- 名Endplate potential;end-plate potential

Effects of calcium ions and nerve impulses on changes in miniature end-plate potential frequency produced by toosendanin
It also reduced he amplitude of end plate potential ( epp ), and resulted in an initially excitatory and then inhibitory change of epp quantal content .
The MEPP frequency was raised about 3 times when the Ca ~ ( + + ) concen-tration of Krebs solution was elevated from 2 to 16 mM .
Early in 1952 , Fatt and Katz first recorded spontaneous miniature end-plate potentials ( MEPP ) in frog NMJ , and showed that they were the result of spontaneous release of transmitter substance , acetylcholine ( ACh ), from motor nerve terminals .
Hereafter postsynaptic membrane potential was depolarized gradually , and the maximum depolarization value was 27 . 0 mV . The frequency of mEPP increased markedly after 70 . 3 min MTX administered , 32 folds compared with control .
To study the effect d serum from myasthenia gravis patient on minor-end-plate electric potential ( MEPP ) of Spleen-Qi Defi - ciency ( SQD ) rats and healthy rats by selecting phrenic nerves-diaphragmatic muscles as samples and recorded by glass micro - electrode .
Effects of vecuronium on neuromuscular junction miniature endplate potentials and endplate potentials in rat diaphragm
Neither the frequencies of miniature endplate potential nor the resting membrane potential of the muscle were changed by fraction ⅸ .
Experimental Study of Effect of Serum from Myasthenia Gravis Patient on Minor - End - Plate Electric Potential of Spleen-Qi Deficiency Rats
Endplate potentials , acetylcholine potentials , and electrotonic potentials were recorded from the motor endplates of isolated diaphragms from acute late septic and non septic rats .