
yán xī
  • Research and analysis;discuss and analyze
研析 [yán xī]
  • [study and deduce] 研究分析

  1. 计算机辅助价值工程(CAVE)的研析

    To Study on Computer Assistant Value Engineering

  2. 基于工控网络的地铁BAS控制网络系统的研析

    Discussion of Subway 's BAS Control Network System Based on Industrial Control Network

  3. 电磁波在碳酸岩地区的传播特性研析

    A study of propagation characteristics of electromagnetic wave in carbonate area

  4. 区域经济整合已为世界潮流,本课程将加以研析。

    The course will discuss the concept of regional economic integration .

  5. 考试作弊处罚的正当程序研析

    Research on the right procedure in the punishment of test cheats

  6. 企业财务风险内涵的研析

    Study of the Definition of the Financial Risk in an Enterprise

  7. 1994&2005年我国健美操科研现状研析

    Research and Analysis on Scientific Condition of Aerobics between 1994-2005

  8. 挪用资金罪构成要件若干问题研析

    The Research on Compose Important Condition of Divert Fund Crime

  9. 叶斯柏森语言演进理论研析

    An Analytical Study of Jespersen 's Views on the Development of Language

  10. 遗失物拾得人的权利和义务研析

    Humans Analyses of Lost Property Keepers ' Rights and Duties

  11. 现代烟草品牌传播策略趋向研析

    Research on the Strategic Trend of Modern Tobacco Brand Spread

  12. 本文对侵占罪的若干争议问题进行了研析。

    This paper analyses several controversy problems on the accusation of occupation .

  13. 合同诈骗罪疑难问题研析

    The Study about Some Difficult Problems of the Crime on Fraudulence Contract

  14. 网络时代中学生道德判断力研析

    Study on Moral Judgment of Chinese Middle School Students in Net Times

  15. 蔡元培心理健康教育思想研析

    Research on CAI Yuanpei 's Thought of Mental Health Education

  16. 本文的研析显示,判例法所发展的这些准则充满了自由裁量、猜测以及政策考量因素,从而肆意扩大美国对于跨国证券交易及其欺诈的管辖权。

    These tests are full of discretion , conjecture and policy consideration .

  17. 研析长白山天然矿泉水资源基本特征及其价值

    Basic Features and Value of Natural Mineral Water Resources in Changbai Mountain

  18. 对综合公园儿童活动区场地设计的研析

    Site Design of Children 's Activity Area in Comprehensive Park

  19. 前置治安审批制度改革后行业场所治安管理的基本思路研析

    Innovation of Peace Order Administration after the Administration License Transformation

  20. 教育合同缔约过程之法理研析

    Study of the Legal Principle of the Process of Signing the Education Contract

  21. 文章介绍并研析了唐代巩县窑的生成、沿革、结构、产品与影响。

    The article introduces the kiln of the Tang Dynasty in Gong county .

  22. 非法拘禁罪行为构造研析

    Analysis of the Action Constitution of Unlawful Detention Crime

  23. 寝室英语与学生口语能力培养的实践研析

    A Practical Study on Dormitory English and the Development of Student Oral Proficiency

  24. 社区集体经济组织改制目标定位与职能重构之法律研析

    A Legal Probe into the Aims and Functions of Community Collective Economic Organization

  25. 现阶段中国公共部门人力资源权益和社会保障研析

    Study and Analysis of Present Personnel Rights and Social Security of China Public Department

  26. 人类纪新地质时期理论研析之二&地球环境生态系统灾变现象与生态灾变论

    Catastrophic phenomena in the global environmental ecological system and the theory of ecological catastrophism

  27. 教学中教师的语言效应研析

    Analysis of Teachers ' Language Effect in Teaching

  28. 冲孔灌注桩施工的研析与探讨

    Discussion on the Construction of Percussion Piling

  29. 意大利民事诉讼制度研析

    A Study of Italian Civil Procedure System

  30. 在对会泽县资料深入研析的基础上,定性分析了该区域的用地现状。

    On the basis of further inquiry of material in Huize , land condition is analyzed qualitatively of in that region .