- 名Mental abuse;mental cruelty

This is called " soft domestic violence " , also known as emotional abuse . Non-physical abuse toward family members can include ignoring other people 's needs or neglecting to communicate regularly .
While women are more commonly the victims of abuse , men also are often victims - especially of emotional abuse . And emotional abuse can be just as destructive , and even more confusing to understand .
It 's confusing because often the hardest step in getting away from abuse is recognizing when a relationship is abusive .
It turned out she was just as clueless as I was and had a tenancy for emotional abuse when things got hectic or too hot to handle
But if you ignore your basic needs , they will find a way to come back to you in the long run - in the form of fights , emotional abuse , cheating and even divorce . 3 .
Dieter Wolke works at the University of Warwick in England . Until recently , most studies of child victims focused not on bullying but on maltreatment , this psychologist says . Maltreatment includes physical or emotional abuse , neglect or other behaviors that can harm a child .
It doesn 't matter whether you talk to people who work in social justice , mental health and abuse and neglect ,
Inspired by the teachings of Carl Jung , Swiss psychologist Dora Kalff developed the sandplay technique to communicate with patients who might have difficulty sharing their feelings as a result of trauma or abuse .
Or , is animal mental illness just a result of mistreatment or abuse ?
Frederick Douglass suffered severe physical and mental abuse during his many years as a slave .
Many are at school or the community . At home , children living with a sick adult are more likely to live in poverty and face physical and emotional abuse .