- 网络Lineation;foliation

It is shown through the present study that the belts have wavy mylonitic foliation , mineral lineation and S-C fabric .
Steep mylonite foliation in the earlier shear belts strikes NE-NNE , and dips NW or SE ; its stretching lineation is gentle .
Moderate-angle plunging stretching lineations can been also found locally between the SS domain and PS domain .
The deformation mechanism of the basement metamorphic series is transversal tectono-transposition of extension regime . The result is the X-axis and Y-axis of the strain ellipsoid extended , while the Z-axis shortened . That is X > Y > 1 > Z.
The central segment of the fault is a 30 ~ 50 m thick ductile shear zone with a well-developed mylonitic fabric and stretching mineral lineation , whereas the eastern and western segments are characterized by cataclastic deformation .
Studies of deformation structure in the eastern segment of the Altun fault zone indicate that it can be divided into the ductile sinistral strike-slip domain with subhorizontal stretching lineations ( SS domain ) and the contractional deformation domain with steeply plunging stretching lineations ( PS ) .
Steep mylonite foliation in the later shear belts strikes NE-NNE , and mostly dips SE . Its stretching lineation is gentle and dips SSW , the maximum dip angle is less than 20 ° .
The main feature of transposition , S 1 ≈ S 0 , was considered to be developed by progressive deformation during formation of the tight to isoclinal folds . The hook shaped folds , boudinages and lineations of many types were structures accompanying tectonic transposition .
Most minerals , e.g. , amphiboles , are characterized by at least two generations , and the well-developed ductile-brittle shear deformations are shown by the development of folds , shear foliations or cleavages , S-C fabrics , NNE to NNW-striking stretching lineations and mylonitic microstructures .
There occur vertical stretching lineations on the flow cleavage planes .
The NW-trending stretching lineation characteristics and its geological implication in the Western Kunlun orogenic belt
In structural geology analysis , fabric analysis of foliation and lineation is commonly conducted .
On the surface of foliation there develops strong stretching lineation defined by alignment of elongated minerals .
The magnetic lineations mainly dip to the north hemisphere and part of them developed near south-north direction .
The main mechanism of melt lineation is extensional deformation which led to partial melting of high-grade metamorphic rock .
Studies of various kinds of deformation structures , microstructures and magnetic fabrics indicate that it has undergone strong ductile shear .
Magnetic lineations indicate emplacement centers of the granite , and different lineations imply different ways of emplacement and tectonic stress .
Strong foliation , stretching lineation , a-type folds , sheath folds and mylonite , these structural characteristics only reflect macroscopic evidence .
However , this courseware will only introduce the boudin and rodding in large lineation , and elongation lineation in the small lineation .
Thrusting direction of this system is from southeast to northwestjudging by some characteristics of secondary faults and the associated structures ( scratchlineation ) .
The occurrences of quartz-rod stretching lineations are 110 °~ 125 °∠ 5 °~ 20 °, indicating parallel extensional direction of the orogenic belt .
The foliations of the mylonites mostly dip steeply and the stretching lineations are nearly horizontal , therefore , it is strike slip fault .
Melt lineation developed in ductile deformation zones of deep structural levels of crust and may indicate the moving direction as the mineral stretching lineation does .
Because of deformation superposition , deformation intensity from basin to orogen is not increasing , and the magnetic lineations are not in the same direction .
The magnetic lineation and magnetic foliation study of the ore area show that the magnetic fabric study can proclaim the stress field of rock deformation as the petrofabric analysis .
In the groups the most intensity deformation reserved is the strike-slip shear deformation during the Cenozoic , and the structural character of lines and plans is consistent with that of Ailao Shan-Red River shear zone .
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