
  1. 那个日期的文献记载中提到了一种用竹子和纸扎制而成的小船,上面装点着50000支蜡烛。

    Accounts of that era tell of a paper and bamboo boat ablaze with 50,000 candles .

  2. 这个老头又把消息传给左邻右舍,不久城里的穷人都知道了,家家买红纸扎灯笼。

    Then the old man spread the news in the neighborhood and soon the poor people throughout the city began to make lanterns with red paper .

  3. 夜晚南湖湖面放荷花灯,以纸扎灯,下系木片,中燃红烛,飘浮水上,多至千盏。

    South Lake lake lotus lights at night put to paper-made sacrificial lamps , under the Department of chips , the burning Candle , floating in the water , up to1000 .

  4. 用大头针在纸上扎洞。

    Prick holes in the paper with a pin .

  5. 当同学们送给她圣诞礼物时,她更无地自容了。那些礼物都用漂亮的包装纸包着,扎着美丽的彩带,惟有特迪的例外。

    She felt even worse when her students brought her Christmas presents , wrapped in beautiful paper and tied with pretty ribbons , except for Teddy 's.