
tuō shǒu
  • sell;dispose of;slip out of the hand;get off one's hands
脱手 [tuō shǒu]
  • (1) [slip out of the hand]∶出手;离手

  • (2) [get off ones hands;sell;disppose of]∶卖出

  • 货物昨日已脱手

脱手[tuō shǒu]
  1. 把车卖掉时,我很庆幸终于脱手了。

    I was glad to be rid of the car when I finally sold it .

  2. 急于脱手未售出公寓的开发商降低了房价。

    Prices have been cut by developers anxious to offload unsold apartments

  3. 然后那个伐木工脱手甩出了斧头。哐!每个人都听见了。

    Then the woodcutter let his axe fly — Thwack ! Everyone heard it .

  4. 只要存货能脱手,无论采取什么方式他们都愿意。

    They are just happy to sell their inventory any which way they can .

  5. 他用力一扔,石块脱手飞了出去。

    With a powerful fling he sent the stone flying .

  6. 不过,未能脱手泛美能源股份,让bp不得不继续保留这项虽有价值、但不受欢迎的资产。

    The failure to sell Pan American , however , leaves BP clinging to a valuable but unwanted asset .

  7. 在2008年3月贝尔斯登(BearStearns)几近破产后,雷曼发现自己一些流动性最差的资产无法脱手。

    In the aftermath of the near-collapse of Bear Stearns in March 2008 , Lehman found itself unable to sell some of its most illiquid assets .

  8. 持有上海券商华鑫证券(chinafortunesecurities)股份的四家上市公司表示,该集团不久将与摩根士丹利合资组建一家投行,而这只有在摩根士丹利脱手中金公司股份后才有可能实现。

    Four listed companies that hold stakes in Shanghai-based brokerage China Fortune Securities said the group would soon set up an investment bank joint venture with Morgan Stanley . That can only happen once it has divested the CICC stake .

  9. 香港的IPO交易受到散户情绪的推动,投资者希望发行公司及其顾问能够通过定价,令股票在上市首日走出强劲行情,以便他们脱手所持股份。

    Hong Kong IPOs are driven by retail sentiment , and investors look to issuers and their advisers to price the shares to achieve strong debuts so they can flip their holdings .

  10. 通用汽车迄今未能将旗下hummer品牌脱手,尽管它努力引起中国及其他地区潜在买家的兴趣。

    General Motors has thus far failed to sell its Hummer brand , in spite of efforts to interest Chinese and other potential buyers .

  11. 多数银行的三级资产全年都呈上升趋势,因为它们手中的按揭支持证券(mbs)和债务抵押证券(cdo)几乎不可能脱手,此类资产池被分块卖给投资者,其中往往包含抵押贷款。

    Level-three assets have risen all year for most banks as they have found it virtually impossible to sell mortgage-backed securities and collateralised debt obligations , pools of assets sold in tranches to investors and which often contain mortgages .

  12. 随着中国工商银行(ICBC)股份的锁定期本周即将到期,又有两家外国投资者预期将脱手其增值不少的股份,从中筹集逾20亿美元。

    Two more foreign investors in Chinese banks are expected to cash in lucrative stakes and raise a total of more than $ 2bn this week as a lock-in period ends for their holdings in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China .

  13. Macarthur的少数股东们如今正在权衡,是折价发售新股,提高股东名册上业内公司的集中度,还是接受目前很小、但有增大潜力的溢价,全部脱手。

    Minorities are now weighing the issuance of shares at a discount , increasing the concentration of industry players on the register , against a currently small , but potentially bigger premium to remove them altogether .

  14. Royce建议:'如果你看见你要买的那一款在他们的停车场上停着好几辆,那么你可以有道理地认为经销商需要尽快脱手。

    " If you see several vehicles of the same model you want to buy sitting there on their lot , then you can reasonably assume that the dealership needs to move them out ASAP ," advises Royce .

  15. 不过,随着各方对欧元区及其对付危机的能力担忧加深,关注焦点已转向efsf仍不明朗的结构,这可能意味着此类债券将难以在市场上脱手。

    However , as worries over the eurozone and its ability to tackle the crisis have deepened , the focus has shifted to the structure of the EFSF , which is still unclear and may mean these bonds could be difficult to sell back to the market .

  16. 单杠向后大回环脱手原因分析

    Cause Analysis of Hand Leaving in Horizontal Bar Giant Swing Backward

  17. 但如果价格正在走高,为什么现在就脱手呢?

    But if prices are heading higher , why sell now ?

  18. 把那辆旧车脱手了,我们很高兴。

    We is glad to get shoot of that old car .

  19. 喜欢脱手,抓不紧球。

    Little fumble , can 't hold on to the football .

  20. 估计数越低,这些公寓就越容易脱手。

    The lower assessment made it easier to sell the apartments .

  21. 我们不需要把这个脱手。

    We don 't need to let this one go .

  22. 现在,他一斤棉花也不能脱手啊。

    Now he can 't unload any of his cotton .

  23. 话说回来,这仍是一个脱手的机会。

    Still , this is a chance to get out .

  24. 他们将会很快知道,我们急着脱手。

    They already gonna know we just trying to unload the shit .

  25. 专注埋头办事,打造行业品牌,脱手天然非凡!

    Focus on hard services , building industry brands , extraordinary natural shot !

  26. 以法国银行为先锋,欧洲各国银行都在脱手自己以美元结算的资产。

    With French banks in the vanguard , they are offloading dollar-denominated assets .

  27. 正好在价格下跌前脱手,真是精明之举。

    It was an astute move to sell just before prices went down .

  28. 我在做手势时盘子不小心脱手了。

    II was gesturing , aand the plate slipped out of my hand .

  29. 他正想将这间公寓脱手。

    He 's getting rid of the apartment .

  30. 如果站起来和脱手是要加罚时间的。

    If you stand up and get rid of is to add penalty time .