
  1. 我们还将讨论如何在不离开祖国的情况下使学生接受美式教育。

    We also discussed ways for students to receive an American education without the need to leave their home country .

  2. 然而,比英语语言教学更重要的是,逐步培养中国学习惯美式教育方法,麻省国际学院的教师艾米尼兹说。美国留学课堂强调创造性与批判性思维。

    More important than English , however , is instilling Chinese students with an American-style approach to education , said Amy Niesz , an English instructor at the academy .

  3. 她虽然出生在中国,可是却在美国长大,接受美式教育,所以无论是生活习性还是思维方式都像美国人。

    She grew up in America , accept Americanized education though she was born in China , so she has been irrevocably shaped by American culture and my ideas and outlook on life are all American .

  4. 为此,她不得不在美国各地的媒体上进行解释,以免被人认为是一个抨击美式家长教育方式的中国假内行。

    Chua had to go on a national media tour just to explain herself , less she be thought of as an American parenting bashing China snob .