
  • 网络current account convertibility;Exchange of Current Account
  1. 1996年12月人民币实现经常项目可兑换后,关于人民币自由兑换的讨论主要集中在资本项目。

    In December 1996 , RMB achieved current account convertibility , and then discussions are focused on capital account .

  2. 我国在1996年实现了人民币经常项目可兑换,资本项目的开放也在积极有序地推进。

    After RMB current account convertibility was carried out in 1996 , people expect to realize RMB capital account convertibility .

  3. 从全面外汇管制向经常项目可兑换转变;

    Transform from planning control of foreign exchange into constant account convertible ;

  4. 1996年12月,我国实现了人民币经常项目可兑换后,资本帐户的开放问题就显得日益重要。

    As a result , convertibility under capital accounts becomes more and more important .

  5. 浅析人民币经常项目可兑换对我国经济的双重影响

    Convertible R M B on Current Account Will Produce Double Effect on Chinese Economy

  6. 十几年来,我国外汇管理体制实行了重大改革,实现了人民币经常项目可兑换。

    RMB current account is convertible after more than ten years ' reformation in foreign exchange management system .

  7. 第三章着重就中国外汇体制的改革以及推行人民币经常项目可兑换_的实践作了历史回顾和现状考察。

    Chapter 3 make historical review and investigate on the reform fact of foreign exchange system in China and the practice of free convertible of RMB in current account .

  8. 我国现行的外汇管理体制是人民币经常项目可兑换,而资本项目的兑换受到严格管制。

    In present China s foreign exchange system , Renminbi is convertible in the range of regular items , there is still a strict control over the convertibility in capital item .

  9. 1996年,中国成功实现了经常项目可兑换,意味着我国已正式加入经常性国际交易的多边支付体系,从而在解除外管制方面走出了关键性的一步。

    China has been successfully realized convertibility of RMB in current account since 1996 , which means our country has formally joined multilateral payment system of international trade and relieved foreign exchange control to a great extent .

  10. 针对我国外汇管理体制的重大改革&人民币经常项目可兑换,阐述了其内涵以及对我国经济可能产生的双重影响。

    This paper aims at a significant reformation of foreign exchange system in China , which is convertible R M B on current account , analyses the connotation and discusses that it would possibly produce double effect on Chinese economy .

  11. 特别是在经常项目可兑换情况下,随着对外开放的不断深入,资本流动的管制效率会愈来愈低,资本账户开放已经成为一国经济融入全球化的必然结果。

    Especially under the current account exchange situation , the efficiency of controlled capital flow becomes much lower than before with the gradual deeping of opening up , thus capital account openness a necessary result of one country merging into the globalization .

  12. 在实现了人民币经常项目下可兑换之后,人民币资本项目可兑换被提到议事日程中来。

    After realizing under day-to-day items Renminbi can be exchanged for foreign currencies , the Renminbi capital item can be exchanged for foreign currencies has been put on the agenda .

  13. 从1994年起,我国建立起了以市场供求为基础的单一的人民币浮动汇率体制,并于1996年实现了人民币经常项目下的可兑换。

    Since 1994 , China has established unitary floating foreign exchange system of RMB basing on demand and supply in market , and in 1996 , China achieved the convertibility of RMB in current account .