
  1. 提高QC小组活动质量促进经济增长方式转变

    Raising Quality of QC Group Activities and Promoting the Transformation of Economic Growth Pattern

  2. QC小组活动是促进企业经济增长方式转变的有效措施。

    QC group activity is an effective measure of promoting the transformation of economic growth pattern of enterprises .

  3. 中国一直在寻求将经济增长方式转变为由内需拉动,但尼尔森(Nielsen)上周公布的一项消费者信心调查显示,中国消费者对可支配支出的意愿正在降温。

    It has been seeking to reorient its economy towards domestic consumption , but a survey of consumer confidence published by Nielsen last week indicated cooling towards discretionary spending .

  4. 经济增长方式转变的必要性及相对性

    The Necessity and Relativity of Changing the Mode of Economic Growth

  5. 经济增长方式转变的临界点

    The Critical Point of the Transformation of the Economic Growth System

  6. 试论经济增长方式转变的内涵及其实现条件

    The changing pattern of the connotation and accomplishment of economic growth

  7. 河北省经济增长方式转变的研究

    Research on Changing the Mode of Economic Growth in Heibei Province

  8. 新疆农业经济增长方式转变实现度变化与可持续发展

    Transformation Degree of Agricultural Economic Growth and Sustainable Development in Xinjiang

  9. 创意产业促进经济增长方式转变&机理·模式·路径

    Creative Industry Promoting the Changing of the Ways of Economic Growth

  10. 扩大消费需求推进经济增长方式转变

    Improving the Transformation of Economy Growth Mode by Expanding Consumption Demand

  11. 辽宁经济增长方式转变中的人力资源开发问题

    Problems of Liaoning human resource development in economic growth mode transformation

  12. 从指标分析谈宁波经济增长方式转变

    An indexical approach to the transition of economic increase mode of Ningbo

  13. 经济增长方式转变滞后的原因与路径前瞻

    The Causes for Lag of Economic Growth Mode Transformation and Route Forecasting

  14. 我国经济增长方式转变的必然选择&发展循环经济及其政策建议

    To Develop Recycling Economy is an Absolute Option for Chinese Economy Development

  15. 加速经济增长方式转变推动皮革工业更快发展

    Accelerating the Economical Increasing Pattern Transformation , Promoting the Leather Industry Development

  16. 加快推进经济增长方式转变的途径及措施

    Channels and Measures Toward Accelerating Change of the Pattern of Economic Growth

  17. 我国渔业经济增长方式转变问题研究

    Study on Transforming the Fisheries Economic Growth Pattern in China

  18. 中国新发展模式下的经济增长方式转变

    The transformation of economic growth way under new development pattern in China

  19. 制度视角下的经济增长方式转变问题研究

    Research on China 's Growth Pattern Transformation from the Perspective of Institution

  20. 制约我国经济增长方式转变主要是体制问题。

    Transformation of mode of economic growth is restricted mainly by economic system .

  21. 国有企业的技术创新与经济增长方式转变

    Technical Innovation and Changes in Manner of Economic Increase in State Owned Enterprises

  22. 对我国经济增长方式转变的新思考

    Rethinking on the change of Chinese economic growth pattern

  23. 从国际竞争力看我国经济增长方式转变

    An Analysis of Shift of Growth Patterns on the Basis of International Competition

  24. 论经济增长方式转变中中心城市的区域配送

    On Area Release and Distribution of Center Cities In Economy Increase Mode Change

  25. 经济增长方式转变过程中的劳动就业问题分析

    The Analysis of Labor Employment During the Transformation Process of Economic Growth Models

  26. 东莞市经济增长方式转变研究

    The Study on Economic Growth Pattern of Dongguan City

  27. 从体制创新入手,完善促进经济增长方式转变的制度体系。

    Using the system innovation to improve the institutions for growth pattern transition .

  28. 经济增长方式转变与农村女青年就业

    The Change in the Mode of Economic Growth and Employment for Rural Young Women

  29. 试论经济增长方式转变时期的金融策略选择

    A Choice for Finance Strategy during the Period of Form Transformation of Economic Growth

  30. 对地勘部门推进经济增长方式转变的研究

    Research on pushing forward the changeover of economic growing mode for geological prospecting units