
jīnɡ jì tónɡ ménɡ
  • economic union
  1. 从一定程度上来说,婚姻是一种经济同盟,如果人们拥有稳定的收入来源,他们就更容易结成稳定的关系。

    Marriage is part an economic union , and it 's easier to form a stable relationship when there is a steady source of income .

  2. 其次,借鉴法国和德国化敌为友的成功经验,加强合作,建立中日地区经济同盟,营造良好的友好气氛和共同利益。

    Second , we should borrow the successful experiences of the establishment of friendship between Germany and France , strengthen cooperation , found district Sino-Japanese economic union and make friendly atmosphere and common interests .

  3. 自由的制度论是建立日美经济同盟,实现日美自由贸易协定的框架;

    The liberal system theory provides a framework for the establishment of the US-Japan economic alliance and free-trade relations .

  4. 普京一直着眼长远,他建立经济同盟所带来的长期收益将远远超过能源收入方面的短期损失。

    Putin always thinks decades ahead , and any short-term loss of energy revenues will be far offset by the long-term gains of his economic alliances .

  5. 全球化趋势的加剧导致资本的国际移动,区域性的经济同盟和集团如雨后春笋般不断涌现,国际间的经济往来,在广度和深度上均有所突破。

    The trend of globalization has led to the international capital movement , and with the regional economic union soaring , the transactions on economy among nations are improving both in breadth and depth .

  6. 欧洲经济和货币同盟

    European Economic and Monetary Union

  7. 规模经济视角下关税同盟福利效应研究

    The Research of Welfare Effect on Customs Union Angled on Economy of Scale

  8. 随着经济一体化由关税同盟发展到单一市场,建立欧洲经济货币联盟,欧盟的技术标准也由无协调状态,经过旧方法、新方法阶段的摸索,形成了目前的三轨并列之势。

    While European integration developed from Customs Union to Single Market and then to the Economic and Monetary Union , the technical harmonization at EC level also developed from non-harmonizing to the stage of different approaches before reaching the current stage of trinity .

  9. 先对货币一体化概念作了定义,指出其内涵和外延,并阐述了货币一体化与经济合作、金融合作、货币合作、经济一体化、金融一体化、经济同盟、货币同盟、最优货币区等概念的区别。

    The dissertation first tries to give an exact definition of monetary integration , points out its differences with other related concepts , such as economic cooperation , financial cooperation , monetary cooperation , economic integration , financial integration , economic union , monetary union and optimum currency areas .

  10. 按照发展程度,区域经济一体化组织可以划分为单一商品上的经济一体化、优惠贸易安排、自由贸易区、关税同盟、共同市场、经济同盟、完全经济一体化等基本类型。

    According to the level of development , organizations of regional economic integration can be divided into several basic types , such as economic integration of single commodity , preferential trade arrangement , free trade area , zollverein , common market , economic union , complete economic integration .

  11. 然后重点分析了米德对国际经济贸易理论发展所做出的贡献,其获奖著作《贸易与福利》中的理论思想的前提假定、次优原理、要素流动理论、经济同盟理论等;

    Based on these , analyses of his contributions and theories , including his assumptions settings , second-best theory , movements of factors of production theory , economic union theory , are presented .