
  • 网络US Passport;United States passport;USA Passport;United states of america passport
  1. 一位要求匿名的美国金融专业人士说,七年前为了税收优惠,他搬到了圣基茨和尼维斯,最终决定放弃美国护照。

    One American finance professional , who spoke on the condition of anonymity , said he moved to St. Kitts and Nevis seven years ago for tax purposes , eventually deciding to give up his United States passport .

  2. 姜为妻子雇了个保姆,并期待一个月内在婴儿所有美国护照手续完成后就带着新生儿回上海。

    Jiang 's wife has hired a nanny for her son and expects to return to Shanghai with the newborn in a month 's time , after the US passport paperwork is completed .

  3. 她给他们寄去了她美国护照的复印件。

    She forwarded them a copy of her American passport .

  4. 即便打起仗来,一份美国护照也总会带来安全。

    Even in a war , an American passport spelled safety .

  5. 他放弃美国护照,成为英国公民。

    He gave up his American passport to become a British citizen .

  6. 获得一个美国护照需要多少天?

    What documents are needed for a passport ?

  7. 美国护照背面写着:无论你走到那里,美国政府和军队都会予以你支持。

    Whatever you go to where , the Uni Ated States government and military would support you for ever .

  8. 虽说拥有美国护照的确是意味着福利好,但是出乎您预料的麻烦也随之而来。

    But while an American passport can certainly be beneficial , it can also be more of a hassle than one might expect .

  9. 但一本美国护照的成本也很高,尤其对于那些没有意识到拿了美国护照就要交美国税的中国富人。

    A U.S. passport can be costly , especially to the wealthy who often don 't realize that with U.S. citizenship come U.S. taxes .

  10. 拥有美国护照的杜福尔不会讲阿拉伯语,说与父亲关系十分疏远,在过去的十年中只跟他说过两次话。

    Dufour , who has a U.S. passport and does not speak Arabic , said she has only spoken to her estranged ( 12 ) father twice in the past 10 years .

  11. 实际上,最让他头疼的问题就是组织足够多的游学之旅以满足学生的需求,尤其是那些持有美国护照、否则将无法前往古巴的学生。

    In fact , his biggest headache has been running enough trips to satisfy the demand from students , particularly those with US passports who would not otherwise be able to travel abroad .

  12. 台湾的萧美琴持美国护照,又担任总统顾问一职,也可说是归属认同与国家认同不并轨的一个例证。

    Taiwanese Hsiao Bi-khim who holds an American passport but also serves as an adviser to the Taiwanese president , is another example of someone whose sense of belonging and national affiliation are not identical .

  13. 无论她们的美国护照更换多少回,无论她们为美国大选投过多少次票,无论她们会获得多少本美国驾照,她们的一部分将永远是中国的。

    However many times they may renew their American passports , however many US elections they vote in , however many US driver 's licences they will procure , a part of them will be forever China .

  14. 尽管托马斯的出生证明和美国护照上都认定他是男性,但是他却怀孕生养了三个孩子,这一点让法官认为他的合法身份证明不可信,从而使得托马斯的离婚程序变得相当复杂。

    Though both his birth certificate and U.S. passport identify Beatie as a man , he has since given birth to three children and hence , the judge isn 't convinced by the legal documentation and is still deliberating as to how to proceed .

  15. MARCIEL大使称,几乎百分之九十的需要一份前往美国学习护照的人都得到了批准。

    Ambassador Marciel says more than ninety percent of Indonesians who request a visa to study in the United States are approved .

  16. 英国和美国的护照持有者入境的时候还要被录指纹。

    British and American passport holders face being fingerprinted on arrival .

  17. 旅游加勒比海后,再重新进入美国需要护照?

    Need passport to re-enter USA from caribbean ?

  18. 目前,约有超过50%的中国白领拥有护照,而在美国拥有护照的白领比例还不到20%。

    Already , more than 50 % of Chinese white collar workers have a passport , compared with less than 20 % in the United States .

  19. 我有美国的公务护照。

    I have a service passport to America .

  20. 不必签证,但需持有多次进出美国的有效护照或绿卡。

    No Canada visa required , valid US multiple entries or green card needed .

  21. 被控阴谋者中有一名现已被捕并将面临谋杀指控,名叫曼苏尔·阿巴布希尔,该男子同时持有美国和伊朗护照。

    One of the alleged plotters , now under arrest and facing charges of conspiracy to murder , is Manssor Arbabsiar , who holds both American and Iranian passports .

  22. 据报道,美国特使持有伊朗护照,现在已经被伊朗政府关押。

    The US envoys reportedly carried Irish passports , now said to be held by Iranian officials .

  23. 一个普通的美国公民,没有护照,一天内访问了30多个国家。

    An ordinary American citizen , with no passport , visits over thirty foreign countries in one day .

  24. 在去美国之前,除护照外,旅行者必须持有美国使馆签发的有效签证。

    In addition to a passport , visitors must hold valid visas issued by the American authorities prior to departure .

  25. 因为这是他们将来,必需的技能,填写表格,以及在美国,如何取得护照。

    Because that is a skill that they need to do when they are older , filling out forms and what did one actually look like to get a passport in USA.

  26. 这些措施是跟随美国做出的:没有美国护照的人想进入美国,就需要留下照片和指纹。

    The steps follow the lead of the US , where those without a US passport are photographed and fingerprinted on entry to the country .

  27. 参众两院的领导人云集开幕式一起来纪念一个人,他不仅有着光荣的美国公民身份,也曾经获得美国护照。

    The Capitol ceremony featured leaders of the House and Senate coming together to honor a man who received not only honorary U.S. citizenship , but also the only honorary U.S. passport ever awarded .

  28. 据一家专门监控评估在美月子中心的网络平台估计,去年一年在美国出生的中国婴儿达到一万名,这些月子中心专为中国孕妇在美产子开设,自然而然,这一服务于能拿到美国护照的小婴儿的生意不断壮大。

    At least 10000 such Chinese babies were born in America last year , according to an estimate by an online platform dedicated to monitoring and rating confinement centers for Chinese women giving birth in the States . Naturally , a thriving business catering to these tiny foreign passport holders has developed .