
  • 网络Nes;Famicom;Family Computer;Nintendo Famicom
  1. 任天堂证明了自己能够利用搞怪、有趣的人物以及复杂的游戏设计,超越其早期游戏设备(1985年的“红白机”(NES)和1989年的掌上游戏机GameBoy)的技术限制。

    Nintendo had proved able to transcend the limited technology of its earlier devices - the Nintendo Entertainment System console in 1985 and the Game Boy handheld in 1989 - with quirky , amusing characters and intricate games design .

  2. 其实这款手游就是经典红白机射击游戏小蜜蜂。

    In fact , this tour is the classic red and white hand-shooting game machine small bees .

  3. 一项新研究表明,想通过玩电脑游戏来锻炼大脑的人倒不如去玩“超级玛丽”(译者注:日本任天堂公司上世纪推出的一款红白机小游戏)。

    People playing computer games to train their brains might as well be playing Super Mario , a new research suggests .