
  1. 奇石美的内容和形式赏析

    Appreciate the Beauty of Peculiar Stones in Substance & Style

  2. 活力是美的内容,秩序是美的形式。

    Vitality is the beauty 's content , while order is its form .

  3. 由于两种文化精神的不同,中西和谐美的内容和表现形式存在着很大的差异。

    Due to the differences of the two cultural spirit , the content and expression form of Chinese and Western harmonious beauty is different .

  4. 美的内容是形式化了的理想,美的形式是理想化了的形式。

    The content of beauty is the ideal that has been formed , while the form of beauty is the form that has been idealized .

  5. 教学内容中有美的内容,教学形式具有美的形式、艺术的形式,整个教学过程中贯穿着美的语言、美的形式,教学过程是一个审美过程。

    There are many aesthetic contents in teaching contents . And there are many aesthetic and artistic forms in teaching forms . The whole teaching process with the aesthetic languages and forms is an aesthetic process .

  6. 要建构宪法法之信仰必须确立宪法的权威,完善诉讼的仪式,增进宪法真善美的内容,提高公民的宪法意识。

    To establish the constitution belief must first establish the supreme authority of the constitution and enhance the content of truth , kindness and beauty in the constitution and thus enhance the constitutional consciousness of all citizens .

  7. 前四组对象化的自由涉及美的内容,最后一组对象化的自由涉及美的形式,是美之为美的特殊性。

    The freedom of the former four groups of objectifications relates to the content of beauty , the freedom of the last objectification relates to the form of beauty and is the particularity of beauty as beauty .

  8. 不同的民族不同的时代美的标准内容也不同。

    The content of beauty is not same in different nations and times .

  9. 形体教育是职业技术院校加强人才包装,实现人才内秀外美的重要内容;

    Figure_forming teaching is the main content in talent_designing to be excellent inside and beautiful outside ;

  10. 美的教学内容和教学语言可以陶冶学生的情操,有助于发展学生的完美人格,培养学生的创新精神。

    Beautiful teaching material and language can help to perfect student 's character and encourage them to blaze new trails .

  11. 这是《世说新语》中所展现的女性美的重点内容,这说明该书依然未脱传统女性观的窠臼。

    This is the key elements of female beauty showed in Shi Shuo Xin Yu , although the book is still limited by the traditional view of women .

  12. 写作《法言》以后为第三阶段,主要研究人格精神美和美的内容与形式的关系。

    And the third , with the period since the completion of his Fa Yan , stressing upon the beauty of personality , and the relationship between content and form of beauty .

  13. 接着,文章阐述了当代住宅区园林景观设计原则以及与形式美的相关内容,分析了形式美是怎样产生的,总结出形式美的理论框架与法则。

    Then , the rules of uptown landscape design and relevant contents of beauty in form are expounded in the thesis . It is analyzed that how the beauty in form come into being .

  14. 凡是富有孤独美的作品其内容的深刻性是不同凡响的。

    The content 's deep meaning of any works with the beauty of loneliness is unusual .

  15. 城市雕塑艺术体现一座城市的文化档次和精神风貌,它用美的形式与内容来潜移默化地调节人的心理节奏,丰富城市色彩,美化城市环境,并逐渐在人们心目中占据了重要位置。

    It serves its beauty both in shape and content to enrich both city environment and human mind .

  16. 诗教是把思想道德教育与审美教育结合起来,利用人们的审美需求,通过美的形式和内容把真善美结合起来,达到思想道德教育的目的。

    A combination of truth , virtues , and beauty in accordance of people 's artistic appreciation helps to achieve the goal of moral education .

  17. 美与事物的内容无关,它完全取决于审美主体的主观心态。

    In Kant ′ s opinion , beauty has nothing to do with the content of a thing , and it all depends on the mental state of the subject .

  18. 而难度动作是难美项群的核心内容。

    The difficulty of action is the core content of the difficulty and beauty group .

  19. 20世纪50年代中期以来,由于欧洲局势的相对稳定和新兴国家地位的日益重要,第三世界成为美苏争霸的重要内容之一。

    Since the mid – term of 1950s , as the relative stability in Europe and the emerging of countries status , the third world becomes one of the important contents of U.S-Soviet complicity .

  20. 其中跳跃类难度动作以其高、难、美的动作特点和内容丰富的优势被广泛运用在套路编排中。

    One such difficulty movement with its leap " high " " difficult " and " beauty " operating characteristics and contents of the advantage of rich is widely used in the arrangement of routine .

  21. 散文美丰富多彩,散文美的核心内容是表现人的情性美;

    The luxuriance of prose is rich and varied , and its key content is manifestation of man 's disposition .

  22. 而事实上,法学与美学也存在着密切的关系,法蕴涵着美的因素,体现出美的内容和价值。

    Actually , law has a close relationship with aesthetics in that law contains something of aesthetics and it also embodies the content and value of aesthetics .

  23. 企业识别设计是美的设计,其中MIS属设计美的内容;

    Corporate identity design is the aesthetic design , in which MIS is the content of design aesthesia , BIS and VIS is the form of aesthesia design .

  24. 二是要综合多种素材,善于运用美学理论知识、大自然的美、社会生活的美、艺术作品的美来丰富美育的内容;

    Second , we should make full use of different materials such as the basic aesthetic principles , the beauty of the nature , of life , of art works to enrich its content .

  25. 按美育的策略实施课堂教学,本文重点探讨了数学美在实际课堂教学中的策略,通过课例揭示了中学数学教材中蕴涵的数学美的内容。

    The classroom is the main battlefield of the student study and this paper inquiried into the application of mathematics aesthetics in the actual teaching , by example contents of the mathematics aesthetics which contain in mathematics teaching material in the high school .

  26. 围绕健康美这一主题,具体揭示其内涵、层次,在这一基础上阐述了具体贯彻健康美的内容。

    The author centers on the theme of " The beauty of healthy " and reveals it 's connotations and arrangement of ideas concretely . On the basis , the author expounds how to implement the contents of " The beauty of healthy " specially .

  27. 本文从美学的基本原理和科学美的审美观出发,对Maxwell方程组进行了美学方面的探讨,认为它不仅具有美的形式,更具有美的内容;

    To discuss the Maxwell equations from the point of view of aesthetics .

  28. 孔子的美学思想强调美与善、功利的联系,提出君子比德来欣赏自然美,重视诗教和乐教等艺术美的作用,并主张文质彬彬即美的内容与形式的统一。

    Confucian 's aesthetical thought stresses connection between beauty and kindness , achievements and benefit , suggests noble men should appreciate natural beauty by comparing moral standard , pays special attention to the beauty of arts such as teaching poems and music , the unity between the content and form .

  29. 语言的美是个复杂的问题,从语言的个体风格、词彩和形式3个方面看,它们体现了创作主体的审美选择,这三者是语言美的内容和形式的统一。

    The beauty of language is a complicated problem . The individual style , the vocable beauty and the form of language embodying the writer 's aesthetic selection are the unification of both form & content of language beauty .