- linear function

When F (·) is a linear function , B. Chen and N.
The time complexity for this filtering or query is only linear function O ( N ) of cardinality N.
K fault diagnosis of circuits with generalized linear functions
The correlative coefficiency ( r ) between power fuction and linear fuction is almost same .
Regarding the variance component linear function minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimates , it is needed to solve the nonlinear simultaneous equation .
Precomputation for QoS Routing Based on Linear Functions
First , a proof of the equivalence is presented among the q-polynomials , matrices of order n and linear functions over finite fields .
In this paper , a nonlinear learning regulation that adjusts weights and thresholds of BP networks with th ( x ) which replaces linear function x is proposed .
An EOQ Model at Random when Average Demand Is a Linear Increasing Function
The test results prove that the failure stress condition still obeys the Zhang Ke-xu 's formula , and the parameters k and c depend on the vibration times and the failure strain criterion .
Research on the generalized utility max-min fair algorithm based on piecewise linear function
The piecewise linear function to enhance the image , median filter , geometric correction , Hough transform are finished in the image preprocessing .
For the uniform rotating magnetic field , the diagonal geometric phase will evolve as a linear function like the Berry 's case .
This paper discusses the existence of a kind of general Logistic population when the capture is a linear function for population and obtains the sufficient conditions for weak persistent existence and extinction .
When the distribution of S value appears to be a constant , a straight line or a conic curve , the r ( t ) can be chosen correspondingly as a constant , a linear function or a conic function .
First , convert the FDP into TSP , and then solve the problem by using evolutionary algorithms based on order crossover and inversion mutation operators .
The results showed that the band gaps Eg can generally be expressed as a linear function of the bond energy and the resonance integrals between the neighbouring bonds , irrespective of the covalent structural types of the semiconductors .
The linear function and wavelet basis function satisfying the frame condition are employed as an activation function in output and hidden layer respectively , and BP arithmetic is used to train it , and self-adaptive learning rate and momentum coefficient are also used to accelerate the learning speed .
APT believes that the Securities gains for the K factor ( risk premium ) is a linear function of these factors to describe the basic economic system variable factor , but the APT is not clear that the specific number of factors and content .
By means of the bite size of herbivore replacing plant size in food concentrated patches , the intake rate of herbivores could be validly predicted in food concentrated patches , and the intake rate are an asymptotic function of bite size , which belongs to type ⅱ functional response .
Method An arbitrary data set was classified into a simple one and a complex one according to the boundaries existing within the data set , thereby a piecewise linear function was used to construct the transfer function ( TF ) .
Actor-critic methods have been discussed in detail . Also tile-coding linear function approximation is used in Actor-Critic to get features .
Log-MAP algorithm was a simplified decoding method of Turbo code . In order to overcome its disadvantage , this paper presented an improved method for Log-MAP , in which segment linear function was used to approximate calibration function .
When the parameter C was set to 1 , the insensitivity constant epsilon was set to 0.01 and the linear kernel was cho - sen , the prediction accuracy was 84.9 % and 86.8 % respectively , when 320 training datasets were used to train the models .
The numerical simulation of the fiber gratings with the different profiles for dispersion compensation at 10 Gb / s over 100 km of standard optical fiber confirms the result .
A generalized utility max-min ( UMM ) fair algorithm of resource allocation based on piecewise linear function was provided , which supported the upper / lower bounds of resource allocation as well as strictly increasing and continu-ous utility functions .
A linear function relationship between inertia weight and average-distance-amongst-points was established through analyzing the dynamic relationship between inertia weight value and population diversity , and this functional relationship was embedded into APSO .
" Z-Score " model , which is a plural liner function set by applying of changeable thought , it use various finance index signs to work out total discretion cent ( Z value ) to make the comprehensive analysis , predict the business enterprise of finance crisis .
In the LMPD , the relative growth rate of population isa linear function of population size ( N ), but in the MPDVR , it is a nonlinear function .
The analytic solution of the differential equation shows that : the spatial distribution of electric potential follows a superposition of linear and trigonometric function , and finally levels off to a linear distribution , which is hypothesized by Esrig ;