
  • 网络The First Lady;First Lady of the United States;Michelle Obama;Jackie Kennedy;FLOTUS
  1. 我们下一位嘉宾并不是美国第一夫人

    Our next guest is not The First Lady of the United States .

  2. 现在我荣幸地授予美国第一夫人

    It gives me great pleasure now to present the First Lady of the United States

  3. 美国第一夫人站在白宫的弧形楼梯上。

    America 's First Lady stood on the sweeping staircase of the White House .

  4. 广告之后美国第一夫人MichelleObama将坐在那张椅子上

    When we come back the first lady Michelle Obama would be sitting right there

  5. MAD受到了很多国际关注,其中就包括2010年时美国第一夫人米歇尔的来访!

    MAD has gotten a lot of international attention including a visit from American First Lady Michelle Obama in 2010 !

  6. 梅拉尼娅·克纳夫斯现在的身份是梅拉尼娅·特朗普(MelaniaTrump),如果她的丈夫在接下来的大选中获胜,她将成为继续路易莎·亚当斯(LouisaAdams)之后的首位在外国出生的美国第一夫人。

    Melanija Knavs is now Melania Trump , and she is one election away from being the first foreign-born first lady since Louisa Adams .

  7. 今年的奥运会在伦敦举行,美国第一夫人在华盛顿一所大学为当地的孩子们主办了一个小型奥运会,英国首相夫人SamanthaCameron也来前来配合她。

    Since this year 's Olympic Games are in London , Obama 's British counterpart , Samantha Cameron , provided a natural tie-in , as the U.S. First Lady hosted a mini-Olympic competition with Washington-area children at a local university .

  8. 差不多2个世纪后,为了防止别人说三道四,说自己服饰的品味不够爱国,当时的美国第一夫人杰奎琳肯尼迪(JacquelineKennedy)聘用美国设计师奥莱格卡西尼(OlegCassini)仿制自己最喜欢的法国时装款式。

    Nearly two centuries later , to guard against claims that her taste in clothes was insufficiently patriotic , First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy enlisted the American designer Oleg Cassini to copy her favourite French designs .

  9. AliceandOlivia的创始人斯泰茜·本代特(StaceyBendet)称,在马莉娅那个造型曝光后,那件连衣裙几乎脱销,不过在提升销量方面,“美国第一夫人依然首屈一指”。

    Stacey Bendet , founder of Alice and Olivia , noted that the dress nearly sold out after Malia 's appearance , but that " Flotus is still the queen " when it comes to rousing sales .

  10. 前美国第一夫人芭芭拉·布什在德克萨斯的一家医院中出院。

    Former First Lady Barbara Bush has been discharged from a Texas hospital .

  11. 尤其是,她是首位访问柬埔寨的在任美国第一夫人;

    Especially because she was the first sitting first lady to visit Cambodia ;

  12. 而在身为美国第一夫人期间,她仍坚持着凡事都要达成目标的信念。

    Her determination to achieve results continued during her time as America 's first lady .

  13. 想知道美国第一夫人今年7月4日庆典穿的是什么衣服?

    Want to know what the first lady is wearing for the July 4th celebrations ?

  14. 米歇尔奥巴马,美国第一夫人,48岁,政治家

    Michelle Obama , First Lady , United States , 48 , United States , Politics

  15. 我要跳舞了好的欢迎回来我们今天有幸请来了美国第一夫人

    I do the dance.All right.We are back with the first lady of the United States .

  16. 诚如梅奥所言,美国第一夫人的服装一直是人们关注的焦点。

    As Mayo can attest , American First Ladies ' wardrobes have always been an obsession .

  17. 美国第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马

    First lady of the US

  18. 今夏美国第一夫人米歇尔-奥巴马将亲率美国奥运会代表团前往伦敦参加2012年奥运会。

    First Lady Michelle Obama has been appointed to lead the US delegation to the London Olympics this summer .

  19. 2月1日明天美国第一夫人就要上我的节目了

    February 1th , The first lady of the United States of Amercia is gonna be on my show tomorrow

  20. 周三,美国第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马和女儿玛丽亚、娜塔莎以及母亲玛丽安罗宾逊一家人来到中国成都熊猫基地参观。

    First Lady Michelle Obama visited China 's Chengdu Panda Base on Wednesday with daughters Malia and Sasha and mother Marian Robinson .

  21. 利蒂希亚.鲍德里奇曾经担任美国第一夫人杰奎琳.肯尼迪的社交秘书,她从上个世纪40年代就开始参加总统就职舞会。

    Letitia Baldrige , who served as Social Secretary for first lady Jackie Kennedy , has been attending inaugural balls since the 1940s .

  22. 4月19日,《亲历历史》的平装本即将出版,在长四页的编后记中,这位前美国第一夫人列举了几种可能性。

    In a four-page afterword to the paperback edition , which comes out April 19 , the former first lady lists a few possibilities .

  23. 白宫宣布美国第一夫人劳拉?布什在九月早期手术治疗了皮肤癌。

    The White House is disclosing the first lady Laura Bush had surgery to remove a skin cancer from her shin in early november .

  24. 一位机智而果敢的小女孩径直走上前,请美国第一夫人米歇尔帮助自己失业的父亲找工作。

    One determined young girl went straight to the top to try to find a job for her unemployed dad she asked the First Lady .

  25. 同为美国第一夫人及刚当选的纽约州参议员的希拉克周二和女儿在纽约的当选庆祝大会中与群众们一起庆祝这次的胜利。

    First lady and New York U.S.Senator-elect Hillary Rodham Clinton and her daughter Chelsea celebrate with the crowd during her victory rally in New York , Tuesday .

  26. 为了帮奥巴马拉选票,全家老少三代齐上阵,美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马携母亲、女儿访“黑非洲”争取黑人选民,并会见黑人解放偶像人物纳尔逊。曼德拉。

    Michelle Obama has met Nelson Mandela for the first time after receiving a personal invitation from the former South African leader . Sky 's Emma Hurd reports .

  27. 这个特别的评论是在美国第一夫人米歇尔2014年访问北京一所高中时发表的,她的行程照片被刊登在社交媒体上。

    This particular comment came after US First Lady Michelle Obama visited a Beijing high school in 2014 and photos from the trip were splashed across social media .

  28. 前任美国第一夫人贝蒂福德的最后一次悼念仪式在她的故乡密歇根州的大急流城举行,军方仪仗队正搬运着她的棺木。

    And with a military honor guard carrying her casket , the final memorial service was held for Betty Ford in her hometown of Grand Rapids , Michigan .

  29. 而就在两年前,女王自己在白金汉宫举行欢迎宴会时就曾将手放在美国第一夫人米歇尔•奥巴马的背上,米歇尔也回以同样的动作。

    However , two years ago the Queen herself touched US First Lady Michelle Obama on her back during a reception at Buckingham Palace-a gesture which was returned .

  30. 但如果你担心这一点,学学美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马和法国第一夫人卡拉·布鲁尼-萨科齐,选用一英寸高的中跟鞋作日常穿着之用。

    But if you 're concerned , take a cue from first ladies Michelle Obama and Carla Bruni-Sarkozy of France , and make inch-high kitten heels your go-to footwear .