
ɡuàn zhuānɡ shí pǐn
  • canned food
  1. 我不喜欢吃罐装食品,我爱吃新鲜的。

    I don 't like canned food , I prefer something fresh .

  2. 我希望大家都能带些罐装食品

    I 'd like you all to bring in canned food items ,

  3. 当它被从塑料中经沥滤而入婴儿配方奶粉、水或罐装食品当中的时候,人们将其摄入

    People consume it when it leaches from plastic into baby formula , water or food in container .

  4. 用枪支射击打开罐装食品是非法的。

    Status Offline it illegal to shoot open a can of food .

  5. 包装容器内涂层对罐装食品、饮料风味的影响

    Effect of containers ' inner coatings on flavour of canned food and beverages

  6. 密封在罐头里的食品叫作罐装食品。

    Food which has been closed up in tins is called tinned food .

  7. 采购:牛肉,罐装食品,水果,各种食品。

    Buy : beef , canned food , fruit , all kinds of food .

  8. 罐装食品用电镀锡板的耐蚀性及其试验方法

    Corrosion Resistance of Electrolytic Tin Plate Used for Food Cans and Its Testing Methods

  9. 只能带罐装食品吗?

    Do we have to bring in cans ?

  10. 罐装食品膨胀有两种不同的原因。

    A can of food can swell GetWord (" swell "); for two separate reasons .

  11. 选择无盐饼干、全麦麦片和富含流质的罐装食品。

    Choose salt-free crackers , whole grain cereals , and canned goods with high liquid content .

  12. 提示:烹饪时用香料代替盐,不吃腌制肉类和罐装食品。

    Tip : Substitute herbs for salt when cooking and avoid processed meats and canned foods .

  13. 4.清洗罐装食品

    Step 4 Rinse canned foods

  14. 采购:速食品,休闲食品,罐装食品,保健食品、饮料,栗子。

    Buy : Instant food , Snack food , Canned food , Health food , Beverage , Chestnut .

  15. 在流水下清洗任何肯定含有钠的罐装食品,处理掉多余的盐。

    Rinse any canned foods that do contain sodium under running water to get rid of excess salt .

  16. 采购:罐装食品,香料,香瓜子,脱水蔬菜,稻米。

    Buy : Canned foods , Spices , Aromatic seeds , Dehydrated vegetable , Pulses , Bird seeds & Rice .

  17. 这是一种存在于罐装食品保护膜和某些塑料制品中的材料硬化剂和合成雌性激�

    It 's a material hardener and synthetic estrogen that 's found in the lining of canned foods and some plastics .

  18. 他说,罐装食品可能价格便宜,但人们更喜欢意大利的烹调传统。

    Tinned food might be sold very cheaply , he said , but Italian traditions of cooking would always be preferred .

  19. 综述了影响罐装食品用电镀锡板耐蚀性能的因素及其试验方法。

    Factors influencing the corrosion resistance of electrolytic tin plate used for food cans were introduced as well as its test methods .

  20. 伊凡是一名客货车司机,在罐头厂上班他经常用货车运送罐装食品。

    Ivan is a van driver , and he works in a cannery , he often moves the canned food in a van .

  21. 不要把所有的罐装食品都吃完,存些以备急用。

    Don 't eat all the tinned food , set something aside for a possible emergency . They kept a supply of canned food at hand .

  22. 或许最能得到认同的利用热能的加工操作是商业灭菌或利用热能提高罐装食品的稳定性。

    Probably the most recognized processing operation involving use of thermal energy is commercial sterilization or the use of thermal energy to achieve product stability of canned foods .

  23. 这个特征成为防止可能含有肉毒毒素的罐装食品到达消费者手中的一个重要的质量控制步骤。

    This characteristic represents the basis for an important quality control step used to eliminate the possibility of a canned food containing botulinum toxin from reaching a consumer .

  24. 他们准备了一批罐装食品,以备不时之需。其实把钱存起来以备不时之需是多么容易的事。

    They kept a supply of canned food at hand . How easy it would have been to put some of the money away for a rainy day .

  25. 而目前婴而瓶装或者罐装食品使用的塑料正是包含这种毒素。

    Plastics can leach many extremely harmful toxins such as BPA or bisphenol A which is getting allot of press at the moment particularly in relation to babies bottles and tinned formula .

  26. 罐装食品中与达到所期望的过程有关的重要而独特的挑战就是热处理依赖于罐内的食品的传热性能。

    The significant and unique challenge associated with accomplishing the desired process in a canned food is the dependence of the thermal process on the heating and cooling characteristics of the product inside the container .

  27. 相关因素有:小儿及孕妇常吃罐装食品、饮料、皮蛋,小儿喜欢咬玩具、吮手指、咬铅笔、进食前不常洗手,父母亲从事铅暴露作业,家住大街边及大马路边等有关。

    Blood lead level of children varied in relation to the frequency of eating preserved eggs , drinking and eating canned beverage and food , biting toys and pencil , sucking their fingers and no washing hands ;

  28. 如果你经常吃速食面、罐装食品或快餐,你的身体也会给你释放出不好的信号:体重增加、无精打采,而且身体很可能会出现一系列的健康问题。

    If you spend your time eating package after package of boxed noodles , canned dinners or fast food , your body is going to let you know by gaining weight , feeling sluggish , and quite possibly having a host of health problems .

  29. 有时,他们在暴露的几小时内所承受的辐射量就超过了他们理应一年承受的量,配给的食物是饼干和罐装食品,人手一张毯子,睡觉就打地铺。

    At times , they have been exposed to more radiation in a few hours than they are supposed to endure in a year . Their rations are biscuits and canned food . They have a blanket each , and sleep on the floor .

  30. 不过,他警告称,消费者购物次数尚未明显增加,同时所购商品仍限制在冷冻和罐装食品、新鲜水果和蔬菜以及面食等“必需品”。

    However , he cautioned that there had not yet been a significant increase in the amount of shopping trips consumers are making , and said they are still limiting purchases to " Essentials " such as frozen and canned goods , fresh fruit and vegetables , and pasta .