
  • 网络Structure Cabling;Network Cabling;Cabling
  1. 图书馆网络布线系统设计和应注意事项

    The System Design and Considerations of a Library 's Network Cabling

  2. 网络布线是医院信息化建设过程中的重要基础设施。

    Network cabling is important infrastructure in digital hospital implementation .

  3. 与此同时,公共交通的效率是与公交网络布线息息相关的。只有好的公交网络布线,才有高效率优服务的公交服务。

    Only good public network can supply good public service efficiently .

  4. 高频时钟网络布线拓扑结构的曼哈顿平面切割线生成算法

    An Manhattan Cut-Line Generation Algorithm for the Topology of Clock Routing

  5. 军字一号工程网络布线系统的设计

    Network Cabling Systems Design of No 1 Military Project

  6. 介绍网络布线文档以及智能布线方案

    To introduce the archive of Network and intelligent Cabling

  7. 医院网络布线的设计与安装

    Design and Installation of Network Circuitry in Hospital

  8. 计算机网络布线系统设计原则

    The design principle of computer network cabling systems

  9. 在网络布线中选择屏蔽电缆和非屏蔽电缆

    How To Select Shielded Cables and Nonmaskable Cables

  10. 浅谈网络布线传输介质

    NETWORK Networking Transmission Medium of Premises Distribution System

  11. 星型拓扑结构在大型计算机教室网络布线中的优化与实施

    Optimization and Implementation of Hub-spoken Topology Configuration in the Lane Setting of Mainframe Computer Lab

  12. 多端互连线网络布线时延的研究

    View Line Study of Multiport Interconnection Delay

  13. 浅议网络布线中应该注意的有关问题校园计算机网络综合布线设计与施工

    On Network Cabling Related Questions Design & Construction of Campus Computer Network System Colligate Wiring

  14. 浅谈485网络布线施工

    On the Construction of 485 Network Cabling

  15. 为工业厂区设计的结构化网络布线系统

    Structured Network Designed for Factories

  16. 5-4-3原则是被广泛应用的以太网布线原则,由于其易操作性和可靠性使其在网络布线方面发挥了极大的作用。

    Wiring principle " 5-4-3 " is widely used in Ethernet because of its practicability and reliability .

  17. 用遗传算法实现平板裂缝天线功分网络布线设计

    The Optimized Design of the Wiring of Power Dividing Network of Plate Slotted Array Antenna Using Genetic Algorithms

  18. 广西柳州钢铁(集团)公司办公大楼网络布线系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Network Cabling System of Office Building of Guangxi Liuzhou Iron & Steel ( Group ) Company

  19. 如何减少网络布线系统的故障,保证医院网络的正常运行是每个医院信息部门都必须认真对待的问题。

    What every IT department should treat seriously is how to eliminate network failure and make sure its proper operation .

  20. 包含通常位于网络布线间的家具和房间元素。用于设计或展示机架系统。

    Contains furniture and room elements commonly found in network wiring closets . Use to design or document rack systems .

  21. 根据工业厂区网络布线系统的设计要求,本文介绍了一种结合光纤和非屏蔽双绞线的工业布线系统。

    According to the requirement of factory network cabling system , the article introduce a factory structured cabling system combined fiber and UTP .

  22. 一个重要的例子是一家公司拥有一栋旧的建筑,没有网络布线,该公司想要连接电脑。

    An important example is a company that owns an older building lacking network cabling , and which wants to connect its computers .

  23. 同时还介绍了网络布线、服务器方案、备份方案等。最后,本文介绍了集中审批办证管理信息系统的软件设计。

    Also it introduces net distribution , server plans and backup plans , etc. Last , this essay introduces software designs in this system .

  24. 介绍双绞线、模块化信息插座、模块化插头在网络布线中的连接方式以及连接标准。

    This article introduced the connecting manner and connecting standard in the network cabling of twisted-pair , moduling information outlet and moduling connector plugs .

  25. 传统的工业监控主要使用有线网络布线不灵活,受环境影响严重,电缆维护费用高等缺陷。

    The major traditional industrial control wiring using a wired network is not flexible , seriously affected by the environment , cable maintenance cost defects .

  26. 目前存在的网关设计方案有很多缺点,它们对能源的消耗比较大,成本也比较高,家庭内部网络布线麻烦,并不太适合在家庭中使用。

    Existing gateway design has many shortcomings , such as large energy consumption , high cost , trouble network cabling and is not suitable for using at home .

  27. 本文就如何按照485总线的施工规范进行485网络布线施工,供弱电安装工程商参考以及与相关行业技术人员进行交流。

    This article emphasis to introduce what according to 485 bus construction standard to execute circuit installation , to provide for intelligent system engineering project to refer and technicist mutually to exchange .

  28. 从规划设计、施工监理、验收使用等三方面采取多种措施可有效减少医院网络布线系统的故障发生率,从而保证医院信息系统的正常运行。

    Aspects of measures on design , construction supervision and acceptance can be taken to effectively eliminate the risk factor of network failure , so as to make sure hospital IT system running properly .

  29. 以某公司办公楼计算机网络布线为例,从网络布线系统的设计、敷设、打线、验收等几方面,阐述智能化办公楼网络布线系统的设计与实现。

    With the example of office building computer network wiring , intelligent office building network wiring system is designed and implemented from the design , laying , wiring and acceptance etc. of network wiring system .

  30. 从医院信息管理要求出发,网络布线系统的设计要充分满足“军字一号”工程应用及将来发展的要求。

    From the hospital information management clam head out , the design of the network cabling system need full satisfy the apply and the request of development in the future of " No1 Military " Project .