
  • 网络pulp waste liquid
  1. 纸浆废液中有机物资源的利用

    Utilization of organic resources in paper pulp waste liquid

  2. 改性纸浆废液复合粘结剂

    Modified Pulp Waste Liquid Complex Binder

  3. 试验过程中采用均匀设计与调优软件进行试验方案的设计和试验结果的优化,考察了乳化剂中纸浆废液、阴离子和非离子表面活性剂间的协同作用及pH值的影响。

    The uniform design and optimization software was used to design the experiments and optimizing the test results , the synergetic effects of waste sulfite liquor , and the anionic and nonionic surfactants as well as the influence of the pH value were investigated .

  4. 该注浆工程中采用LP-2型化学浆液,它是以纸浆废液为主剂,加上桥联剂、胶凝剂为辅剂的强化木质素的化学浆液。

    The LP - 2 chemical grout is a strengthened lignin chemical liquid consisting of wood pulp waste liquid , bridging agent and gelation agent .

  5. 亚硫酸盐纸浆废液作为化学灌浆材料的研究与应用

    Application of Discarded Bisulfite Pulping Liquor as a Chemical Grouting Material

  6. 碱法纸浆废液研制木材用粘合剂

    Manufacture Wood Adhesive by alkaline Pulp Waste Liquid

  7. 铸造用HS-纸浆废液粘合剂的研究

    The Research of HS-Waste Pulp Adhesive for Casting

  8. 利用纸浆废液、糖蜜废液、啤酒废液等工业废料代替煤焦油作为粘结剂,可生产出质量合格的定型活性炭。

    The qualified formed activated carbon may be produced by using the industrial waste liquids as adhesive instead of coal tar .

  9. 简述了改性纸浆废液复合粘结剂及其用作铸造砂芯粘结剂时的性能。

    The properties of modified pulp waste liquid complex binder and those of the binder used as cast cores are discussed briefly .

  10. 以优质电熔镁砂、烧结镁铝尖晶石为主要原料,采用纸浆废液作为结合剂研究镁质复合滑板材料。

    By using fused magnesia and sintered spinel as main materials and sulphite liquor as binders , magnesium compound side gate was researched .

  11. 木质素磺酸盐减水剂原材料采用纸浆废液,生产工艺简单,属于环境友好型产品。

    The raw materials of lignosulfonate superplasticizer were paper pulp waste liquid and the production process is simple , so it was an environmentally friendly products .

  12. 结果表明,纸浆废液中的碱使生料的易烧性降低,使水泥各龄期强度降低;

    The results show that alkalis in the waste liquid can reduce burnability of raw meal and the strength of cement was reduced in various age .

  13. 利用造纸厂纸浆废液中分离出的蒸馏妥尔油,合成了改性酚醛树脂,并对反应机理和树脂结构进行了分析。

    The modified phenolic resin was synthesized by using distilled tall oil from paper industrial wastes , the reaction mechanism and the structure of resin was analyzed .

  14. 分析了亚硫酸盐纸浆废液作为化学灌浆材料的可能性,同时介绍了几种铬木素化学灌浆材料的性能及应用实例。

    The possibility of application of discarded bisulfite pulping liquor as a chemical grouting material was discussed , the properties and application of chromic lignin chemical grouting materials were introduced .

  15. 介绍了制取HS-纸浆废液粘合剂的方法,讨论了制备条件对粘合剂质量的影响,说明了这种粘合剂在铸造工艺中的使用性能。

    This Paper discusses the method of making HS-adhesive by using waste pulp , and discusses the reaction conditions how to affect the quality of the adhesive , and also explains the adhesive 's using properties in the casting process .

  16. 用于纸浆浓缩及废液提取的新型设备&高效旋转式压滤机

    High Efficiency Rotary Press-A New Type Machine for Pulp Thickening and Waste Liquor Extraction

  17. 本产品是制浆造纸厂粗浆洗涤系统的主要设备,供洗涤纸浆及提取废液用。

    This product is the main equipment of the washing system of unscreened pulp in pulping and paper making factory which is used for pulp washing and waste liquor extraction .