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  • romantic
罗曼蒂克 [luó màn dì kè]
  • [romantic] 浪漫;具有强烈的个人感情、高度的个人爱慕之情或对心爱的人或爱情关系理想化的特色

罗曼蒂克[luó màn dì kè]
  1. 这种说法并非我的原创——它的版权属于蒂姆o列伯莱希特。他的新书《商业罗曼蒂克》(TheBusinessRomantic)即将出版。

    The phrase isn 't mine - it belongs to Tim Leberecht , author of the soon-to-be released The Business Romantic .

  2. 安茹常被认为是罗曼蒂克爱情的发源地。

    Angevin is often credited as being the birthplace of romantic love .

  3. 伦敦雾品牌的负责人DariMarder说这次广告的创意来自一对情侣罗曼蒂克、爱意缠绵的那一瞬间,伊娃和帕克把把本次广告的意境表现得淋漓精致!

    The creative concept was a romantic intimate moment , so it was a lot of Eva and Tony standing really close and nuzzling , ' said Dari Marder of London Fog .

  4. 她的嗓音圆润、浑厚,他的蓝调布鲁斯和民谣非常罗曼蒂克,非常有古典美。

    Her smooth R & B balladry is very moving .

  5. 那家温馨的意大利餐馆充满着罗曼蒂克的情歌。

    Romantic love songs fill the air in that cozy Italian restaurant .

  6. 在他看来,这已经是真正的罗曼蒂克了。

    It seemed to him the very soul of romance .

  7. 据说,这件新闻是非常罗曼蒂克的。

    The item , as retailed , is romantic in the extreme .

  8. 美国人全年都是罗曼蒂克的,尤其是在二月十四日。

    Americans are romantic all year long , but especially on February 14 .

  9. 哦,艾凡!没想到你这么罗曼蒂克!

    Oh , evan ! I didn 't know you were so romantic !

  10. 这是一个充满了罗曼蒂克渴求的如歌旋律,标记是安静的有表情的。

    Marked tranquillo and expressive is a songful tune filled with romantic longing .

  11. 对男人来说,什么是罗曼蒂克晚餐?云雨。

    What 's a man 's definition of a romantic evening ? Sex .

  12. 守护阶级的成员之间,不存在罗曼蒂克的爱。

    There is nothing like romantic love among the members of the guardian class .

  13. 罗曼蒂克的音乐日记与浪漫主义的音乐格言&肖邦《钢琴前奏曲》作品第28号研究

    Romantic Musical Dairy and Romantic Musical Motto & A Study in Chopin 's Prelude Op.28

  14. 这也许会让你有罗曼蒂克的感觉,或者你会觉得自己爱上他了。

    You may be feeling romantic , or perhaps you may even be in love .

  15. 此站对象是那些寻求真爱,罗曼蒂克,以及婚姻的单身人士。

    This site is targeted toward singles looking for love , romance , and marriage .

  16. 由于他对爱情的看法过于罗曼蒂克,他的私人生活也相当悲惨。

    He also had a tragic personal life because of his romantic view of love .

  17. 通常男方会试着以罗曼蒂克的方式「提出这个问题」以带给女方惊喜。

    Often he tries to surprise her by popping the question in a romantic way .

  18. 在每一个长期的罗曼蒂克的关系中,垄断会带来更大的回报。

    In every long-term romantic situation , returns are greater when there is a monopoly .

  19. 回家来过圣庭节这件事原来对她的一点点罗曼蒂克的魅力,即刻就烟消云散了。

    Immediately what little romantic glamour this Christmas homecoming had held for her was dissipated .

  20. 说起来挺有点儿罗曼蒂克。

    It was quite a romantic situation .

  21. 本书集滑稽好笑、阴森可怕、悲剧色彩、内容翔实、罗曼蒂克和仓惶失措于一身。

    It is at once funny , gruesome , tragic , informative , romantic and disconcerting .

  22. 男方时常尝试以罗曼蒂克的方式“蹦出这个问题”,想给女方一个惊喜。

    Often he tries to surprise her by " popping the question " in a romantic way .

  23. 一旦夫妇俩有了孩子,情况会变得更糟&一些实用的物件将彻底取代罗曼蒂克的礼物。

    And it gets worse once you have children & romantic presents are replaced by practical ones .

  24. 另一些并不那么罗曼蒂克而更为注重实际的人则说,不是爱情。

    Others of a less romantic and more practical turn of mind say that it isn 't love ;

  25. 他只知道这是他有生以来第一次完成了某种罗曼蒂克和令人激动的大事。

    He only knew he had done something romantic and exciting for the first time in his life .

  26. 有一个时期,她常与巴尔·米勒约会,我们听说后者与埃莉诺有罗曼蒂克的关系。

    For a time , she dated Barl Miller , who we heard was romantically involved with Eleanor .

  27. 曾几何时,我们都梦想恋爱中寻找的他或她,追求罗曼蒂克的情缘。

    Not long ago , we all dream of finding love in his or her pursuit of romantic love .

  28. 我很积极,真诚,忠心,善良,坦率,富于想象,还有一些罗曼蒂克。

    I am positive thinking , honest , loyal , kind-hearted , open , imaginative and being a bit romantic .

  29. 他专横独断,她却爱好自由;他耽于利欲,她却也许有点罗曼蒂克。

    He was despotic , and she liked freedom ; he was worldly , and she , perhaps , romantic .

  30. 与外国人相爱,浪漫的旅行,共同参加宗教仪式,还有罗曼蒂克的诺言都是是充满可能的。

    Falling in love with foreigners , romantic travel , sharing religious ceremonies together , and romantic commitments are promoted .