
  • 网络canned coffee
  1. 自动售货机中的罐装咖啡售完了。

    The vending machine is sold out of canned coffee .

  2. 目前这起事故中,有多个不同品牌的婴幼儿配方奶粉、一个品牌的冷冻酸奶甜点和一个品牌的罐装咖啡饮料,发现被三聚氰胺污染。

    In the present event , melamine contamination has been found in a number of different brands of powdered infant formula , in one brand of a frozen yogurt dessert and in one brand of canned coffee drink .

  3. 每份K-Cups咖啡价格要比购买相同品牌罐装咖啡贵。

    The coffee K-Cups are more expensive per serving than buying a tin of coffee of a comparable brand .