
  1. 本文采用粉末冶金方法制备了不同成分及粒度的Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷。

    Ti ( C , N ) based cermets with different compositions and powder sizes were made by powder metallurgical method .

  2. 用粉末冶金方法研究了弥散相Y_2O_3的含量和颗粒大小与分布对银合金高温力学性能的影响。

    A dispersion strengthened silver containing Y_2O_3 as dispersion phase was prepared by powder metallurgical technology .

  3. 作者采用粉末冶金方法,通过X-ray衍射谱、SEM观察等大量实验,研究了钢基-Al2O3金属陶瓷复合材料的烧结机理。

    The method of powder metallurgy is applied to Fe-Al2O3 cermet composites by X-ray diffraction spectrum , SEM observation , etc.

  4. 粉末冶金方法在块状雄黄制备过程As2O3气体污染防治中的应用

    Application of powder metallurgical method in preventing and treating as_2o_3-containing gas pollution caused by the preparation of blocky Realgar

  5. 本课题尝试采用粉末冶金方法制备非连续Cf/Cu复合材料,对碳纤维的表面处理、复合材料的制备工艺进行了重点研究,并对复合材料的组织及性能进行了较为系统的研究。

    In the study , powder metallurgy was adopted to fabricate discontinuous Cf / Cu composite . The surface treatment of carbon fibers and fabricating technology of the composite were two keys of the study .

  6. 与常规的粉末冶金方法相比,TiC钢结硬质合金通过这种工艺路线可以具有更高的密度和强度。

    Compared with conventional P / M method , the route can obtain steel bonded TiC with a higher density and better mechanical properties .

  7. 采用粉末冶金方法制备铁基非晶粉体/Zn复合材料,用X射线衍射仪、金相显微镜和扫描电镜(配备能谱仪)分析研究材料的界面及显微结构及其主要影响因素。

    The Fe-based amorphous powder / Zn composite is prepared by powder metallurgy process , and some significant interface affecting factors and microstructure of the composite are investigated by X-ray diffractometer , metallograph and SEM ( equipped with EDS ) .

  8. 文摘采用粉末冶金方法制备了银-石墨-铜-碳纤维复合材料,通过金相、XRD分析和物理性能测试等手段,对不同石墨和铜含量的银基复合材料的组织和性能进行了研究。

    Silver-graphite-copper-carbon fiber composites is prepared by powder metallurgy . The structure and physical property of the silver matrix composite with different graphite and copper content are studied through metallographic analysis , XRD and physical testing method .

  9. 文章论述了采用粉末冶金方法制备了SiC颗粒增强铁基复合材料,通过实验观察分析了SiC颗粒对材料致密度、硬度、强度及耐磨性的影响。

    The SiC particulate reinforced iron matrix composite prepared by powder metallurgy method was studied . The influence of the SiC particulate on the density , hardness , bent strength and wear resistance of the material were investigated .

  10. 以粉末冶金方法制备了块体SiC/CFGM,该材料结合了SiC的耐腐蚀、抗冲刷和石墨的高抗热冲击性能,具备良好的抗热疲劳性能,拓展了SiC陶瓷的应用前景。

    The bulk SiC / C FGM was fabricated by powder metallurgy processing . It mixes the high erosion-resistance of SiC and high thermal-shock of graphite , and has high thermal fatigue . This work opens an application prospective for SiC ceramic .

  11. 用传统粉末冶金方法制备了一种新型纳米TiN改性TiC基金属陶瓷可转位铣刀片。研究了这种面铣刀片在切削正火态45钢时的铣削性能及其失效机理。

    A new flexible cermet miller fabricated from nearly full dense TiC-based cermets with TiN nano-powders is tested in face milling operations , in the dry cutting of a carbon steel 45 . Milling performances and wear mechanisms are studied in details .

  12. 为了克服Ag作为超导基底时的高温使用缺陷,提高Ag的熔点及其力学性能,选择了高熔点的Al2O3作为掺杂物,通过传统粉末冶金方法制备了Al2O3/Ag基复合材料。

    To overcome the high-temperature defects of Ag used as the substrate of superconducting tape and improve the mechanical properties and melting point of Ag , the alumina whose melting point is high was selected as a doping to prepare Al2O3 / Ag composite through conventional powder metallurgy .

  13. 本试验采用粉末冶金方法制备碳纳米管-银-石墨复合材料,初压压力200MPa,在H2保护气氛下烧结并保温1h,复压压力400MPa制得复合材料。

    In this paper , CNTs-Ag-G composite brushes were fabricated by means of powder metallurgy method . The process included mixing powder , pressing at 200 MPa , sintering for 1h in pure H_2 protective atmosphere at 700 ℃ and repressing at 400 MPa .

