
  • 网络Pink wall and black tile;Expanse Daiwa
  1. 在苏州一条粉墙黛瓦的老街上,住着一个出生名门的九旬老太和她六十多岁的保姆。

    On an old Suzhou street , lives an old lady in her nineties with her nanny .

  2. 以粉墙黛瓦为代表的徽派建筑具有独特的地域文化特征。

    Huizhou factional architecture , as a representative of " White wall and black tiles ", has unique characteristics of regional culture .

  3. 整个建筑群粉墙黛瓦,鳞次栉比,轩阔宽深,中西合璧,两年前刚刚修复,可称江南第一豪宅。

    Daiwa entire complex , etc. , Hin wide wide deep combination of Chinese and Western content , just two years ago repaired , said Jiangnan one house .