
  • 网络Bison;buffalo;American Bison
  1. 例如,美洲野牛就仍然在美洲的平原上漫步。

    Bison , for instance , kept roaming the plains of America .

  2. 这意味着,今天所有的美洲野牛都是由同一小群祖先所繁殖而来。

    This suggests that all present-day bison are descended from a very small group of animals .

  3. n.野牛;水牛(=waterbuffalo)美洲野牛是北美陆地上体型最大的动物之一。

    The American buffalo is one of the largest land animals in North America .

  4. 猎人在灌木丛中追踪那只受伤的美洲野牛。

    The hunter trailed the wounded buffalo through the bush .

  5. 在督伊德教成员最喜欢的一个聚集点下方,白霜覆盖着美洲野牛的鼻尖。

    Hoarfrost coats the noses of bison below one of the Druids'favorite rendezvous sites .

  6. 他们是纯正的美洲野牛,其祖先曾经生活在这里。

    they are pure descendants of the buffalo that once lived in this area .

  7. 另外随着麋鹿对草竞争的缓和,美洲野牛的日子也比以前任何时候都要好了。

    With less competition from elk for grasses , bison may be doing better than ever .

  8. 3000万头美洲野牛在此狂奔

    Where 30 million buffalo roam .

  9. 今日刻斯特国家公园牧场上共有1200头美洲野牛。

    Today as many as 1,500 buffalo make a home on the range in Custer State Park .

  10. 稀有的欧洲野牛的头比美洲野牛的小,但个儿略微高些。

    The rare European bison has a smaller head than the American bison and is slightly taller .

  11. 一种由家养牛与美洲野牛杂交而得的强壮品种;比常规的牛产的肉更瘦。

    Hardy breed of cattle resulting from crossing domestic cattle with the American buffalo ; yields leaner beef than conventional breeds .

  12. 美洲野牛在火焰横扫怀俄明州黄石国家公园的三分之一的几年后繁衍。

    Bison thrive in Wyoming 's Yellowstone National Park years after fires swept through more than a third of the park .

  13. 很快,他们就加入了一个由几百只美洲野牛组成的牛群中,这个牛群拥有不同年龄段的野牛。

    Kicking up dust as they run , they quickly join a herd of several hundred American buffalo of all ages .

  14. 猎人们从东部赶来大量屠杀平原上的美洲野牛,在短时间内便杀掉了好几百万。

    The hunters came from the East to massacre the buffaloes of the plains , killing several million in a short time .

  15. 欧洲的野牛,其头比美洲野牛的小且高。

    European bison having a smaller and higher head than the North American bison . The ranchers raised buffalo for their meat .

  16. 上周,美国怀俄明州格若斯维崔和蒙大拿萨利希库特奈部落见证了美洲野牛的“回乡之旅”,对于他们来说,心情百感交集。

    Last week 's buffalo " homecoming " was an emotional event for the Gros Ventre and Salish-Kootenai tribes who witnessed it .

  17. 有时美洲野牛身中五六枪也不会毙命,猎牛者如果想杀死这种动物可是要费很大的劲。

    There were times when five or six bullets would not kill him , and buffalo hunters sometimes had a lot of touble killing the animal .

  18. 美洲野牛,或者水牛,曾经在西部草原上自由地游来走去。现在,只剩下几千头了,大部分在有栅栏的野生动物保护区内。

    The American bison , or buffaloes , once roamed the western prairies . Today , only a few thousand remain , mostly on protected , fenced game reserves ( 2 ) .

  19. 在美国官方看来,现在的美洲野牛实际上就是家牛的一种,但是如果盖瑞蒂先生的方法可行,那么有一天,他的野牛将会被官方重新认可为野生野牛。

    Officially , the American buffalo is now a type of livestock . But one day , if Mr Gerrity gets his way , his buffalo will be declared wild animals again .

  20. 北美洲的野牛就是因为捕猎而接近于灭绝的物种之一。

    The North American buffalo is a case of the near-extinction of a species through hunting .

  21. 关于或有美洲或欧洲的野牛特点。

    Relating to or characteristic of bison .

  22. 牛;美洲或欧洲的野牛;绵羊;山羊;羚羊;鹿;麝香鹿;长颈鹿;骆驼。

    Cattle ; bison ; sheep ; goats ; antelopes ; deer ; chevrotains ; giraffes ; camels .