
  • 网络American Psychological Association;Apa
  1. 这一研究报告发表在本月的美国心理学会核心杂志《健康心理学》上。研究还发现,男性拥有控制权和决定权将会延长寿命。

    The report , in this month 's APA journal Health Psychology , also discovered that male longevity was increased by control and decision authority .

  2. 乍一看,这个结果有些不可思议,因为5年来美国经济几乎未见显著增长,而当美国心理学会在2007年夏首次进行此项调查时,美国经济正处于繁荣时期。

    At first glance , this looks odd . America has hardly seen a story of economic growth in the past five years . On the contrary , when the APA first conducted this survey ( in summer 2007 ) the economy was in the midst of a boom .

  3. 美国心理学会(AmericanPsychologicalAssociation)建议,如果你有孩子,请询问一下他们对新闻的感想。

    If you have children , the American Psychological Association recommends asking them how they are feeling about the news .

  4. 美国心理学会(AmericanPsychologicalAssociation)新近的一项调查显示,工作太繁重,薪水太微薄,向上发展的机会又不多,这一切都让我们在工作中备感压力。

    Too much work , too little money and not enough opportunity for growth are stressing us out on the job , according to a new survey from the American Psychological Association .

  5. 但当美国心理学会(APA)最近以此问题进行调查时,得出的结果却非常令人意外。

    But when the American Psychological Association recently posed this question , the results were distinctly surprising .

  6. 1997年美国心理学会APA正式承认网络成瘾研究的学术价值。

    APA American Psychological Association in 1997 officially recognized " Internet addiction " the academic value of research .

  7. 前美国心理学会主席马丁·塞里格曼(Seligman)于1998年开创积极心理学,并确定了个体的某些积极特征(如乐观、希望、勇气和毅力等)在心理学研究中的核心作用。

    The former American Psychological Association Chairman Martin Seligman to create a positive psychology in 1998 , and identified some positive characteristics of the individual ( such as optimism , hope , courage and perseverance , etc. ) have the important role of psychology .

  8. 这些研究结果刊登在美国心理学会出版的《普通心理学评论》三月号上。

    These findings appear in the March issue of Review of General Psychology , published by the American Psychological Association .

  9. 美国心理学会调查显示:具有标准体重的男性中有25%的人认为自己偏瘦。

    Research by the American Psychological Association showed that 25 percent of men with a healthy weight think they are underweight .

  10. 记住,美国心理学会和美国精神病学会在70年代都曾表示,同性恋是没有错误可言的。

    Remember that both the American Psychological Association andtheAmerican Psychiatric Association said in the1970s that nothingiswrong with being gay or lesbian .

  11. 美国心理学会的一项研究发现,高估自身能力的人会被更多的同伴视为竞争者。

    A study published by the American Psychological Association found that people who overestimated their own abilities were also perceived as more competent by their peers .

  12. 美国心理学会:致力于推广心理学,希望谋得心理学研究领域、应用层面与教育方面的最大成就,以增进全体人类福祉。

    The American Psychological Society promotes , protects , and advances the interests of scientifically oriented psychology in research , application , teaching , and the improvement of human welfare .

  13. 根据美国心理学会2008年一份报告,80%的美国人认为经济问题是造成压力的主要原因,比6个月之前的66%有大幅提高。

    According to a 2008 report by the American Psychological Association , 80 percent of Americans identified the economy as a significant cause of stress , up from 66 percent 6 months before .

  14. 密苏里州州立大学的大卫吉尔里是《男性,女性:人类性别差异的演化》(美国心理学会,1998)的作者。他说,其他灵长类动物的幼子能在大约10年后独自谋生,而人类的童年却延长到18至20年。

    While other primate babies can fend for themselves in roughly a decade , human childhood stretches 18 to 20 years , said David Geary of the University of Missouri and author of Male , Female : Evolution of Human Sex Differences ( American Psychological Association , 1998 ) .