
wǎnɡ luò cān shù
  • network parameter
  1. 确定RBF神经网络参数的新方法

    A New Method of Ascertaining Radial Basis Function Network Parameter

  2. 该方案不仅可完成对终端IP仪表网络参数的设置,而且还可实现对网络终端IP仪表的综合管理。

    This device could not only finish the network parameter setup of the terminal IP instrument , but also realize the comprehensive management to the IP instrument .

  3. BP网络参数对模式识别问题影响的研究

    The Study of Parameters of BP Network for Pattern Recognition

  4. 通过网络参数调控提高FACTS的稳定性

    Structural Control of Electric Power Networks to Improve the Stability of FACTS

  5. 求解规准网络参数的方法及其CAT

    Solution of canonical network parameters and its CAT

  6. 并结合了大量的测试结果,对3G网络参数优化做了详细的阐述,对于网络优化有着重要的指导意义。

    The parameter optimization of 3G network is expounded in detail with the large tests .

  7. 基于遗传算法的模糊Hamming网络参数优化

    Parametric Optimization of Fuzzy Hamming Net Based on Genetic Algorithm

  8. Hopfield神经网络参数设置

    Parameter Setting of Hopfield Neural Networks

  9. 为了解决火灾探测器闭环温箱的控制,提出了一种基于免疫遗传优化的RBF网络参数整定PID算法。

    To resolve the control for heat tunnel of fire detector , a RBF network parameters tuning algorithm for PID based on immune genetic optimization is presented .

  10. 然后利用PSO算法优化训练出细胞神经网络参数,最后对设计出的细胞神经网络的性能进行了评价。

    Then the template parameters of CNN are trained out by PSO algorithm . Lastly , the performance of designed CNN has been evaluated .

  11. 相分量法是按abc相坐标进行计算,它不要求网络参数对称且能满足系统运行的需要。

    Phase component method is abc phase coordinate calculation , it does not require symmetry network parameters and meet the needs of power system operation .

  12. 孙晓光和傅云义等人([10],1998)利用遗传算法对热轧带钢精轧机组负荷分配BP网络参数进行优化。

    Sun Xiaoguang and Fu Yunyi ( [ 10 ] , 1998 ) optimized the BP network connection weights using genetic algorithm and the scheduling problem on hot strip mill has been solved .

  13. 实验数据表明采用进化规划得到的网络参数是最优的,神经网络的性能优于基于BP算法的神经网络性能。

    Experimental results have shown that parameters of the network obtained by EP can be ensured to be optimal , and the performance of the network is better than that of the network based on BP algorithm .

  14. 依据这些表达式和IBMTOKENRING的参考数据,绘制了对称环时延和通过量的数值例图,并简介了选择网络参数的方法。

    On the basis of the expressions and IBM TOKEN RING 'S reference data , numerical example graphs of the symmetry ring 's delay and throughput are drawn , and the method of selecting network parameters is introduced .

  15. 网络参数通过梯度下降法进行在线学习,利用Lyapunov方法证明了反馈系统的稳定性,仿真实验验证本方法的有效性。

    The parameters of the networks were updated on-line by using gradient descent method . The feedback-controlled system was proved to be stable by the Lyapunov approach , the simulation results are employed to complement the theoretical discussions .

  16. 然后在这个模型的基础上利用与一些自由参数例如:低通滤波阈值以及与网络参数有关的丢包概率等相关联的随机早期检测机制(RED)设计了一个AQM控制系统。

    Using this model , we next design an AQM control system using the random early detection ( RED ) scheme by relating its free parameters such as the low-pass filter break point and loss probability profile to the network parameters .

  17. 该控制器在网络参数变化及存在链路扰动时,可使系统闭环渐近稳定且满足给定的H∞性能指标。

    The controller can make the closed-loop system asymptotically stable and meet the H-infinity performance index under the condition of the time-varying network parameters and link capacity disturbance . ( 2 ) We folly consider the unmodeled uncertainties influence based on considering the parameter uncertainties and link capacity disturbance .

  18. 本文给出了这两个模型的网络参数聚集系数、平均路径长度、Laplacian矩阵特征值λ2和λn的特性的仿真结果,对基于这两个模型的一致性问题进行了研究。

    The simulation results for the network parameter such as the clustering coefficients , average path length and eigenvalue λ 2 and λ n of Laplacian matrix for these two models are presented . The consensus problems that based on these two models are studied .

  19. 但是,目前网络参数的选取还主要停留在人工调整和确定阶段,尚无一种能够根据图像本身特性自动确定参数的方法,这在很大程度上限制了PCNN的应用。

    Up to now , the parameters are always adjusted manually and there is no method of adaptive parameter determination , which impedes its application in automatic image segmentation .

  20. 利用一种动态自适应最近邻聚类(DANNC)学习算法,全面调整网络参数完成了污水pH值加药中和控制系统网络的学习和训练。

    A novel kind of Dynamic Adaptive Nearest Neighbor Clustering ( DANNC ) algorithm was adopted , and a strategy by adjusting the parameter in the entire neural network to finish the task of learning and training of the neural network ( NN ) was applied .

  21. 优化计算补偿网络参数的算法能够提高ATCXO的产品合格率和频率稳定度。

    Optimizing the algorithms of the compensation network can enhance the certified rate and the frequency stability . Compensation We also give a new correction factor to simplify the calculation of the Unstatistic .

  22. 其次,对采用比例主动队列管理(AQM)策略的闭环系统进行时滞依赖稳定性分析,得到具有较小保守性的稳定性准则,该准则揭示了比例增益与网络参数之间的关系。

    Then , the delay-dependent stability of the closed-loop system is analyzed when utilizing the proportional feedback active queue management ( AQM ), and a stability criterion is obtained with less conservatism . The proposed criterion exhibits the relation between the proportional gain and the parameters of network .

  23. 利用高斯消去法求无源二端口网络参数

    Solving the Parameters of Passive Two-port Network Through Gaussian Elimination Algorithm

  24. 一种三层前向网络参数的解析计算方法

    An Analytical Method of The References of 3 Layers Feed-Forward Network

  25. 对称带线T接头等效网络参数的计算

    Calculation of the Equivalent Network Parameters of Symmetric Stripline T-Junction

  26. 神经网络参数辨识在具有传感器特性的传动系统中的应用

    Application of Neural Network Parameter Identification in Driving System With Sensor Characteristic

  27. 基于鲁棒成本函数的随机模糊神经网络参数学习算法

    Robust Cost Function Based Parameter Learning Algorithm for Stochastic Fuzzy Neural Network

  28. 用单六端口反射计测量二端口网络参数

    Measurement of Two-Port Network Parameters by a Single Six-Port Reflectometer

  29. 当网络参数发生变化时,通过节点方程的变化来修正状态方程。

    The state equations can be modified when the network is changed .

  30. 最后,借助控制理论中稳定裕度的概念研究了网络参数对于系统稳定性的影响。

    We studied the stability margin of the network parameters on system stability .