  14. 本论文用粉末冶金方法,采用混料冷等静压氢气烧结真空热处理的工艺流程,制备95W-Ni-Fe-Me(Me为Co或Mn等添加元素)样品。

    In this study , the 95W-Ni-Fe-Me series alloys ( Me stands for Co , Mn or other alloying elements ) are prepared by powder metallurgical ( PM ) methods . The PM process consists of four steps of mixing , CIP , hydrogen sintering , and vacuum heat treatment .

  15. 机械合金化和反应烧结是制备Ti3SiC2的重要方法。文中介绍了Ti3SiC2结构、性能,以及制备Ti3SiC2的一些粉末冶金方法。

    Both the mechanical alloy and reaction - ( sintering ) are the mains method to fabricate Ti_3SiC_2.In the paper , we discuss the construction and properties of Ti_3SiC_2 , and give some power metallurgy technologies to fabricating Ti_3SiC_2 .

  16. 铝合金基复合材料分别用粉末冶金方法和铸造方法制备,铝锂合金基复合材料用粉末冶金方法方法制备。

    The composites were prepared by powder metallurgy and cast methods .

  17. 采用粉末冶金方法研制出金属陶瓷导板。

    Cu-W based metallic ceramic guide hase developed by power metallurgy process .

  18. 采用粉末冶金方法进行人造金刚石多晶体的烧结。

    Artificial diamond polycrystalline-sintered compact was sintered by using P / M process .

  19. 本产品系采用粉末冶金方法经压坯和压力加工而制成。

    This product is manufactured by powder metallurgy through compacting and pressure working .

  20. 金属-玻璃复合材料可用粉末冶金方法制取。

    Metal & glass composites materials can be produced by P / M process .

  21. 在与常规加工方法比较的基础上,阐明了该微型气缸采用粉末冶金方法成形的优越性。

    On the bases of comparing against routine processing method , clarify the superiority of powder metallurgy forming for the miniature cylinder .

  22. 采用粉末冶金方法制备多孔钛样品,孔隙率约为40%,最大孔径为240μm。

    The porous titanium with maximal pore size about 239 μ m and 40 % porosity was prepared by powder metallurgy process .

  23. 机械合金化(MA)作为一种粉末冶金方法可以获得具有超细晶粒结构的材料。

    Mechanical alloying ( MA ) is known as a powder metallurgy processing route for producing compacts with an ultrafine grain structure .

  24. 研究了用粉末冶金方法生产的非金属含量较高的摩擦材料在模拟空间状态下的摩擦磨损性能。

    Friction and abrasion properties of the abrasion material with high non-metal content processed by powder metallurgy were investigated in simulated space state .

  25. 实验通过粉末冶金方法制备碳纳米管增强铜基复合材料试样,确定了最佳制备工艺,试样的致密度平均达到97%。

    The compactness of CNT / Cu composites , prepared by powder metallurgy with optimum process , achieves an average 97 % . 3 .

  26. 本文介绍了用部分粉末冶金方法和金属压力加工方法加工镁基弥散型(镁-金;镁-氧化硼;镁-氧化铪)薄壁管的研制工作。

    A method using powder metallurgy and metallic extrusion to manufacture three kinds of magnesium based thin wall tubes of dispersion type is presented .

  27. 因此选择何种粉末冶金方法来制作零件取决于其所需的性能级别。

    Therefore the method selected for the fabrication of a component by powder metallurgy will depend on the level of performance required from the part .

  28. 作者利用透射电子显微镜对由粉末冶金方法制成的新型镍基高温自润滑复合材料进行了微观形貌的观察和选区电子衍射分析。

    Observations and electron diffraction analysis were conducted by means of TEM for a new powder metallurgy nickel based self-lubricating composite material used at high temperatures .

  29. 采用粉末冶金方法制备出Ag-ABO3颗粒弥散强化材料,并对新材料的制备工艺和电接触性能进行了研究。

    The new composite materials of Ag-ABO 3 were prepared by the method of powder metallurgy . The preparing technique and performance of the composite were studied .

  30. 本文研究了粉末冶金方法制备的Ni5%Ag合金的微观组织、力学性能、电阻率、抗碱性侵蚀能力,并对同等条件下制备的镍棒进行了对比分析。

    Microstructure , mechanical properties , resistivity and alkaline corrosion resistance of Ni-5 % Ag alloy prepared by powder metallurgy process were investigated in comparison with pure Ni .