
nà qiè
  • concubinage
  • take a concubine
纳妾 [nà qiè]
  • [take a concubine] 指娶小老婆;纳小

  1. 李银河教授曾建议在2001年新的婚姻法中加进惩处纳妾的条款。

    She lobbied for the marriage law passed in2001 which criminalized having a concubine .

  2. 纳妾之风在中国有着悠久历史,20世纪初以前一直非常普遍。

    Concubinage has a long history in China and was common right up to the early20th century .

  3. 蓄婢、纳妾和包办婚姻的习俗也是与地主制度分不开的。

    The institutions of slave girls , concubinage and forced marriage were also irrevocably tied to the landlord system .

  4. 纳妾制是封建制度的寄生物,是毒害女性、否定女性独立人格的腐朽没落的制度。

    The system of taking a concubine is the feudal parasite , is the decayed system of poisoning women and denying women 's independent personality .

  5. 她的丈夫以传宗接代为借口开始纳妾,然后搬到汉城,开始做新的生意。

    Her husband started keeping concubines on the pretext of trying to carry on the family line and moved to Seoul to start a new business .

  6. 源于《圣经》传统的基督教一夫一妇制与源于儒家孝文化的纳妾习俗形成了尖锐的矛盾。

    Monogamy System which is from the " Bible " traditional Christian formed a sharp contradiction with Concubinage System which is from the culture of Confucian filial piety .

  7. 清代对纳妾更趋于放任、自由,单是一部《红楼梦》我们就可以看出清代置妾之风的鼎盛。

    Men had more freedom to have concubines in Qing Dynasty and the concubine-system was on its day , which could be reflected in Dream of the Red Chamber .

  8. 通过对《儿女英雄传》中纳妾、婚礼仪式等的分析,阐明儒家伦理中的礼教观念和以儒家伦理为核心的大众文化心理。

    In The Story of Children Heroes , this paper attempts to clarify " the feudal ethics " notion in the Confucian moral principles and the mentality of popular culture with the Confucian ethics as the core .