
  • 网络Top secret mission;Mission Top Secret
  1. 俄罗斯最有势力的四个人身怀绝密任务出发了。

    Four of the most powerful men in Russia set out on a top-secret mission .

  2. 这是在寂静夜晚执行的一项绝密任务。

    A top secret mission in the dead of night .

  3. 我已经说了,我在执行绝密任务。

    I already told you , Jack . I was on a top-secret mission .

  4. 杰里科瞥见了过去的剪影,发现了波普执行绝密任务时的线索。

    Jerico glimpses flashes of the past that hold clues to what happened during Pope 's classified mission .

  5. 我们正在执行一次绝密的任务,而且我们不能发送有效的友军识别信号给地面的自动防空系统。

    Transport Captain We 're on a top secret mission and I 'm not transmitting a valid friendly ID signal to the ground-based automatic defense systems .