
  • 网络economic compensation;severance pay
  1. 经济补偿金·无固定期限劳动合同的法律问题

    Legal Issues concerning Compensation and the Unfixed - term Labor Contract : A Discussion

  2. 经济补偿金制度是劳动法上保障劳动者权益和维护劳动关系稳定的重要制度。

    For labor law , economic compensation system is the important system to protect the lawful rights and interests of workers and maintain steady labor relation .

  3. 经济补偿金的计算标准是什么?

    What is the computational standard of economic compensation gold ?

  4. 国有企业有偿解除劳动关系的经济补偿金问题

    On economic compensation funds of state-owned enterprises for termination of working relations

  5. 经济补偿金计算、支付全攻略发债与发股间的平衡

    Guides of Calculating and Issuing Compensation Balance Between Issuing Bonds and Stocks

  6. 答:经济补偿金以职工工资为计算标准。

    Answer : economy compensates gold to be computational standard with worker pay .

  7. 经济补偿金应该按什么标准支付?

    What standard will be adopted for the economic compensation as a consequence ?

  8. 经济补偿金支付的标准应参照工作年限和工资来确定。

    Reference to wages and working years to determine the standard of economic compensation funds .

  9. 经济补偿金制度研究

    Research on the System of Economic Compensation

  10. 与国有职工全部解除劳动关系,按职工的工龄给付经济补偿金。

    The SOE pay the employees compensations for rescinding the employment contract with the employees .

  11. 劳动合同经济补偿金的功能、性质和制度完善

    The Function and Nature of Economic Compensation in Employment Contract and Improvement of This System

  12. 在此基础上分析了我国现行法律在经济补偿金规定方面的缺陷。

    On this basis , analyzing the existing laws is in order to find the shortcomings .

  13. 对于在册职工,按照有关政策对其国有身份进行补偿,以国有净资产或现金形式支付经济补偿金;

    For employees in active service , their state-owned statue will be compensated according to related policies ;

  14. 从经济补偿金的概念、性质展开,并与违约金和赔偿金进行比较。

    It developed from the concept of economic compensation and its nature , then compared breaching payment and compensation .

  15. 笔者认为,经济补偿金和损害赔偿金二者是可以并存的。3、加强对用人单位的劳动规章制度的有效监管。

    I believe these two financial pay can co-exist . 3 , Strengthen effective supervision on employers ' labor regulations .

  16. 因此,用人单位支付了经济补偿金,劳动者仍然可以领取失业救济金。

    Accordingly , unit of choose and employ persons paid economy to compensate gold , laborer still can get a dole .

  17. 在经济补偿金性质的立法讨论中,用人单位帮助义务说最集中地体现了社会法的立法思路。

    In the discussion of dismissal wage nature , the theory of employer help obligation centralized the legal thought of social law .

  18. 主要介绍劳动经济补偿金的含义与性质,及其形成、产生、发展的社会基础与法理基础。

    Then , represent the social theory and the legal basis of the generation , formation and development of labor economic compensation .

  19. 同时,我们也应看到现行经济补偿金制度存在的问题,进行一定的调整和完善是必要的。

    We should also see the present economic compensation system problems , and a certain degree of adjustment and improvement is necessary to made .

  20. 对此,应剖析用人单位不当规避经济补偿金的方式和现行立法的缺陷,找出相应的防范对策。

    In order to protect the employees lawful rights and interesting , we should find the countermeasures against the employer units unjustly evasion economic compensation .

  21. 对于经济补偿金的性质,笔者比较赞同法定违约金说,但同时对传统法定违约金说的内容进行了丰富。

    For the nature of economic compensation , I much prefer that the statutory penalty , but rich the traditional content of the statutory penalty .

  22. 所以,应统一我国关于经济补偿金的相关法律法规,企业也必须慎重处理。

    Thus , the related laws and regulations about economic compensation funds should be unified and the problem should be carefully solved by the enterprises .

  23. 合同期满未续签形成事实劳动关系,终止时经济补偿金如何支付?

    If the contract is not renewed upon expiry but de facto employment relationship is formed , how should economic compensation be made upon termination ?

  24. 作为劳动合同法中的一项重要制度,经济补偿金在性质上应当是用人单位对员工被动解除劳动关系进行帮助的义务化或法定化。

    As an important system in employment contract law , dismissal wage by nature should be obligatory or legal help given by employer to employee passively unemployed .

  25. 如果劳动者不要求继续履行劳动合同或者劳动合同已经不能继续履行的,应支付经济补偿金。

    If employees are not required to continue to carry out labor contracts or labor contracts can not continue to be carried out , employers should pay compensation .

  26. 劳动合同解除中的违约金、赔偿金、经济补偿金这三种金钱交付形式虽有一定的牵连关系,但三者的性质、功能、适用条件都不尽相同,需要予以澄清。

    In the termination of labor contract , there are three types of damages : breach of contract damages , compensation damages , and damages for economic losses .

  27. 经济补偿金来源于企业的净资产,它的变现通过商品经营和资本经营两条途径实现。

    The compensatory amounts come from the net assets value while the cashing of the assets is realized by two ways : the operation of commodities and operation of capital .

  28. 文章提及了《劳动合同法》执行遇到的障碍,涉及饭店员工利益的工资工时、社会保险和经济补偿金等方面研究不足,这些也是今后需要研究的问题。

    Research related to the interests of hotel staff such as wages and working hours , social insurance and economic compensation is inadequate , these are also required in the future study .

  29. 将于明年1月1日起开始实行的劳动合同法第四十八条明确规定了用人单位应当支付经济补偿金的情形。

    The labor contract law which will come to effect in1st , January , 2008 has made a clear regulation that in which situation that the employer should pay the compensation to the employee .

  30. 在此情况下终止劳动合同,雇主须给雇员支付经济补偿金,金额一般是雇员为该雇主每服务一年补偿一个月薪金。

    In the case of such a termination , the employer shall pay economic compensation to the employee , which will generally amount to one month 's salary for each year of service for that employer .