
  • 网络American Television;Television in the United States
  1. Aereo对此收取每月8美元费用,就是这样的行为被认为破坏了现有美国电视的生存方式。

    Aereo charges $ 8 a month , and it disrupts the existing ecosystem for television in the United States .

  2. 明年这部剧将在美国电视台播出。

    The drama will be shown on American TV next year

  3. 多达4家美国电视媒体排期邀请他上节目接受采访。

    He is lined up for no less than four US television interviews .

  4. 这是第一部出售给美国电视网的英国动画片。

    This film is the first British animation sold to an American network .

  5. 现在她已经凭借美国电视剧《内战》而一炮走红。

    Now she 's made a splash in the American television show ' Civil Wars ' .

  6. 古巴政府说那些用秘密天线收看美国电视的古巴人将面临三年监禁。

    Cuba 's government said that Cubans found watching American television on clandestine antennae would face three years in jail .

  7. 近期的美国电视史上,最有影响力的大概就是HBO。

    Perhaps the most influential player in recent television history has been HBO .

  8. 其中最成功、最具代表性也是对美国电视观众影响最大的是CBS的《60分钟》;

    , among which 60 Minutes is the most successful , representative and influential one to Americans .

  9. 沃森是ibm推出的一款超级电脑,日前刚刚在美国电视节目《危险边缘》(jeopardy!)

    Watson is the IBM supercomputer that last week took on , and crushed , two past champions on the US TV show jeopardy !

  10. 一家美国电视公司NBCUniversal在转播温哥华冬奥会时损失了2.23亿美元,预计在伦敦奥运会也将入不敷出。

    NBC Universal , an American TV company , lost $ 223m broadcasting the Vancouver winter Olympics , and expects to lose money in London , too .

  11. 预计ABC电视网官方将会于本周日在比弗利山庄与美国电视评论协会会员碰面时宣布这一消息。

    The official announcement is expected to be made by ABC TV bosses on Sunday when they meet with members of the Television Critics Association in Beverly Hills .

  12. 包括E!和一些地区性体育频道在内的康卡斯特资产,与包括美国电视网(USANetwork)和CNBC在内的NBC有线电视资产结合起来,与近来传媒业的发展趋势相左。

    The combination of Comcast properties , including E ! and regional sports channels , with NBC cable assets , including USA Network and CNBC , runs against recent media trends .

  13. 美国电视主持人凯蒂库里克(KatieCouric)也表示:媒体可以成为变革的工具

    Or as Katie Couric , the American television anchor says : The media can be an instrument of change

  14. 2011年,IBM还尝试过一种完全不同的噱头。当时,依照其创始人名字命名的电脑沃森(Watson),在美国电视智力问答竞赛节目《危险边缘》(Jeopardy!)中,与几名人类的最佳选手对战。

    IBM tried an altogether different stunt in 2011 , when Watson - a computer named after its founder - took on the best human champions in the US TV quiz show Jeopardy .

  15. 迪士尼其他业务,包括美国电视公司家庭频道(ABCFamily)、ESPN体育频道等有线电视网以及主题公园和电影制片厂,营收和利润都达到或超过了预期。

    The rest of the company , which includes its cable networks , like ABC Family and ESPN , as well as its theme parks and movie studios , met or beat revenue and profit expectations .

  16. 在八月八号,它宣布和BBCWorldwide&英国广播公司的商业部门,达成广泛协议共同制作节目,他们旨在为美国电视制作节目。

    On August8th it announced a broad agreement to co-produce shows with BBC Worldwide , the British broadcaster 's commercial arm , which is moving into producing shows for American television .

  17. 今年7月,该公司斥资20亿美元收购美国电视制造商Vizio。

    In July , the company spent $ 2bn to acquire US television manufacturer Vizio .

  18. 我们去购物。我买了学校的课本,亚当则买了一些美国电视剧集的DVD送给我,其中包括《丑女贝蒂》。片中的女主角贝蒂虽然戴着超大牙套,却有着美丽心灵和宽大胸怀。

    We went to shops where I bought school books and Adam bought me DVDs of American TV programmes like Ugly Betty , which was about a girl with big braces and a big heart .

  19. 韩国动漫家长年为《辛普森一家》(thesimpsons)之类的美国电视节目辛勤干活。

    South Korean animators have for many years done much of the heavy lifting on American TV shows such as " The Simpsons " .

  20. 当美国电视主持人格蕾琴•卡尔森(GretchenCarlson)发起针对福克斯新闻(FoxNews)老板罗杰•艾尔斯(RogerAiles)的性骚扰诉讼时,她最初被描述为拜金女。

    Gretchen Carlson , the US television presenter , was initially painted as a washed-up gold-digger when she filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Roger Ailes , the Fox News boss .

  21. 而另一边,美国电视主持人兼房地产大亨&唐纳德·特朗普(donaldtrump)在推特上表示,梅耶尔女士的做法合情合理,应该让雅虎员工来工作场所工作,而不是在家。

    On the other side , Donald Trump , an American television showman and property magnate , tweeted that Ms Mayer was right to expect Yahoo employees to come to the workplace vs. working at home .

  22. 美国电视中一直不缺少关于中学生活的剧集,但很少有像《怪胎与书呆》(FreaksandGeeks)那样被人称道的。

    American television hasn 't lacked for high school drama , but few series are as treasured as " Freaks and Geeks , " created by Paul Feig and produced by Judd Apatow .

  23. 名列前十的还有加拿大说唱歌手德雷克、葡萄牙足球明星克里斯蒂安诺·罗纳尔多、加拿大歌手TheWeekend、美国电视明星霍华德·斯特恩、英国酷玩乐队、美国作家詹姆斯·帕特森以及美国篮球明星勒布朗·詹姆斯。

    Rounding out the top ten are rapper Drake ( Canada ) , footballer Christiano Ronaldo ( Portugal ) , musician The Weekend ( Canada ) , radio personality Howard Stern ( USA ) , band Coldplay ( UK ) , author James Patterson ( USA ) , and basketball star LeBron James ( USA ) .

  24. 除了衡量直播节目收视率外,尼尔森的这组收视率数据还衡量录制在Tivo等DVR上的节目的收视情况。如今有17%的美国电视用户使用Tivo,而且人数仍在上升。

    As well as measuring live viewing , the Nielsen ratings measure the viewing of programmes recorded on digital video recorders such as Tivos , which are now used by 17 per cent of US TV households and growing .

  25. 是的,美国电视就希望他们呆在家里看电视。

    Yes , American TV just like they watch at home .

  26. 美国电视竞赛游戏类节目述评

    Comments on the Competition Programs as English Quiz on American TV

  27. 而不是在白宫上美国电视的时候。

    Not by appearing on American television from the white house .

  28. 美国电视观众喜爱他能说会道的迷人风度和诙谐的俏皮话。

    American TV audiences love his smoothie charm and witty one-liners .

  29. 立体审视美国电视新闻节目主持人的产生背景

    The Program Anchorpersons of American Television News Resulted from Progress Ideas

  30. 这次比赛于2月16日在美国电视台播出。

    The show was broadcast on American television February sixteenth .