
  • 网络Solis;Odlanier Solis
  1. 农业部长威尔萨克(tomvilsack)曾担任爱荷华州州长;劳工部长索利斯(hildasolis)曾是国会议员;而获得卫生与社会服务部长提名的西博利厄斯(kathleensebelius)现任堪萨斯州州长。

    Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack was a former Iowa governor ; Labor Secretary Hilda Solis was a member of Congress ; and Kathleen Sebelius , the nominee for health and Human Services Secretary , is now governor of Kansas .

  2. 电话里的那个人叫我索利斯先生?

    The guy on the phone called me " Mr. Solis . "

  3. 2016年诺贝尔物理学奖被一分为二,其中一半授予给了大卫·J·索利斯,另一半授予给了F·邓肯·M·霍尔丹和J·迈克尔·科斯特利兹,以表彰他们在拓扑相变和拓扑领域的理论发现。

    The Nobel Prize in Physics 2016 was divided , with one half awarded to David J. Thouless , the other half jointly to F. Duncan M. Haldane and J. Michael Kosterlitz " for theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter . "

  4. 索利斯现在是华盛顿大学的荣誉教授。

    Thouless is currently emeritus professor at the University of Washington .

  5. 索利斯先生这算怎么回事啊?

    mr. Solis , What The Hell Was That ?

  6. 桑切斯:是索利斯先生和索利斯太太吗?

    Sanchez : Mrs. And mrs. Solis ?

  7. 这位新任总统索利斯承诺解决腐败问题,贫困和不平等。

    President-elect Solis campaigned with the promise to tackle corruption , poverty , and inequality .

  8. 索利斯有个好开头。

    Solis had a good start .

  9. 原来未败过的索利斯后来陈述在受到猛击之后他的右膝受伤了。

    The previously unbeaten Solis later stated that he injured his right knee after the punch .

  10. 另一个不足之处在于,索利斯花费大量的篇幅把他自己的经验一般化。

    Another flaw is that Solis spends much of the time generalising from his own experiences .

  11. 相反,它有一个超凡的网站,而索利斯在书的开头部分说网站并不重要。

    Instead it has a great website something Solis says earlier in the book does not matter .

  12. 克里琴科努力控制比赛,用他的大范围刺拳并且成功的打击着索利斯的贴近。

    Klitschko tried to control the action with his rangy jab and had success hitting Solis coming in .

  13. 第一回合结束后,甘博阿已经知道该如何对付索利斯了。

    By the time the first round was over , Gamboa knew that Solis was his for the taking .

  14. 有人预测克里钦科胜,要么是点数或后期的技术性击倒在惩罚索利斯之后。

    Some predicted a Klitschko win , either by clear cut decision or late technical knockout after punishing Solis .

  15. 她竞选国会议员又是胜选请听好了希尔达.索利斯最终的确成为一名秘书

    She ran for Congress , she won And lo and behold Hilda Solis did end up becoming a secretary .

  16. 索利斯站了起来,但他的腿弯曲了,裁判及时终止了比赛。

    Solis got back on his feet but his legs buckled and the referee rightfully called a halt to the action .

  17. 索利斯是个优秀的有极好防守技术的拳手,由于他的风格预计会给甘博阿觉得难打。

    Solis an excellent boxer with great defensive skills that figures to give Gamboa a difficult fight because of his style .

  18. 获胜者被宣布为安贝尔索利斯索萨从尤卡坦半岛,谁将会继续在世界小姐代表墨西哥。

    The winner was announced as Anabel Solis Sosa from Yucatan , who will go on to represent Mexico at Miss World .

  19. 索利斯表示,零售商必须与竞争者展开价格比拼,因为手持手机的消费者在排队购物时,可以搜索最便宜的选择。

    Retailers , says Solis , must match competitors ' prices , because phone-wielding consumers can seek out the cheapest option when queueing to purchase goods .

  20. 索利斯认识到,并非只有一种“互联消费者”对不同的受众,需要采取不同的企划方案,并且能够从不同的设备访问。

    Solis recognises that there is not just one type of " connected consumer " different audiences want different corporate approaches that are accessible on different devices .

  21. 今年的奖金额为800万瑞典克朗(折合93万美元),其中一半授予给了索利斯,另一半由霍尔丹和科斯特利兹分享。

    This year 's prize amount is 8 million Swedish krona ( $ 0.93 million ) , with one half to Thouless and the other half to be shared between Haldane and Kosterlitz .

  22. 在美国广播公司制作的电视剧《绝望主妇》中,朗格利亚饰演的是美艳主妇加布丽尔·索利斯。朗格利亚接下来将出现在影片《我遇到了男友死去的未婚妻》中,该片预计于2007年上映。

    Longoria , who plays saucy Gabrielle Solis on the ABC dramedy , can next be seen on the big screen in " How I Met My Boyfriend 's Dead Fiancee ," due in2007 .

  23. 作为在网上关注公司的交换,他们要求获得产品折扣;索利斯称,打造一个时髦的网站、然后指望消费者来访问已经不够了。

    In return for following companies online , they are demanding discounts on products ; it is not enough , Solis says , to have a snazzy website and hope that customers will come to you .

  24. 曾经与美林证券、辉瑞制药和花旗银行合作的职业教练康妮-萨纳索利斯·切拉基奥建议在公司的慈善活动以及像垒球游戏等社交活动中寻找爱情,而不是盯着身边的同事。

    Connie Thanasoulis-Cerrachio , a career coach who has worked with companies including Merrill Lynch , Pfizer and Citigroup , recommends looking for love at office philanthropic activities and social events like softball games rather than in the neighboring cubicle .