
  • 网络economics
  1. 本文[1]是一篇理论分析性的应用经济学论文。

    This dissertation is an applied economics dissertation of empirical study .

  2. 学生:不是的,事实上,我的第一篇经济学论文拿到了A的成绩。

    Student : No , in fact I got an A on my first economics paper .

  3. 早年的时候,我花了大量时间撰写发展经济学论文,我现在真希望当初没花那么多功夫写那些东西。

    I spent a lot of my early years writing papers on growth economics that I wish I 'd never bothered to write .

  4. 本文是一篇法律经济学论文,立足于经济学的角度对法律这个特定客体进行经济学分析。

    This is the paper on law and economics , in which a special object , law , is analysed in an Economics perspective .

  5. 新近发表的一篇经济学论文,给正面临生活压力的人提了一个有些老派的建议:找最好的朋友做你的配偶。

    A new economics paper has some old-fashioned advice for people navigating the stresses of life : Find a spouse who is also your best friend .

  6. 凯勒教授说,一会儿,她可能在读一篇关于心理学和自我调控的文章,而过一会儿,她可能在研究有关双曲线贴现的经济学论文。

    One minute , says Prof Keller , she can be reading an article on psychology and self-regulation and another , she will be perusing an economics paper on hyperbolic discounting .

  7. 药物经济学研究论文结构浅析

    Analysis on the Structure of Research Paper on Pharmacoeconomics

  8. 前言:目的:为撰写药物经济学研究论文提供参考。

    OBJECTIVE : To provide references for the writing of research paper on pharmacoeconomics .

  9. 方法:分析当前我国药物经济学研究论文结构中存在的问题,探讨论文撰写时需注意的事项。

    METHODS : Problems concerning the structure of pharmacoeconomics research paper in our country were analyzed and some points which need attention on the writing of this kind of paper were discussed .

  10. 提到纳什的研究,他那27页关于数学与经济学领域的博士论文的影响可谓十分深远。

    When speaking about his research , the impact of his 27 page dissertation on the fields of mathematics and economics was tremendous .

  11. 此外,基于电力需求价格弹性理论的研究,从经济学角度,本论文对安全电价的意义和作用进行了解释。

    In addition , by researching the theory of price elasticity of electric demand in the paper , function of security price is explained from the economic angle .

  12. 通过对旅游年票现象的经济学分析,本论文在理论上构建了三个模型:旅游年票市场有效性论证模型、发行商成本收益模型和加盟商户正负效应模型。

    Through the economic analysis on tourism yearly ticket , three models were built : the effectiveness model of tourism yearly ticket market , publishers ' cost-benefit model and the contradistinction model of positive and negative effects on joining firms .