
wǎnɡ zhào
  • Mesh cover;acoustic screen
网罩 [wǎng zhào]
  • [network] 由网或像网状物布满

  1. 将ESD模拟器用金属网罩屏蔽,可减小模拟器内部继电器开关的电磁干扰。

    ESD simulator is shielded with grounded metal mesh to decrease the electromagnetic interference of the inside relay switch of simulator .

  2. 在DM3.0和DM3.0S都建立了坚实的铸造锌合金机身,钢网罩和内部球弹出屏幕。

    The DM3.0 & DM3.0S are built with a solid cast zinc alloy body , steel mesh grille ball and internal pop screen .

  3. 金属网罩降低离心风机紊流噪声试验研究

    Experimental Study on Reducing Turbulence Noise of Centrifugal Fan

  4. 机器运转时一定要放好安全网罩

    Ensure that the grille be In place while the machinery be In operation

  5. 关于用金属网罩做静电屏蔽的完全性问题

    On perfection using metal network as electrostatic shielding

  6. 你最好在你的草莓上盖一张网罩以防鸟儿啄食。

    You 'd better put a net over your strawberries to keep the birds off .

  7. 不锈钢轴流风机网罩

    Stainless steel net-cover of axial fan

  8. 不锈钢轴流风机网罩网格以涌流或网格流动变化轻轻震颤着。

    Stainless steel net-cover of axial fan The grid shimmers with " current " or grid flux .

  9. 在关掉剃须刀后用软布轻轻擦拭飞溅到网罩表面的油

    Oil splashed on the foil surface should be wiped lightly using a soft cloth after the shaver is turned off

  10. 突然间苍蝇发现它自己被倾盆而下的粘胶粘住身子,犹如落入古罗马军团百夫长的网罩中。

    Suddenly the fly finds itself pinned-under a downpour , of glue , as if in a Roman centurion 's net .

  11. 云南烟草丛枝症病害研究ⅩⅥ网罩隔离培育无毒烟苗防治病害

    Studies on Tobacco Witches ' Broom Symptom Diseases in Yunnan ⅹⅵ Prevention Disease by Cultivating Non virus Tobacco Seedling in the Isolated Net

  12. 唯一能判断出她正出席婚礼的线索是她头上戴着的深蓝色网罩。

    The only way you 'd know she was at a wedding at all was the ( navy ) fascinator perched on her head .

  13. 利用网罩法测定了假眼小绿叶蝉不同虫口密度对茶鲜叶产量及受害指数的影响。

    Effect of different densities of Empoasca vitis on the yield loss rate and the damage indexes of fresh tea leaves was evaluated with the net method .

  14. 根据整治方案,结合治河实际情况,推荐了网罩护根防冲和混凝土四脚体护脚这两种比较有效的护根措施。

    According to renovation scheme and connecting with practical river harness situation , netlike cover protection and quadruped concrete hose measurements , which are comparatively effective , are commended .

  15. 利用性信息素诱捕、网罩隔离等方法,对斜纹夜蛾的种群动态消长规律进行研究,分析了斜纹夜蛾近10余年来连年大发生的原因。

    The population dynamics and fluctuation of Spodoptera litura ( Fabricius ) were studied using sex pheromone trap and net cover , the reasons for outbreak of the pest in recent 10 years were searched .

  16. 从数值计算和试验的结果看出,导风圈及网罩的结构形式,对于外机的送风的平直度、以及噪音都有影响。

    The experimental results and the compute results show that the structure form of the air ducting and the mesh enclosure have the influence not only for the send straightness , but also for the noiseses .

  17. 若不用网把豌豆罩上,鸟就要来吃他们了。

    If you do not net your peas the birds will eat them .

  18. 首创网口保护罩,结构合理、美观实用,确保操作安全。

    Novel adoption of screen mesh protector , nice structure , elegant with functional and safe operation .

  19. 港口类-装卸吊网、货物罩网、成组网络、吊带网络系列。

    Port type-loading and unloading cranes net , cargo cover networks , group network , harness the network series .

  20. 她刚从河上划船回来,水上那阳光织成的金色浪网仿佛还罩在她头上。

    She had just been back for a row on the river , and the sun that netted the little waves with gold seemed to have caught her in its meshes .