
měi shēng chàng fǎ
  • bel canto
美声唱法 [měi shēng chàng fǎ]
  • [bel canto] 起源于17和18世纪意大利的强调自如、纯净、平稳的发声与灵活和准确的声乐技巧的歌剧唱法

美声唱法[měi shēng chàng fǎ]
  1. 这些歌曲是学习美声唱法过程中必不可少的经典作品。

    These songs are classic works essential to study bel canto .

  2. 他们齐声合唱叠句。浅谈美声唱法与当代民族唱法的融合

    On the Integration of Bel Canto and Modern Folk Singing

  3. 鲁契亚诺·帕瓦罗蒂是当代美声唱法(belcanto)的领军人物,他是20世纪最炽手可热的古典巨星,他将歌剧带给亿万普通观众,收获最热烈的拥护和爱戴。

    Luciano Pavarotti is the leader of contemporary bel canto and the most incandescent classical superstar of the 20th century . He let common audiences enjoy the opera and received the warmest support and love .

  4. 美声唱法诞生于十六世纪末意大利。

    Bel canto originated in Italy in the late sixteenth century .

  5. 论美声唱法中的男高音训练技巧

    A Probe into Tenor 's Training Skills in Bel Canto

  6. 频谱分析在美声唱法发声训练中的应用研究

    Application of Spectrum Analysis to Vocalization Training on Bel Canto

  7. 论美声唱法的靠前与靠后

    On Singing Ways of Front and Behind of Bel Canto

  8. 面罩共鸣被称为美声唱法的精髓和关键。

    Above-head resonating is called quintessence and key in bel conto singing .

  9. 答:我最擅长的是美声唱法和通俗唱法。

    Answer : I do best in bel canto and demotic singing .

  10. 美声唱法与蒙古族长调的艺术特点比较

    A Comparison of the Artistic Features between Bel Canto and Mongolian long-tune singing

  11. 美声唱法成了中国声乐教学的蓝本。

    It is the blueprint of the teaching of vocal music in China .

  12. 他在音乐学院学习的是美声唱法。

    He learned to bel canto in a conservatory .

  13. 浅谈美声唱法中几个基本训练问题

    Several Basic Training Problems of Opera Singing Methods

  14. 对美声唱法声区概念的思考

    Thoughts on Register Concept in Bel Canto

  15. 歌词的准确表达是西洋传统唱法&美声唱法教学中的重要问题。

    Exact voice of words is an important problem in the teaching of bel canto .

  16. 现今,美声唱法的突出问题是在中国进行深度的传播。

    At present , the outstanding problem of Bel Canto is the in-depth transmission in China .

  17. 对美声唱法声音概念的误解引发的习惯性态度及行为问题研究

    Studies on Regular Attitude and Behavior Issue Caused by Misunderstanding the Voice Concept of Bel Canto

  18. 谈美声唱法演唱中国作品时的发声与吐字

    The Phonation and Vomit Word While the Bel Canto Sings on Stage of the Chinese Work

  19. 美声唱法在中国的发展趋向探析

    Development of Bel Canto in China

  20. 但没有明显的继任者,她在这美妙戏剧性美声唱法角色?

    But is there no obvious successor to her in these wonderfully dramatic bel canto roles ?

  21. 东方人如何学习美声唱法

    How Orientals study the bel canto

  22. 我们可以把英语普通话比作美声唱法,而把美国英语比作流行唱法。

    We may compare Queen 's English to bel canto songs and American English to popular ones .

  23. 美声唱法在十九世纪以前被职业教师和学生们严加保密。

    The Vocals sing a method by19 centuries drive occupation teacher and the students sternly keep secret .

  24. 张权是美声唱法民族化的先行者和体现者,她通过自己一生的声乐学习经历和演出实践,将西洋美声唱法民族化。

    Zhang Quan is a pioneer to nationalize bel canto through her mucic study experience and performance .

  25. 就演唱特点来说,美声唱法的呼吸较中国京剧而言,要吸得更深一些。

    On the characteristics of singing , bel canto breathe more Chinese opera , should be sucked deeper .

  26. 跳音是美声唱法中一项基本的演唱技能,练习好此项技能对声乐演唱、表演起着重要作用。

    Staccato is a basic performance skill of Bel Canto . It is very important for vocality performance .

  27. 科学地进行美声唱法训练,歌唱发声的艺术效果与身体的姿势有很大的关系;

    The artistic effect of the singing with scientific training is closely related to the posture of the singer .

  28. 本文通过应用频谱分析方法对我国越剧唱法的声音形态进行了研究并且与美声唱法进行了比较。

    The paper studies the singing of Shaoxing opera by spectrum analyzing and makes a comparison with bel canto .

  29. 美声唱法是一种区别于其他音乐流派的优美的共鸣唱法。

    Bel canto is a kind of graceful resonance singing style which is different from other vocal music genres .

  30. 从美声唱法的角度谈《我爱你.中国》的演唱技巧

    A Talk about the Singing Skills off the Music I Love You , China from the Angle of Graceful Singing