你觉得怎样?

    If you 're not too sick of fish , I suggest we find some leggy models and eat sushi all day . What do you say ?

  11. 这位极有魅力的金发女郎极力突出自己轻盈的美腿,确保自己走上红毯的时候可以吸引所有人的目光。

    Ensuring that both her lithe legs were highlighted to the max , the stunning blonde made sure all eyes were on her as she sashayed down the red carpet .

  12. 最新的迷你裙潮流也不再只局限于年轻人。如今,自认拥有美腿的人都可以穿迷你裙——有些人或许很多年前也穿过。

    And no longer relegated only to younger wearers , the new mini trend can be worn by anyone who feels they have the legs for it -- some of whom may have worn them years ago .

  13. 苹果型身材的女性,通常腰部肥大,却有着修长的美腿,唐娜建议选择弹性较大的直筒型深色水洗牛仔,这种裤型能尽显身体曲线。

    Women with apple body shapes , which are larger across their mid-section , typically with slimmer legs , should look for plenty of stretch in a straight leg in a dark wash as they complement every curve , advises Donna .

  14. .她认为詹妮弗•洛佩兹和金•卡戴珊都是懂得如何依照自身体型来打扮的女人。她解释说,有一双美腿的女孩应该穿超短裙秀出来,而拥有天鹅般美丽脖颈的女孩就不应该把它藏在高领毛衣里面。

    She cited Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian as women who understood how to dress for their body types , explaining that girls with great legs should bring out the miniskirt , while one with a swan neck , shouldn 't hide it in a

  15. 这就是我们今天看到的最常见的旗袍的形式:修长健美的短衣袖,有两个大开衩在下摆两侧,方便行走,但现在奇妙显示女性的修长美腿。

    It was there that the form of QiPao we see most commonly today : slender fit and shorter sleeves , with two big slits at each side of the hem , for convenient movement , but now wonderfully display the slender legs of women .

  16. 她认为詹妮弗·洛佩兹和金·卡戴珊都是懂得如何依照自身体型来打扮的女人。她解释说,有一双美腿的女孩应该穿超短裙秀出来,而拥有天鹅般美丽脖颈的女孩就不应该把它藏在高领毛衣里面。

    She cited Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian as women who understood how to dress for their body types , explaining that girls with great legs should bring out the miniskirt , while one with a swan neck , shouldn 't hide it in a turtleneck 。

  17. 26岁的碧昂丝被称为“眼球捕手”,影星卡梅伦•迪娅茨跻身前十名,被誉为“美腿佳人”,“阿汤嫂”凯蒂•赫尔姆斯则被誉为“优雅天使”。

    Beyonce , 26 , was dubbed " The Showstopper , " while actress Cameron Diaz walked into the top 10 as " The Legs , " and actress Katie Holmes , who is married to Tom Cruise , graced the list as " The Classic . "